How far can you run in 30 minutes Veeky Forums?

How far can you run in 30 minutes Veeky Forums?

>TFW can't even run for 30 mins
My shins end up killing me like 5 mins in

Gotta learn to pace yourself

7km probably

8K but i feel like im about to die.

From the bench to the water fountain in the girls' elliptical machine area.

3.5 miles with +10 lbs, maybe 4-4.5 without, I suck at running.

Are you overweight? You'd be shocked how much harder every single pound makes running, especially on your knees and shins

Not him but my shins explode too and I'm not overweight

>arched feet
>stomp instead of roll my feet
>don't run properly

you're supposed to land on your entire foot though, if thats what you mean by stomping. landing heel-first worse

like 4.3km but im still 40 lbs overweight

Try POSE running, it never did much for me but some people like it. Also it helps a lot to keep short, quick strides (~180 strides per minute) since it prevents you from being able to heel-strike much.

Around 6 miles

4 miles. Feels good man.



Cheetah detected

Technique goes a long way. Also not having fat.

I'm at 260lbs and running's fine. Pull ups are shit. Jump rope is in between. I have pretty damn good form tho.

Why would I engage in shit tier cardio? Get swimming.

5k, just started.

This shit sucks, I did 13mi this week and my knees don't feel so hot.

god job user! that's very impressive!

I'm overweight. I can only run 4 miles in half an hour.

About 9k

Which to let you know are absolutely ROOKIE numbers. I run like once a month.

Cycle regularly though

Why lie on an anonymous website?

pace chart
5km in 30min => 6min00s per km
6km in 30min => 5min00s per km
7km in 30min => 4min16s per km
8km in 30min => 3min45s per km
9km in 30min => 3min20s per km
10km in 30min =>3min00s per km

your mom was a ROOKIE until last night.
If you know what I mean

It is the max distance I ever run. Any more and it is detrimental to my optimum training regime.

I can run to the bench and get another set in

user i just started running 3 months ago. I'm over weight and can only run once every 2 weeks because i get shin splints. Get shoes, learn form, eat right. They're finally going away for me and its great.

