Post people who killed millions to save billions

Post people who killed millions to save billions

My man



My personal hero, Arthur "Airborne cremation for the Aryan nation" Harris

Don’t forget William “wed the reb to the dead” Sherman


They raped millions to save billions


If only

I love how they're just wearing cotton shirts in the middle of winter
Russians truly are the master race

He sure saved billions of westerns from their own oppressive and racist culture.

unironically though


No he meant post people who killed millions to save billions of PEOPLE, not billions of loafs of bread.


>killed at least one million too few to save anyone
>actually accelerated the Jewish takeover of the world
I hope he really did kill himself.

The thought that he retired to a comfy beach villa in South America or escaped into space is horrible to imagine.

but I thought it was Stalin who directly ordered the rain not to fall on Ukraine and for the nationalists to burn the wheat fields?


Yeah i don't know how true that is about him not dying and went to south america.
You're right though he really should have delayed going to war because he was set up to lose and now the jews have pretty much won because they have their strongest weapon because of the "holocaust".

Anti-semitism was pretty normal before Hitler.

This is correct

If you read the supposed full story of those declassified files he married a nig, so I wouldn't put too much stock into it

I don't get it? Am I supposed to feel sympathy for the kulak and his "property rights". Is dying because a kulak has the freedom to be a dick with his property rights freedom?

This isn't even a kulaks did nothing wrong agument.

Arthur "Air Mobile Holocaust MK 2 Lancaster boogaloo" Harris

The point is gommunism is bad

But so are kulaks. But apparently Trotsky is a good guy

>pickaxe pablo in the background
I'm dying, help


Do you hate freedom and god?

This comic only makes me like communism


Kulaks deserved it though


>implying antisemitism is a thing
Yeah the jews are just picked on because they are so vulnerable, those poor jews they didnu nuffin!


Go back to your containment board

This man right here will be the death of us all

>killed millions of Gauls
>to save billions from their barbarism

I just love the thought bubbles

