Anybody else on Veeky Forums take hella pain pills to get over the muscle soreness from working out?

Anybody else on Veeky Forums take hella pain pills to get over the muscle soreness from working out?
What's your go to?

nubain, one vial IM. After legs and back.
Great hgh release, makes me feel good, no pain.


proper diet, sleep and correct form

how can you have constant muscle pain so bad you need pain pills. I understand if its bad DOMs after not training for a while but theres something wrong if its bad enough for constant pills

I get sore and take the pain pills and then quit working out for a while because it hurt me.
The brain uses pain as a way to show the body that it is in danger after all.
When I go back and try again I get sore again so more pain pills are needed to cope.

So you go to the gym once a month so you can have an excuse to get high?

I use to take an oxy if I had SOME from a killer SOD, but it's too expensive. Now I just smoke a little bit of heroin, only once in a blue moon as to not become addicted. It really helps.

*I used to take OXY if is had DOMS from a killer WOD

If I wanted to get high I would smoke marijuana but i'm afraid the smoke constricting my blood vessels would slow muscle growth and gains.
At least with pain pills I KNOW i'm getting swole and feeling less pain in the process.
Get the fuck out of here with your unbased assumptions of people.

We should let all of the opiate addicts in the world know that if they want to get high all they have to do is smoke marijuana. Epidemic solved.

are you from a country with free healthcare?

dude opiates lower your test. rofl btfo. good luck with 0 gains slowly turning into a chick

Stop this pain pills stunt muscle growth.

but where are the proofs

shouldnt most help by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation?

Uh opiates reduce testosterone dumbass.

i was thinking of just stuff like aspirin

Whenever i max I take a couple ibuprofen with preworkout. Probably a bad habit but whatever.

I just got surgery to correct my legs it's pretty shitty I also have a bulged disc so laying on my back for months really makes me want to kms. But I'm happy I got it fixed I usually take 3 oxy

You are probably addicted. Bios3training made a video about nubain addiction and it was horrible. It will control your life.

>Comparing nig flower to oxy and H

Doms? Fuck off

Sprains? Deep heat

I hardly get any DOMs since I started doing 20min cardio everyday.

To bad the cardio is gonna kill my gains. Better than chronic dull pain though.

You are very retarded.

That's the point you little goofball. Itchy balls OP is the one who made the comparison and my post was an obvious attempt to highlight the absurdity.

lel its just doms stop being a pussy you don't need pain pills for doms

I knew a guy who was addicted to ibuprofen. Shit was weird. He'd take a few of them randomly throughout the day. I didn't even know ibuprofen was addictive.

I take kratom

I'll usually eat a pizza or maybe a rack of BBQ ribs

maybe you should actually work out regularly instead of uselessly making yourself sore every now and again

No because I'm not a Hella little bitch.

Your a fucking junkie cunt, stop lying to yourself.

Nurofen plus? Easy to take a few an get a little codeine buzz