Cultural Marxism is a thing!

>Cultural Marxism is a thing!

Other urls found in this thread:

>The term 'cultural Marxism' has an academic usage within cultural studies, where it refers to a form of anti-capitalist cultural critique which specifically targets those aspects of culture that are seen as profit driven and mass-produced under capitalism.

Yes user, you are a brainlet.

>Copied from the "Cultural Marxism Conspiracy Theory" section of the Frankfurt School Wikipedia page
Ah yes. The damning evidence......

Why does leftypol say this when it very obviously does exist in the form of SJWs? Furthermore, we can trace this all back to specific people like Marcuse, Adorno, and Lukacs and even entire institutions like the frankfurt school? Even specific ideas like Critical Theory. And even beyond that, when you push them far enough, they will break down, admit it does exist, but say that it has nothing at all to do with marxism, but is all the creation of their liberal boogeyman?

And to make the farce complete, after all of this shit, they will defend those 'cultural marxist' ideals to the death.

I was away from this board for a while, I come back it's full of low effort OPs and bait. what happened

Is it not enough?

Have you read that book?

>Hurazz it dounut exiz su wen da bad guyzz mack funny of my polytik it meen they dumbe

Only partially, did you read it?

Let me rephrase that;
>Everything I don't like in popular culture is Cultural Marxism!

No. But judging by the book description I fail to see how it proves that the Frankfurt School was behind an ongoing Marxist plot to destroy the capitalist West from within, spreading itself throughout academia and indoctrinating students to hate patriotism, freedom, and capitalism.

>ITT tankies getting btfo

It is a thing, it's a concept that claims that the issues presented by Marxism are mainly due to the opressive elite using culture as a method of subjugating the lower classes rather than presenting economical inequality as the sole problem. And there are leftists who genuinely believe that, and who think that capitalism, nationalism, religion, etc. are the elite's tools of maintaining the status quo where they are on the top of the hierarchy.

It doesn't, why should it?

Let me rephrase that;
>Everything occidental Marxists don't like in popular culture is Cultural Marxism!

I disagree with /pol/ on pretty much everything else, but cultural marxism can't just be dismissed out of hand.

Is it an intentional and organised conspiracy? No. Is there a a large number of figures in academia who subscribe to critical theory? Undoubtedly. Is there resultingly a very apparent push of this entrenched institutional viewpoint on to students in many cases? Yes.

If anyone is interested in a balanced and measured liberal critique of "cultural marxism" and the dominance of critical theory, I'd recommend The Reckless Mind by Mark Lila. You don't have to be a conservative to see there is some basis for the whole idea.

Regardless if cultural Marxism is a valid descriptive term, the far-left now has disproportionate control of Western institutions and that's a serious problem (primarily because they're brainlets).

>Is it an intentional and organised conspiracy? No.

Then it's not the "cultural marxism" as defined by American paleocons and memed on /pol/.

>lol it doesn't exist because [insert retarded and arbitrary criteria]

wow so it's just marxism.

Identity Politics directly contradict to what people like Marcuse and Fromm stated (don't know about the rest, didn't read), and it was, actually, propped by the CIA.

Cultural Marxism can, indeed, be traced to something, and this something is Cultural Bolshevism, a propaganda term used by the Nazi Germany in exactly the same capacity as how it was rekindled during the Cold war, and then, again, now, by former Cold War propagandists like Jordan Peterson (whose whole job before 1989 boiled down to write and talk about how the USSR was evil and shitty)

Just because Maoists are retarded doesn't mean capitalism isn't bad in lots of ways. Just because /pol/ memers are retarded doesn't mean Cultural Marxism don't real.

>Cold War propagandists like Jordan Peterson

American "Cultural Marxism" is by definition an intentional and organized conspiracy which aims to weaken the USA through means of free love, political correctnes and multiculturalism so that Communism can take over. Don't blame me, I didn't defined it, burgers did.

Does it exist? Yes. Is it behind every black person on tv, anyone who says jews aren't aliens from the moon and any liberal news network? No.

>Identity Politics directly contradict to what people like Marcuse and Fromm stated
no it isnt. Black power shit for example was inspired by Marcuse. Heres Angela Davis herself saying so
lol no. Youre also a retard for thinking Marcuse was "propped up" by the CIA


and his creation

yeah, thats what it is and youre not really thinking this out at all. All communist seek to overthrow existing governments in order to establish their own. Are you retarded?

But the USSR was objectively quite shitty compared to the West

The CIA didn't prop up identity politics - are you kidding? Even accepting that the CIA actively ran psyops and funded political movements, none of the movements they backed supported identity politics in any form. The Rockefeller Foundation, one of the main fronts through which the CIA funded political movements/intitatives, was funding journals and conferences like 'Confluence' in Harvard in the 1950/60s, which was focused on deemphasing individual identities across the West in favour of an assimilated, single western identity.

Encounter, the infamous journal founded by Irving Kristol and funded by the CIA? An explicitly anti New-Left publication that rejected and pushed back against identity politics.

Cultural marxism was invented by CIA stooges :)

Because legit Marxists don't want to be associated with edgy liberals who don't give a shit about capitalism or class analysis.

How are Adorno and Lukacs, two very radical communists, connected to activists who passively or actively promote capitalism? Even if some of them have read a paragraph of Marcuse, himself an extremely heterodox Marxist, how does that make these individuals themselves Marxists?

I mean if you take Critical Theory to heart shouldn't it make sense that as a cultural narrative it has been appropriated and absorbed by the popular consciousness? I think you underestimate the influence of it upon Social Justice Theory (in lots of cases misreading very badly, I myself like much of critical theory) and the subsequent influence on social justice theory on discourse in the past 30 years, I'd say in the past 5 years this has become increasingly evident after having conquered many universities (educational theory itself is dominated by social justice theory, in many cases it's not humanities professors that are the SJWs as many poltards claim but the administrators themselves) it has branched out to popular discourse in an age where social media carries more weight than "liberal news networks"

Angela Davis was literally a communist. Modern day activists like Deray McKesson are Democrats with corporate sponsors.

You don't see the difference?

if you look at any leftist organization (which for the most part have stopped caring about class struggle) hostility to capitalism is highly tied up with social justice theory and a Foucault and Critical Theory inspired theory of power. Basically anybody on the radical anticapitalist left that isn't a SJW in some sense is probably a dying old man or making tankie posts from their mom's basement.

SJWs aren't Marxists. Huffpo writers and trust fund BLM activists don't give a shit about capitalism.

>yeah, thats what it is and youre not really thinking this out at all
Do you want primary citation?

>All communist seek to overthrow existing governments in order to establish their own.
Even communists in communistic regimes?

>Are you retarded?
No, but apparently you are when you can't grasp what the conspiracy theory of "cultural marxism" means.

>Because legit Marxists don't want to be associated with edgy liberals who don't give a shit about capitalism or class analysis.
none exist. Marxism, in the Lenin style, is completely dead. A few children who like the symbolism on the basis of it being an edgy power fantasy doesnt count. EVERY marxist group, without exception, is 'cultural marxist' who will defend identity politics. You and I both know this. Go to any marxist gathering of students and tell them that focusing on trans activism is retarded and see what happens.

>Lukacs, Adorno, and Marcuse are orthodox marxist
no. the entire point of the frankfurt school was to revise marxism since it wasnt gaining any traction in the west and as critical of the dystopian nightmare of the USSR. Thats what Critical Theory was all about.

In fact, what really killed the left in America was this shit. The working class were all New Deal Democrats for years until they saw the retardation and crazyness of the New Left in the 60s.

>Cultural Marxism isn't a thing

the old left is dead faggot give it up. What's left of the proletariat is going to vote for the populist right because they don't trust nerd stooges like you

We need to ipblock all reddit posters.

>Even communists in communistic regimes?
Stop being purposefully stupid because you have nothing to articulate

Sure, and such organizations meet no definition of Marxism. So why lie?

Call an SJW an SJW. Don't bring Marx into it when his body of work is irrelevant to their aims.

>Why does leftypol say this when it very obviously does exist in the form of SJWs?
Have you ever read "Rules for Radicals"? If you've read it the behavior or the left becomes pretty clear.