Ordinary restaurant

>ordinary restaurant
>cheapest salad from 10€
>full of people


> Spend 60% on rent
> Spend 30% on food bc too lazy too cook
> Spend 10% on entertainment
Average 30 year old living in a city.

thay fell for the normy life meme

Why are there people in your salad? Is this a European thing?

>go to a bar
>all friends get several beers for 4-5€ each
>say i will skip
>they laugh at me

They are all students how the fuck can they afford 5€ beer

Because meat is subsidized by the government due to the animal agriculture industry being the most powerful on the planet, while vegetables aren't.


They invested in VTC.


>order the salad
>90% lettuce
>all the white crunchy parts
>barely chopped at all, leaf size too big
>drenched in some shit sauce or no sauce at all

>one crouton

If you wanna make real money use this site:

Thank me later!

>food only takes up 1/3 of plate space

But seriously, OP, if you don't understand why, you shouldn't be on this board.


lmao at everyone falling for this shit

occasionaly fast food with good price-performance ratio thats it

Stay mad, poorfag.

>ITT poorfags

>Not being a crypto monk that subsides on nothing but rice and beans
>Not forfeiting all luxuries in life to put more money into crypto

It's like you want to be fat AND poor


if eating healthy wasn't already a good enough reason to avoid restaurants, this would be one

stay poor, madfag

Typical normie behaviour. Young people earning something like 1.5k-2k EUR per month, paying 600 rent, 500 groceries, 200 insurance and gas for their old-rusty Mazda/Opel and the rest they are nuking for partying on weekends and stupid shit like gift cards and supreme clothes. After that, once they realise that they are 40-50 year old and haven't saved shit because they spent all their money in their youth for partying and vacations, they will start getting angry and start blaming muh taxes, muh immigrants, my homosexuals, muh neo-nazis, muh trump, muh refugees etc.

average normie doesn't have any savings even if his parents are not poor. They instead prefer to live the lifestyle that is socially acceptable and buy jewish toys.
Fuck 'Em

thank you