How does Veeky Forums sleep at night?

I am 28, 155lbs, 5'11 haven't lifted in a year, wanted to get back into it because I still have a gym membership however...

For the past couple months I have trouble sleeping at night, no matter what time I go to sleep I wake up around 2 am (4 if I'm lucky) and then my brain is awake. Takes me at least an hour to fall back to sleep and then I can only sleep for an hour then wake up again, repeat until it's time to get up. On avg I can get 5 hours of sleep a night.

I went to the Dr and recommended melatonin and prescribed me some other drug that basically knocks you out for 8 hours.

I also bought a white noise machine because I'm a light far I've just tried melatonin and it doesn't seem to help much in fact I took 6 mg last night and woke up shaking and anxious as fuck, couldn't fall back to sleep after 2:30. I also don't want to build up a tolerance to it.

Anyways does Veeky Forums have sleeping problems they struggle with? If I can't sleep there's no point in even trying to make gains.


You didn't precise if you don't feel tired or lack of recovery.

Anyway, put f.lux on your computer.

Try meditation, cold shower before bed, bust a little nut before sleeping, if you smoke, use salvia officinalis (not salvia divinorum), there is also autosuggestion, hypnosis with mp3s, volontary sleep deprivation, etc.

Did you have a check-up or a sleep analysis at the hospital ?

With you're mum
Like if owned


10 hours err day

I'm tired to the point where just going to work is a pain, luckily I have my own office and can do a lot of work from home, otherwise I probably would've been fired by now.

Trying some yoga right now to get any exercise at all done. Dr. didn't send me for a sleep study or anything, we just talked. I don't think it's sleep apnea because I don't snore much and am not overweight.

Two to four of these every night.

You should have blood check.

Maybe you need more D Vitamin or something like that.

You could try to get a week off and sleep as you want or need, and try to find a balance.

Maybe you should eat earlier too and not too much carbs.



This happened to me, I had to travel across the country, sleeping pattern fucked up and had me sleeping at 10-11pm, waking up at 2-3am and then going back to sleep at 7 until 10. Then I had to travel across the country again and that sort of fixed it.

I use good quality ear plugs and a completely dark room (no lights at all). I get 8-10 hours a night and fall asleep within 15 minutes of lying down.

So, pretty good.

Cut all coffee, enery drinks, and caffiene

Download a blue-light filter on your phone/computer and try to not use them for an hour before bedtime

Get lots of exercise

Establish a definate bedtime and try to stick to it at least 5/7 days per week

Try to get ro bed early and wake up early, you'll be better rested ans very profuctive in the morning instead of sleepy all day - take advantage of our natural human sleep cycle

>get high
>jerk off 3-5 times
>take melatonin
>lay in bed listening to HP lovecraft audiobooks
i sleep like a wee babby

Melatonin is the bomb. I've been taking 1 mg a night for 8 months straight

what earplugs? the ones i've been using wake me up every night after a few hours.

>mfw don't use melatonin because I tried to kill myself with it when I was 13

How much did you take?

...You can't overdose on melatonin. Nothing would even happen

I sleep hugging my pillow as if it is her.

I put a cozy show/movie and have it set to turn of two hours after I go to bed. It keeps the paranoia from making me stay awake, and if I time it right I can have it turn on right before I wake up and have dank dreams.

I sleep on my side hugging my pillow pretending it's my oneitis