I want to get in to skipping rope but my shins/calves get this sharp pain after like four repetitions. How fix?

I want to get in to skipping rope but my shins/calves get this sharp pain after like four repetitions. How fix?

Lose some weight fatass.

stop jumping you fat fuck or you will ruin your joints for life. go on a bicycle, rowing machine or swimming

Have your toes impact first, fatty

I'm not fat, I had the same problem back before I even lifted and was like 150 lbs at 6'1

but skipping rope gives you godlike martial art gains

probably flat footed or something, i have hypermobility and can't run for long distances without getting shin splints despite being 180 at 6'0, 3pl8 atg tho so its not a strength issue

By not being a pussy. I never had pain in my shins or calves skipping

>get pain during exercise
>"bro just ignore it"
shoo shoo gains goblin, take someone else to snap city


>>"bro just ignore it"
That's not what I said at all. I said your body is weak. How are you going to do martial arts if you can't even hop 4 times?

I wouldn't say my body is weak but yeah I guess my shins/calves are weak, so how do I improve it?
I already do jijutsu/grappling without any issues but if I wanna add some standup to that I need to sort this out

Start jogging or running and focus on using your calves when you do. Use incline if you're doing it on a treadmill.

Will this improve my rope skipping abilities?

your too fat and you are jumping too high

Honestly, the biggest hurdle for most people w/r/t to standup is taking a blow to the face. Most people are chickenshit.

i don't see how that's relevant here desu
i'm not fat god damnit

you just have to ignore it, it'll stop after a week or so

I think maybe tall people get them easier? Idk I'm like 6'3and 185lbs and I get shin splints pretty easy. I think jogging and running is supposed to make them go away but you're supposed to start light so you don't stress them too much

You're either too fat or you're jumping with too much impact. Make sure you stretch your calves and shins before you start.

Look up how most military training programs break in new recruits to marching with weight (backpacks, weapons etc) its the same principle

In this case its just you training your weak body to carry your own weight


thanks user, good reply
i will prey that you add 5 kilos to your bench this week

I had it when I started skipping rope.
Went away after a week.