Is india the more influential civilization or at leat heavily underrated?

you only have to look how fast and wide they culture spread among asians and how respected were for the philosophers like schopenhauer ,what wwent wrong?

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islam & turks

Civilization began in India. The European Jews want to suppress this truth from the public.

thank you based poos.

>what wwent wrong?
If you want a non-meme answer most of the things you're talking about happened in the last millennia.

After the fall of the Gupta's in the 6th century the subcontinent threw itself in a civil war akin to Europe after Rome or the Middle East after the Umayyads and like the other two societies feudalism began to seep itself in normal culture due to the chaos.

Within a century though, three strong states would emerge, which was lucky because it was just in time for the Umayyad invasions.

However after these states degenerated Turkic/Islamic campaigns began within the subcontinent around the 13th century. After of which feudalism, which was always there, boomed. While there was obviously still progress over time it wasn't comparable at all to before. Also this is mainly for Northern India too.

Any other questions OP?

> Tl;dr: when we were good the world was shit. When we got shit the world got good

whatever contribution they made are drowned out by their own shit

Sure, but it's weak as shit, though. So, it doesn't matter.

>we got shit
You sure did ;-P

Ayo hol up
I'm not saying it's our best attribute but this is kind of a meme

Whether or not India is underrated, I don't see public perception changing anytime soon. Indian marketing and rhetoric are weak as hell. Bollywood, as far as I'm aware, hasn't made a dent in the West.

>look at a map of any point in history
>look at india
>it is always a total clusterfuck

with the exception of Harappa, Maurya, Mughal, and Brit Raj, this sub continent is always a complete vomit stain of minor states no one has ever heard of that achieved precisely zero international relevance.

Gupta failed
After that it was a shit storm of failed states no one cared about then you got TURKED and BLEACHED

literally this

who the fuck where any of these guys in [pic related]

bollywood is actually fun if you count the silly and ridiculous action scene
stupid plots and dancing scenes,im not too sure

What about the Maratha?

cucked by the anglos

Well yeah but the cucking started with the Mughals, or more specifically the Bengal Subah

(You) are trying too hard
>this sub continent is always a complete vomit stain of minor states
Well yeah. Before modern radio communication came out it was impossible to have a centralised empire that stretched from North to South (without a rebellion popping up)

This is the saddest one imo. Rajputs had shit tactics but a big portion of the Turkish conquests happened because their horses were superior to native Indian horses (without even taking into consideration the elephants)

Southern states only lasted so long because they could import Arabia horses through Ethiopia. Funny enough the mass importations led to the Marwari horse being born, a crossbreed between Indian ponies and the Arabs.

Our isolation from Western Asia really fucked us up in the long run

Afghans more like

Top grossing films in US 2017 were all capeshit, sequels, or animated kids movies. I don't see any bollywood movies catching on, as fun as they may be.

>Afghans more like
Wait, how did the Afghans cuck the Marathas?


The Maratha'a were a loose, decentralized feudal system posturing as an empire and after the war they started declining rapidly as each chief wanted to go his own way.

In the first Anglo-Maratha war they were tearing apart at the seams but they still scratched out a win, even being long past their golden age. But after that it was just a waiting game for the EIC and they annexed their territory a few decades later.

It's funny that it's kind of similar to the Durrani empire (the ones they fought against) in a way. Baji Rao was the Maratha dynasties Ahmad Shah and he stretched his kingdom to it's greatest extent, but it's only after he died that his tribal chiefs fought amongst themselves before they got picked apart by the unified Sikh's and then later Anglos.

I think from a Western perspective the Afghans would be Latin Crusaders during the Fourth Crusade and the EIC would be the Ottomans.

I'm rambling but there's a lot to talk about during this period!