Who else on dem sips?

Who else on dem sips?

Whats the most fit way to get drunk?
How can I get drunk and get up the next morning hangover free to go workout?


Become alcoholic
Drink next morning
Stay drunk

Straight vodka isn't too bad for you.

Eat while drinking. Drink water a lot. Caffeine and advil in the morning.

Drink to much and you will ave a hangover partner; sorry bout your luck. If you are an American and are posting this you have likely had a night and will likely still be feeling it tomorrow.

On another note, what's best to drink at a bar fit wise ? I dont want to go out and order water like an autist

don't drink at all. Start smoking weed.

What if I MIXED vodka and water? I could even add a slice of lemon or something for taste.
Is this the secret to being a functional drunk?

>...Not knowing the effect of dem munchies...
lost 10 kg recently... 7 gained because of weed

vodka and club soda is the meathead drink of choice.

Gin & Tonic

Just use sugar free mixers. Vodka and tonic water is pretty nice, gin is even better. Or whisky / whiskey, you can sip away at one of them for a while.

Drink 2 x the amount of drink you took in water, after every drink.

( Beer/Cider = the equal amount )

>Red Square
Mah man! Why does everyone else hate this drink so much or insist on drinking it with a shit ton of unhealthy mixer? Also, straight vodka is the only Veeky Forums way to drink alcohol that isn't not drinking it at all

Just man up and drink straight vodka. You get used to the taste eventually

Out of all spirits to drink straight, why would you choose vodka? Gin, whisky, rum etc all taste a lot better straight

Honestly, captain Morgan + cola is the only drink that keeps me completely hangover free.
Not even tiredness or headache or anything, it's just like any other morning the day after.

Lmfao I just went to the bottle-o and picked out the cheapest vodka there

Drink only clear spirits. Brown ones have sugar in them. Tonic water has sugar in it as well. To go 0 cals for a drink drink vodka and soda. Or just straight up clear shots.

Vodka is cheap, and easy to chase down. Takes me about 9 shots and a couple glasses of juice to get sufficiently drunk.

>0 cals

Are you stupid? Vodka has shit tons of calories.
Do you mean carbs??

>Tonic water has sugar in it as well
There are healthier options you know

Don't drink. That is all

Its 10am and ive just cracked my first beer for the day.
Ask me anything