How does one resist giving this woman all of your money?


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is there any subtext here i should know about, you retard?

by avoiding jews

She looks good in that pic, quite rare.

By realising her (Becky) eyes are too far apart, it's a shitcoin and all the neets have already given all her all their neet bux.

Bancor girl .

How much do you want to bet that she tried and failed to fuck that due?

I literally want to give her everything. BILU.

Notice how she is taking the picture. She pursued him, tracked him down, then tried to lean on him. What a desperate whore.

Get your eyes checked

Fuck you words, you think you're so smart with you fucking letters and alphabet

She probably got a few million from ripping you are all with the Bancor scam. Plastic surgery. Definitely botox.



She will lead the normie invasion with her soft voice and pleasant appearance.

I am ready.


Why do Jews look so dishonest


BILU. BILU BILU BILU BILU. LITERALLY. UN FUCKING STOPPABLE. those eyes hnnnggggg Galia is a fucking qt

>Continuous liquidity platform solving the double coincidence of wants problem via asynchronous price discovery smart contracts.

she's literally the only reason i invested half of my portfolio in bancor during the ICO months ago. i hope at least she spent it with some Chads at a very pleasant date...

>he doesn't talk to galia in telegram
Get your money's worth

She should post here. I'd let her suck my dick, but only if she posts here, and only if she pays for dinner.

Because OP the only thing I want to give her is my nut deep inside of her.


Spot the difference; if you cuck enough neets and pajeets she might decide to hold another ICO and you can have more financial domination

Nah. We'll just wait for these (and the 1000s more next year after the normie app launches)

damn, Oved is a handsome motherfucker
not even homo


If we see ETH like Growth i'm literally retiring.

is this airswap+++??

Requesting someone photoshops the JUST guy next to her instead of that guy

This makes me laugh so fucking hard.


Keep falling for it goyim

>current year
>he doesn't hate women

Being this new
