Let's do a thought experiment Veeky Forumsizens

At exactly 12:00 PM, every user that has posted on Veeky Forums in the last three months receives a warning in a deep, unnatural voice, it says

> "You have two hours to prepare."

Before disappearing. You innately sense that you will be teleported to another world, much like earth, with an ecosystem reminiscent of prehistoric earth, and a great many abandoned, and empty ruins that haven't been occupied for at least a century.

You will be able to take 200 pounds of anything you can carry, or one person you know personally and 100 pounds of anything you can carry, with you.

When the anons are teleported, each board will receive 250 miles of untamed wilderness, with a moderately sized ruined city, containing the bare minimum needed to kickstart a medieval level civilization, to themselves.

/diy/ gets its own land, /pol/ gets its own, etc. Each user will be teleported to the territory of the board they browse and post most frequently in, if they're divided in their posting, they go to the board they favor most.

> What, or who, do you take with you, and what is your plan to survive and start civilization?

200 lbs of squat plugs

I don't think I need to explain more

I'd probably be divided between /k and /fit so I'd probably choose /k so we could create a /kozy paradise

I'd take my qt.3.14 girlfriend, a wood axe, some knives, a dutch oven, some matches, a few changes of clothes, a survival guide, and as much beer as I could carry, because it'd be damn valuable.

How would we run Veeky Forumsland? Would the anons with the biggest gains be in charge? Would we raid other boards for supplies?

I'd take the king rippetoe and a full set of rune armour along with rune scimitar

199 lbs of milk & a copy of starting strength

I'd definitely raid other boards for their women they may have brought like you

Take them into the Veeky Forums tribe, rape and impregnate them to have a continuous growth of manpower for the future

If take my wife, my sig 226, my vepyr, my ar(for the wife I prefer the vepyr), a couple emergency water filters and as much left weight I had I'd fill with ammo and misc shit like knives, an axe etc. I'd probably be in no mans land inbetween fit and pol, but that's cool I'd set up camp alone with my wife and forge a new fit conservative land where good values would thrive

I take my brother and blunt weapons.

Ally /k/ and /diy/ for their usefulness. Next, raid DYEL boards like Veeky Forums or /v/. Take their stuff but leave them enough to live. We take prisoners to use as slave labor.

Here's the brilliance of this: whenever we get too many slaves we kill them and feast on their flesh for gainz. We run out of slaves we raid again. Rinse and repeat.

You are over estimating the average board to survive long enough for you to raid/pillage/eat, 2 weeks in most of this site would be pure carrion so unless you are into that you might wanna work on real hunter gatherer shit

>being out alone
Enjoy getting fucking raided at night

What're we going to do about the /pol/ack Reich? There's potentially millions of them, and they're all autistic fanatics. Would our physical superiority be enough to defeat their sheer numbers? And what do we do when /an/ starts training dinosaur cavalry?

OP said the bare minimum requirements to start a medieval civilization, so I don't think anons would starve off until at least a month or two had passed.

This minus the cannibalism, because I'd take like 50 fertilized and incubated chicken eggs, each from a different mother to prevent the risk of genetic diseases or deformations as a result of inbreeding, and cultivate a booming chicken farm for sustenance, and as a tool for bartering with other Veeky Forumsizens seeking to preserve their gains.
Hopefully we can get a couple hundred other anons to bite the bullet and take enough calves to create a new milk and beef source in the new world at the cost of not being able to take anything else,

/pol/, and Veeky Forums: odd bedfellows, do they make, though bedfellows they'd be nonetheless. n-no homo

He of too much faith, some bords have potential, most of them are dead quickly though

Girl clothes and wigs. ez mode survival

You only have 2 hours, user.

Well fuck, better hope we have enough farm boys on here that'd be smart enough to take an egg laying chicken or two, and a rooster to achieve the same or similar effect.

OK Veeky Forums, how are we going to fortify our starting cory? I'm thinking a few anons could bring shovels and sledgehammers, and we could use /r9k/ and weakling board slave labor to build a giant ass stone wall and a bigass moat full of sharpened wooden spikes. That would be enough to fend off most boards, but I'm sure some /k/razy fucker would bring c4 or something, and, like this user said, tamed war dinos from /an/, and maybe /out/ would be a pretty big threat.

> *starting city, fuck autocorrect.

A barbell 2 45 pouns plates ,2 25 pound plates ,2 5 pound plates, wraps , belt, chalk

*ice barrage*
didn't think clearly did you?

OP's mom

wtf I hate Veeky Forums now

Hutterite chick, 100lbs of tools, bow+arrow, chickens, jerky, and my bible.

I'm going to live like my ancestors, so 80% chance I get sick and we both starve before raising any children. Or she dies in childbirth. At best 1 in 5 of them will die before they are 3, maybe 2 out of 5 will survive long enough to have kids of their own.

>35 Pound ruck with full packing list
>Add in other survival supplies such as first aid and food so add another 20 pounds
>10 pound rifle
>10 pounds of ammo
>5 pounds of lube
>Person I'm taking with me is my dog because fuck you

I'm going with /k/.

>wraps for a 1.5 plate deadlift

>when you use stopwatches to split your browsing time up evenly between Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /k/, /g/, /b/, and /pol/

i don't even know where I would go

hopefully back to /b/

we'll I am hoping other fitizens bring pl8's so we can share

Take my buddy with gun knowledge and all the ammo he has, along with my hand tools, nails, clothes, and some food.

>Split between /d/ and Veeky Forums
Gonna have to go with /d/ on this one. The Veeky Forums land would probably be some mountain or by a mine and would force me to dig all day, whereas the /d/ one would be by the sea to contain all the tentacles.

/d/ land would be comfy as fuck, I can have sex and live in a colony of fishers and sailors by the sea.

I for one would be in /pol/and, so prepare your anuses. You won't be able to defeat Veeky Forums /pol/acks.

i honestly think all the boards would gather up together against /pol/. after killing all the annoying and useless wastes of food boards like /b/ /mlp/ /v/ and all the porn boards.

Veeky Forums and /out/ would lead the coalition against /pol/. but it really depends on if /pol/ turns into the 4th reich or anarchist capitalist land. it's going to be a bloody civil war but we only have to worry about /pol/ if they get all white supremecist on everyone. even then you're okay as long as you're white.

/k/ would be like the boomers in fallout new vegas. just a huge 250 square mile chunk of land that nobody dares get near or risks getting turned into swiss cheese. they'd hunker down and clear out all the trees around their ruins and just live peacefully with eachother.

as for what i would bring it'd be whatever semi-automatic rifle that's the most durable at whatever gun shop i go into and 50 pounds of ammo. 5 pound bags of seeds of all the major vegetables and fruits, potato, carrot, apples, bananas, etc. and the rest of my weight in healthy hens and at least 2 roosters.

i was thinking about night vision goggles but i don't want to mess with solar panels and wires and batteries and shit.

Torn between Veeky Forums and /k/, why can't we team up ang enslave the rest

i don't prepare because I am sealed with the blood of jesus christ and am part of an unbreakable prophecy to be raptured as the bride of christ who is the church. No weapon formed against me by no pussy demon can do crap to me. Rapture on or by September 23rd, 2017 Jerusalem time.

Cool beans. Want to join me in my crusade to purge /b/, /d/, and /mlp/?

Purge it of what? Maybe.

The sheer degeneracy. Sodom ans Gomorrah could've only dreamed of the depravity they engorge themselves on every day.

>Sodom and Gomorrah
>Gangrapes strangers
>/b/, /d/, /mlp/
>posts gross pics on the internet

Totally the same. But no, I don't need that disturbing content in my life or on my psyche. Plus I'm a homo so I'm gonna give the whole thing a hard pass. Good luck though.

Btw, did you know, david, the man whom the bible says was a man after god's own heart, was a homo or at the very least bisexual? wouldjesusdiscriminate.org/biblical_evidence/david_jonathan.html

There is definitely a need for purges of degeneracy and of all the people too weak to sustain their own lives in the wilderness. Veeky Forums and /diy/ and /out/ have an obligation to get raid and pillage the tribes of those who wouldn't stand a chance anyway. They don't need to survive if it means we must live a harsher life.

You're on the way to hell with that attitude. Might makes right is a marxist, satanic doctrine. Love makes right.

Guy from above. Was joking around, but I whole heatedly believe that shit. We gotta love each other man, but when it comes to like fucking kids or like animals or like really fucked up shit that's where the purging part sort of makes sense. I'm all for like people doing what they want but I feel like in the wilderness there's gonna be fucked up tribal shit that involves that shit, and its gonna be /b/ and /mlp/ that spearhead that shit.

That being said, we have to survive and keep gains alive, when the creatine runs out we're gonna be raiding the DYEL's for what they have, because when survival is on the line, primal instincts kick in. As soon as we revert back to our cave men-like mentality we'll be eating each other and killing each other to live.

>dog cause fuck trusting any channers
>machete - 5lbs
>hiking backpack filled with essentials (first aid, medicine, extra shoes, sewing kit, small tarp, rope, some rations, blade care kit, binoculars, Chlorin e6 droplets, canteen) - 70lbs
>prehistoric plants book - 3lbs
>survival book - 3lbs
>leather armor - 15lbs
>dumbell fleshlight - 4lbs

Can I bring another person and my 114 pound dog?

100 lbs of weapons and muh gym bro.
Let's build an empire famalam!

I'd probably be Veeky Forums; honestly as far as putting together a functioning medieval society goes you could get worse luck.

I'd bring:
>my violin: entertainment/culture is critical for society to function
>a few notebooks/reams of paper, a bunch of pens and pencils
>all of the canned/dry food in my house
>a suitcase full of my hardiest clothes/spare shoes
>soap, toothbrush, toothpaste
>my knife, my sword, my hatchet, a whetstone, hammer and nails
>a few books
>sleeping bag/pillow
>water bottle
>a cooking pot

If I have time, I'll run to Can Tire to pick up some seeds, a tent, and a first aid kit. If i have time afterwards, I'll pick up as much hard liquor as i can.

I think that so long as I can find some fa/tg/uys that are reasonably non-autistic we can make a decent run of things. My goals would be:
>form a small cadre of competent fellows
>secure a defensible camp site, probably in the abandoned city; somewhere at the edge with long sight lines to allow for scavenging from the city snd from the wilderness
>ration the food, post a rotating guard on the food, and immediately try to secure a source of food production/gathering
>establish some form of leadership system, either elected leader, voting council, or communal voting depending on how many people there are/if one of our number is outstandingly competent
>continue to shore up settlement defences, unite with other Veeky Forums clans
>attempt to establish relations with other boards, set up lines of communication see if there is anything worth trading (eg; do the different boardlands have access to different resources?)
Other things worth noting:
>organize cultural events like singing/dancing, keep spirits up and build community
>keep paper records of everything, get to work cartographing our land
>reclaim building materials from the ruined city and work on building a walled town using existing buildings as towers
>organize a collective fighting force, training to use Spears/fight as a group

I'd take 200lbs of Ray Mears

200lbs of vaccines so i can infect myself with enough autism to conjure a portal back to my room using the power of ultra autism

>200 lbs

How many six year olds is that? Asking for a friend.

I'd bring a hundred pounds of goats and my survivalist friend. In a few years, we'd have an entire goat herd.
