How do you look in a T shirt, Veeky Forums?

How do you look in a T shirt, Veeky Forums?


send roids

Like a homo

Do I look like I play Wii Fit yet?

Don't ever buy shirts with wide/v collars like that. It makes you look like a try hard idiot.

reality: nobody cares

I think that's a woman's shirt, man

do you shave your body hair?

This user Clearly Does. It's a stupid shirt man.

fyi the picture user, I'm just pointing out its clear you're regurgitating shit you on a reddit fashion subreddit guideline

reality: nobody cares.

> remember to insert quote from that guy about you wouldnt worry bout the opinions of others if you realised how little they thought of you or someshit.

Is it really that big of a deal? It's comfy, neutral, and fits nice. Never thought the wide collar was a big deal. The rest of my v necks are narrow collar though.

Don't have any. Why do you ask?

He literally posed in a thread where you rate how people look.
Second I don't use Reddit I just think most doucebags wear shirts like that. Third how about you eat our own shit them kill your self?
Yes. Stick with narrow collar. Only douches who wanna show off their traps wear shit like that. Act like your juicy trips aren't a big deal. It just gives off the impression you're trying way to hard.

tfw I look like a tits factory and it's slack all the way down.

>juicy traps
D-does that mean I look decent/have muscle to normies? I can't even tell any more and think I look like shit, and I'm not even sure if it's body dysmorphia or if I actually look like shit for normie standards.

> thread about clothing

> get really angry about v-necks

> proceed to tell people to kill themselves because their views on clothes don't align with your own.

Hello, you've been randomly selected for an over 18 years old spot check.

Please submit a copy of your birth certificate and drivers license for evaluation.

Thank you.

lol I didn't get really angry at all.
You're the one who said nobody cares when immediately 2 people cared. Are Yu so mad cause you own a bunch of those shirts?
You look fine dude.

Please submit a copy of your birth certificate and drivers license for evaluation.

Thank you.

It wasn't funny the first time Either dude. You first than I will. I'm guessing your photo has you wearing one of those shirts?

w2c shirt?

Please submit a copy of your birth certificate and drivers license for evaluation.

Thank you.

not OP but I think it's a Mossimo shirt from Target

Like a person, in a shirt

I look like a #GYMAHOLIC

U mad?

Nice forearms
Twig legs
Faggot shirt

So mad :^)

looks like goes to the gym more than you

dyel? I bet you do curls all day

>curls all day

I deadlift 200kg for reps. Glad some DYEL's took the bait and got triggered.

Why dont you post your picture to show me how someone who goes to the gym more than me should look like?

So one comment makes me mad? Lol 2 other people just shit on you and now I'm the third. You're mad.

So you intentionally posted bait? So you're immature and gay just like we all though. Good to know. Next is your physique supposed to be impressive? I mean it's ok but you have baby traps and completely shitty ab genetics. Plus a pigeon chest. Keep "baiting" people though dude. Having fun?


I dare you to ask me for a pic faggot


Obviously flexing.
Size L

Not him, but I guarantee you don't look any better than him.

Arms look great. Might be the angle but your jeans look way to big and loose. Get that slim fit or something senpai.

>posts shit about someone else's physique
>doesnt post his


Go ahead and post it buddy. Keep in mind if you are a manlet it wont be a fair comparison so you might aswell not post it at all. You arent some sub 6"1' madlet, right?

And still no pictures were posted...

I'll take you all

You tell me.

>if I just act really douchey people will think I'm cool like Vynz.
Mate if you don't want to get critiques than don't post.

Are you doing towel dick lifts?

>would follow directions on shit/10
Satanichia best girl

Like I'm trying too hard

Nah you're fine. You're left forearm looks good.

He obviously doesn't go to the gym, at least not a lot, but it's just a shitpost to point out you're an armlet, no gym user beat you.

You can see my nipples. Which sucks man.

idk looks like I do crossfit

Do you do crossfit?

Nah, I need them gains. I only lift 3x a week full body

for how long you've been lifting?

Goddamn youre sexy desu. Don't let these other faggots get to you.

Why does Veeky Forums look better in tshirts than Veeky Forums?

Bigger than I look naked.

daily reminder

I look like a surgical glove filled with pudding and covered in coarse hair.

You're a lucky guy with that wide frame and narrow hip ratio. Your skin looks weird, though. Former fatty?

Clothes are meant to hang off of you like a coat hanger. Veeky Forums is built like one

>idk looks like I do crossfit
Yea, it does look like you have zero gains.

Those necks can't be real...

Better than I look without a t shirt

Maybe because the people that use the fashion board know more about what's fashionable than the people who use the fitness board

I've seen this posted so many times. Is that really Veeky Forums? Is that really Dylan Roof on the right?

So many V-necks all you faggots seriously need to kys, stupid fucking foreigns, wear a real t shirt......

Patrician taste. Here, you've earned three

It's real except the Dylan

lol cancefrag

This one is fake.

It is a Veeky Forums meetup, but again, this is the fake version.

is this bait? why are you getting so triggered

Thats me,please b nice.. ;)


Quit wearing those shitty Target shirts and get some tail, friendo

pretty basic.


Bad, I have gyno


Me a couple months after that but still 4ish months ago

Heard of legday?

It's fucking hilarious how badly you guys need validation from each other. Me and my soon to be gf are sitting here laughing hard

Dam dude

>Soon to be gf


>Me and my soon to be gf are sitting here laughing hard

the level of cuckoldry in that statement is beyond me

>the neck of the 5th guy from the left

>shaving your pubes and not your treasure trail

fucking WHY

>can't even use "then" and "than" correctly
You already failed the evaluation user.

Fat swole coming in, only way to look like you lift in non tight clothes natty.


2 years

Jesus Christ, you're actually fucking retarded.



Dude, you look fucking good, im jelly

They look like joggers

I tend to really fill out my t-shirts with my thick and dense muscle bellies inserted perfectly into my Adonis frame

Never cover your shoes with your jeans, makes the fit look shit

I know it's b8 but it made me laught. 7/10

The fake photoshopped one has been posted so many times that I think the original one has ceased to exist.

You look like you have invisible lats

Like the dyel I am

how to achieve this mode?

look kind of like i lift when im at high bodyfat
look dyel when I cut
feels bad