OK, memes aside. What do you think Tom Hardy's routine was when he was training for Warrior?

OK, memes aside. What do you think Tom Hardy's routine was when he was training for Warrior?


prob a cycle or 2

Steroids and a rowing machine.

did he used roids?

Most actors do, how do you think they get role ready in a few months?

> goes on a silly x only and y only diet to lose weight
> Nigga Wtf Just Stop Eating Haha

>bulk for bronson
>cut for warrior
>take pictures with good lighting

diuretics maybe, hardy really isn't that big doubt he's cycling

Eat clen and tren hard

>That lack of fullness in traps and shoulders
>everyone claims he roids
Fuck all of you.

Is guy on the left pop tart fitness faggot?

That made me laugh but then made me rage when I realized it's the exact same argument fatties use when they say their condishuns and genetics are keeping them from losing weight

>Bigger for Warrior than for Batman

did he do that on purpose, or what?

No idea, saw this pic on Veeky Forums once and thought it was funny and true so I saved it.

You can get lean regardless of your genetics, but if you don't have the correct bone structure then getting leaner won't make you look any better. That's about as far as genetics goes when it comes to fat people.

Who is this actor? I keep hearing about him but don't know who he is or what he's in. Anyway he's a pretty big guy

This is 100% a real thing.
I go to the gym for 6 hours a week and insane amounts of crap and I look better than half the guys there that have been lifting for years.

Kinda baffles me to be honest. Either genetics really do play a part, or my entire gym just simply doesn't eat.

Try googling it first... His personal trainer has published it

Same here. I always thought that I had shit genetics because I stayed lean and never gained any mass despite working out like crazy, turned out I just hadn't been eating nearly enough and once I started eating I gained 10 kgs out of nowhere and very little of that weight was fat. The only genetic disadvantage I have is my wide waist, however I make up for it by having broad shoulders (thanks dad).


>What do you think Tom Hardy's routine was when he was training for Warrior?
There are companies/individuals who get contracted specifically to train actors for upcoming roles and the major studios all use mostly the same people- They devise a standard routine focused mainly around speed and bodyfat reduction but emphasising a bodypart or two-

Fight Club was pretty much any standard routine but losing a ton of bodyfat
Troy was pretty much any standard routine with more roids and rows and no leg work (pitts legs are a joke)

Bale is a good example because he looks like shit in all his movies because he's constantly losing or gaining weight and American Psycho (probably where he looks best) he's just weak but with low bodyfat

In short, all hollywood routines at around 6 months are
>The right roids
>A good routine with skew towards bodyparts X and Y
>Extremely tight diet
>Good lighting

There is no magic

Bizarre how his lower traps are so much fuller than his upper traps.

Shit those fucking trips niggy