So I don't really care about gaining muscle but I want to get rid of my gut...

so I don't really care about gaining muscle but I want to get rid of my gut. I got down to 150 and was skinny fat and Veeky Forums told me I need to lift to get rid of my fat. Ive bulked up to 160 and work out maybe 2-5 hours a day but look almost exactly the same. Where am I fucking up?
I'm 6 ft and eat about 1800-2500 calories a day


How can you workout for 5 hours at the gym?

yeah and what do you do during that time?

That anterior pelvic tilt ahaha

fuck 3*
mostly just dumbbells standard upper body shit

Easy. Sit on the leg press machine and do nothing but browse your phone.

How are you 6'0 160lbs and still have a gut? I am 90 lbs heavier than you and your gut is bigger than mine.

Do compound movements, with barbells you're a skinny pussy doing bicep curls and triceps kickbacks won't give you muscles (you want) or lose fat.

fix that posture

1. fix your posture
2. if you want to lose that gut without gaining muscle, you're gonna have to go auschwitz mode. you have like literally 0 muscle. its all seemingly just fat thats weighing on you.

this has to be bait!

whats the point of losing the gut if you are still gunna look just as shit! build some muscle man jeezus

its fucked up right?
how many calories would that be? 1200-1600 of mostly protein?

Yeah, you have some fat, but you also have horrible posture which exaggerates it. Do some exercises to help fix that anterior pelvic tilt.

Run, Bike, Do situps with a medicine ball, Plank.

Stop doing dumbbells if you want to lose stomach fat.

This is the result of just shit their genetics and a life long decision of bad habits. You'll spend the next 10 yrs unfurling what you've wrought on your body, even then, your genetics will still be shit. Also, this has got to be bait.

2500 calories a day is not nearly enough for you to gain muscle dude. I'm 6'0 like you and I eat 3500 calories a day and still have a hard time gaining weight. Add to that the fact that sometimes you eat only 1800 calories a day and it is not fucking wonder you're a skinnyfat little cocksleeve you piece of shit

life long decision basically translate to 18 years so it cant be 2 bad user
what do you eat in macros? please help

Do you do HIIT? What is your routine?


How are your shoulders THAT narrow when you weigh THAT MUCH?

Seriously, your body disgusts me. It's even worse than the fatties because at least if you're visibly fat it's not such a letdown when you take off your shirt, since everyone already knows. But you, OP, when you take off yours everyone is shocked and appalled. Your chest, shoulders, and arms all scream Auschwitz but your stomach screams Cheetos. Revolting. You should hate yourself.

it'll take like max 3 years, of 2 if he does it right

seems to me he has the sort of body that occurs when you don't play sports during your adolescence/puberty, missing out on being fit/healthy while you do most of growing is detrimental to your body.

so consensus is fix posture, eat way more protein because I'm disgusting and need muscle, and do more extensive exercises?

this is a classic case of skinny fat. there is a cure, it's called going to the gym and lifting heavy as fuck. if you're training with intensity and pushing each set to the brink of death you will burn calories and make gains, no bullshit. get your sleep, make every workout harder than your last, and eat like a fucking animal.

Read the muthafuckin sticky.


Lester the unlikely mode achieved.