If you can't do one of these, what exercise do you do so that you can do one?

If you can't do one of these, what exercise do you do so that you can do one?

Do the lowering half until you can. Also do chins.

use resistance bands

pullup negatives, inverted rows, assisted pullups

Band assistance, or just use a little momentum.

Stick with negatives. I don't necessarily believe in doing assisted pullups, because they tend to change the positioning of the pull. Instead, do stuff like inverted rows. Also something to consider, how wide is your grip when you try to do a pullups? There are significant mechanical disadvantages that offer no benefit to going as wide as the typical gymbro goes.

Do negatives, they help a lot

But I don't want to decapitate myself at the top of the pull-up

Can I make decent gains with just dips, pull ups, push ups and running? Maybe get some gymnast rings and use them aswell? How would a routine look?

lat pulldowns

Scooby has a vod about this bro

dip progression
pullup progression
Inverted row progression
pushup progression
single leg squat progression
hanging leg lift+other ab work progressions

youll make gains as long as you keep upping the difficulty of exercises

Pull ups with bands, then do negatives until you cant do them any more, don't use the assisted pull up machine its a waste of time.

Also focus on doing chin ups (supine grip) where you start all the way at the bottom and go to the very top (chest touching bar)

Most people just do wide gym bro pull ups and only move 4 inches up and down, needless to say, but you wont be working your lats properly if you do this.

Once you can rep out chins, Move on to wide grip if you want, but make sure your not going too wide. However chins are actually fine and the difference really isn't that great on a EMG comparison, plus its easier on the rotator cuff.

What if I wore a rucksack with weight in or got a weight belt dangler thing, I really don't understand those confusing progression routines

Inverted rows, - feet on the ground - feet same height than bar/rings - seated inverted rows.
Negative pull-up,
Dead hang
top hang,
Top hang followed with negative pull-up.
Jumping pull-up
band assisted pull-up.


Lower weight till success.


Lose weight. Dont fall for the power lifter fat ass meme.

Fuck you I'm going for fridge mode

the science behind weight belts is iffy at best. the only proven method of increasing the difficulty of these exercises is using magnets.

For real lol?

Lat pulldowns until you hit bodyweight

They're not EXACTLY the same, but it's 90% the same muscles being used, almost the same as doing pullups with resistance bands as assistance

Negative pullups and lat pulldowns Brotendo

Strap a massive amount of weight to your waist and do negatives.

u should get those bars you put in your bedroom door and lift your self like 10 times before leaving the house


Like most of this thread has said, the best way to get better at pullups is doing pullups.
I don't really like assisted pullups because they take away some of your stabilizers and it's not an easy transition to bw pullups.

The best way to do it is slow negatives with a dead hang for like 1-2 seconds at the bottom. Really feel the lats stretch out going down.

Negatives are great but you also have to find a way to actually practice the pull up movement. Lat pulldowns can work but if your gym has one of these machines (pic related) I'd personally recommend it.

>can't do pull ups? just do pull ups it'll help you do pull ups
fucking brainlet

Just do bentover rows

Forgot pic, assisted dip/pullup machine

I'm 6'9" and 250lbs. I am far from fat. Try 1 rep of a 250lb lat pulldown and come back to me.

Im 80kg and can do 5 reps of 40kg weighted pull up. Does that count?

120kg = ??? lbs