Okay Veeky Forums say you got to do it all over again from the begining

Okay Veeky Forums say you got to do it all over again from the begining.
What would you differently? (excluding start sooner)
what would you keep?

Focus on strength development first, do mostly compounds, don't overtrain like a maniac, control my calorie and macro intake and possibly do IF 18/6.

Start doing calisthenics earlier and take up a martial art. Maybe boxing.
Learn the importance of chilling out and active rest. Teach myself how to do a squat then only do them once a week.
Tighten up my diet
Sling more dick in them random girls who actually threw themselves at me.
Become a marine
Probably rape that chick who kept telling me rape jokes and always wanted to be alone with me.

Focus on compound lifts and not meme workout plans from magazines like flex

do cardio

Also eat at a surplus for the first 2 years, then cut

>a round of keto every 2 months
>more cardio
>no DL, ever
>full body routine for three months, PPL for another three months and then PPLPP forever

why no deadlifts?
Yeah my cardio right now consists of walking the dog for a hour or so. pretty weak sauce

Eat more

Cut at -1000 from the start, get down to 10-12% and then lean bulk from the start instead of dirty bulking and doing it all over again.

i've been in martial arts for the most of my puberty. i still am, but also do weight and strength training. my looks have improved significantly, am a lot stronger and happier in my own body.
i'd eat more, include weight training from the begining and do calisthenics every day

in 7 years of lifting the only people I've seen with serious injuries are the ones who DL all day long

even with good form your back will get fucked in the long run

start in highschool, not stop martial arts, not let myself get so fat to begin with.

How did you lose your weight. Pls help

Definitely start running sooner.
I kind of feel like i wasted a year even though i did reach the weight goal i set for myself.

No dirty bulking, it's a fucking meme that just makes your cut longer

still a fatty, my guy. went from 315 down to 270, but im at 280 now.

read the sticky
currently im on stronglifts, but im switching programs pretty soon

i count calories using an app called fitnesspal

Oh fuck off, it's fine if you don't want to deadlift but don't make stupid baseless claims like this

>even with good form your back will get fucked in the long run

Develop excercise habits, develop better eaten habits, develop reading habits, develop cardio habits.
Keep playing sports and find a community to excercise with.

>to not fall for the bulking mene

I started skinnyfat thought im maybe 14% Bf but i was 20-25% easily and even more after bulk.

>cut to 10-12%
>lean bulk slowly to 15-16% at most
>cut back to 10-12%
>repeat til you die

This way you make just as many gains but also look aestethic year around. Never losing the sight of my abs again.

Ayyyyy. Similar places my dude. I would've stuck with wrestling in high school, if I were smart. I was around 280 when I started wrestling in sophomore year. Got down to 220. Left wredtling, ballooned up to 330 eventually. I'm back down to 260 now, but fuck. I screwed myself out of nearly 10 years of primo poon and fun times.

BEING FAT IS NOT FUN, EVEN WHEN YOU'RE HAVING FUN. I'D MUCH MUCH RATHER BE A FIT DUDE HAVING AN OKAY TIME THAN TO BE A FAT FUCK HAVING A GREAT TIME. Jesus. I fucking love being able to walk upstairs without busting a sweat. I love being able to shop in any store. I love being able to run around and play sports until I'm bored, not until I'm too tired to compete. Even doing fat as activities is better as less than fatass. I can't wait until I'm actually fit and able to eat burgers without feeling like a failure.

>Probably rape that chick who kept telling me rape jokes and always wanted to be alone with me.

And Jesus wept. You shouldn't regret that user, you did the right thing. Not on a fedora tipping level but like a moral level.

God speed dude, you're gunna make it. I can see that spark in your eye. I have a nephew who is like 250-260 and he's in his prime, 22 years old. I really wanna get him interested in losing weight but I don't want to pressure him at all. Its his life after all but I just know he'd be so much happier if he was fit.

forgot to add: Do you have any advice to spark a fire under his ass?

Well. My route was sort of the cliche "getting fit couldn't possibly make my life WORSE" sort of thing. I was a bit down in the dumps.

Some things that have helped me stay on the good path have been:
Having fun- playing basketball or lifting weights is actually really fun with the right people (people who enjoy it, not people who do it as a chore)

Curiosity- I wonder what I'll look like being fit and how people will treat me, wonder if I will change my views of the world

G R I L L S- hahaha I'm not even fit and girls look at me differently. Also, despite how boring it is, girls seem to genuinely like hearing guys talk about working out (to be fair, I think people in general just like to hear when you're passionate about something)

I hope you're able to convince your nephew man. He's at the teetering weight, especially if he lives in USA. Here in USA 240 - 270 is like a weight where everyone knows you're fat but few people will actually tell you that you're fat. If he ever starts, he'll see just after losing the first 10 lbs that he feels and looks different.

God bless my man. This is great advice. I have a full bench with an olympic bar in my garage. Will finally be able to hit the big 3 compounds. Gonna break it out this summer and I could really use a spotter. He does love sports and lifting but he's limited by his health and apathy. I think this is the perfect way to get him pumped.

I'd keep thinking about her..

You're doing the good work, friendo.
Oh and some bonus info.
Another thing that helped me was having some normie "role models" or sorts. For example, I think Joe Rogan is an interesting dude and really like the work he does (even if I sometimes disagree with his views). Coincidentally, he's in fantastic shape and a lot of the people in his circle are in pretty good shape.
That whole becoming the people you are around thing is true, I think.

Best of luck to you and your nephew.
We're all gonna make it!

He does need a good role model. He listens to a lot of shitty rap but I did too when I was his age. Joe Rogan is definitely a good role model.

>We're all gonna make it!
amen to that

Eat more and better.
Do more cardio.
Take up a sport and train specifically to that sport.

it's the truth man
I even have a few close friends that now (we are all in our 30's) have serious back problems

More stretching and injury prevention.

>excluding starting sooner
>join a gym with decent equipment, even if it costs double than the other one
>start with SS
>do more stretching/mobility

>Read up on fitness/form/diet beforehand
>Start counting calories and tracking macros first
>Don't piss away noob gains on meme exercises

>injury prevention

choose one

Then how come my hip pain disappeared when I started doing hip flexor stretches?

I wouldn't stop for 7 years

I would try and look to work on my mobility and range of motion, especially in my lower body more consistently. Would've probably avoided or reduced the lordosis.

I'd also perform more of the 3x8-10 or 5x5 sets, and work on compounds like bench and squats earlier. Also would aim to be more consistent earlier about doing exercise, even if I couldn't go to a gym. Body-weight exercises, calisthenics and all that.

Also would make sure to eat a little better/more as so I could've been out of skelly-dyel mode earlier in my life, as I had low body fat, and had decent strength, but I was a scrawny as fuck. If I actually took advantaged of that period, I'd had kept that ripped look easily with the low bf% I had (7-12%, I say 7%, but that was a caliper measure, so I take it with a grain of salt).

Probably would've helped with my personal image issues growing up.

I would start pinning younger

How old you were when you started pinning?
When you "ideally" wanted to start pinning?

Great idea for a thread OP

As for me, I wouldn't have stuck my hand under the serpentine belt that one winter storm with my autistic brother around. Maybe he wouldn't have started the car engine and tore my index finger off.

wtf is pinning

never get fat


Started at 25. Ideally a few years earlier.

What do you think of someone starting to pin as 19?