Need some advice, looking to start running to help lose weight and work myself into being fit...

Need some advice, looking to start running to help lose weight and work myself into being fit, one problem is I've been a smoker for about 1 and a half years, probably about 4 - 8 a day, will I be able to run fine if I cut this down to about 2/3 a day or should I just quit now? Looking to quit in a few years after Uni any ways and no way will I fucking vape, I hate those things

quit or switch to vaping. quiting cigarettes made such a drastic difference in my cardiovascular health it was night and day.

Quit now, there is no benefit to smoking

It just gets harder the longer you wait.

Was in same situation as you OP but for 3 years, same amount daily and at uni.

I swapped to nicotine gum and started light cardio since I didnt want to vape either. After about 3 weeks or so I noticed my recovery rate improved but you will in general be a bit of a state for a while

Going by majority rule looks like I'll have to attempt to quit smoking, fuck, cheers everyone

Fuck never though of nicotine gum desu, cheers bro, there's too much tech shit with vaping and I know a lot of my friends who "quit" smoking and switched to vaping but still vape with nicotine and haven't tried to reduce it. Kinda already mentally prepared myself for being a train wreck doing cardio with smokers lungs, I'll look into gum asap, did you get any of the cravings for wanting to actually hold a cig/roll yourself one (I use rolling tobacco)?

as a smoker here is my honest advice
>just quit now

Cigs are the ultimate gains goblin. Not just directly but also because you can't lift when you're dead

I don't want to sound like a vape fag but vaping helped me quit faster than anything else. I also don't care for the way it tastes (love me some tobacco) so when I run out of juice most the time I don't want to go through the shit of finding a flavor I don't even want so I quit, if I ever get the urge to smoke again I just get a small bottle of something shitty with 0 nicotine and just work myself out of the habit again.

Did pick up cigs again for awhile because work/life started to stress me out to the point I was about to start punching random people to vent but I'm back to vaping and already about to quit that again, down to my last bottle of juice and I already have no desire to buy more.

i smoked for 15 years, up to 1.5 packs a day, and i quit when someone broke into my car and stole 6 packs. didn't want to re-buy them. yes i'm jewish.

Look into drinking coffee and going to the sauna. Saunas make you sweat the nicotine out of your fat.

quit now u weakling, if you care about your health at all that is

Do I have to do it or is it enough just to look into it?

quit smoking by not buying cigarettes, it's that simple.

just die already
just kidding I smoke 2 packs a day and run sprints regularly
just shut up and run...

how are you not dead yet?

I've been smoking for about 12 years my lungs are fucked seriously. I even quit 3 seperate times all for about year. Quit now don't do it ever again it is literally like the worst thing ever. I'm actually quitting right now in hopes that my lungs can be salvaged. if i could go back in time and kick myself in the balls for only 1 thing, starting smoking would be it.

i don't know man, you might want to use your kick in the balls on the you who decided to travel back in time to kick your own balls.

the trick is easy: be honest on the internet x 5

Yeah I had some cravings to roll especially since I had rizlas and filters sitting around in my room for a while after I threw the tobacco out.

Also my housemates started smoking in the living room which gives it that stanky ass smell which didn't help. I found it useful to replace rolling a cigarette with putting the kettle on and having a cup of tea instead, trying to replace the addiction for nicotine with caffeine or something kek

I've smoked for 8 years straight and just began quitting. Please, quit now if you can. Don't let it drag on.

What finally broke the chain for me was realizing that all that smoking was fucking up my blood flow, thus, causing penis shrinking and erectile dysfunction.

After quitting, I noticed my dick being bigger than I've ever seen it, and can easily hold erections now with girls when before, I had issues doing that.

Don't let the negative effects of smoking manifest.

Good. Quit now before your really fucked.

As unwanted as vaping is, its probably the easiest way along with some gum. Vape for at home, gum for in public. You can get some simple cheap shit for vaping, should cost more that $50 for a USB chargeable pen. Also like you mentioned keep lowering the nicotine levels in the juice so you can kick it for good

Good luck, you can make it. Its not an easy road but you'll be glad you did it.

lovely fags

quit now, reach 5k and ask yourself if its worth ever smoking again and risk giving this up

A vape pen is the easiest way to quit smoking, but where alot of people fail is that they constantly vape. You need to use the vape as it was a cigarette and only take 4 to 6 drags every hour or so, weening down the nicotine level when you think you're ready.

Quit now. It's better that way. You would rather not find out about the consequences of smoking, firsthand.
Also, excersise is for keeping weight off, not losing it. The key to losing weight is simple. Lifestyle changes. Don't go on a "diet", you'll just relapse. Fundamentally change the way you live and eat and the benefits will last a long time.

Throw you cigarettes in the bin and stop smoking
.I stopped after 11 years at 30+ cigarettes per day.
If you think cutting the amount will help you stop, it is not.
Just throw everything, don't be a faggot.

How long without nicotine before you noticed changes in your dick capabilities?