*does nothing*

*does nothing*

He saved millions

*wins the war on a bender*

i laughed so fucking hard when i heard his yankee doodle quote

Tell me about it.

I was literally about to post more or less this exact thread. I've been watching Ken Burns' documentary and it really doesn't cast him in a positive light. What was his fucking problem?

he was asked about military march songs and his favorite
>I only know two. One is yankee doodle, the other one isnt.

*still wins the war at Antietam*

>Wins the battle but fails to crush the Army of Northern Virginia and thus win the war, thereby prolonging hostilities for years

Eh, he trained a group of volunteer amateurs into a real army. He wasn't great at fighting, but I wouldn't say he did nothing. You could argue that he prevented the early Union army from blundering into a disaster.

He was scares to fight, basically. He was afraid to lose, and he didn't want to throw away the lives of his men. Both of these are admirable goals, and his men loved him, but when you pull shit like he did before and after Antietam (like says) you end up costing more lives in the long run.

Am I the only one who thinks he gets too much shit? I'm not saying he was the best general of the war, but the idea that he gets lumped in with Pope, Hooker, and Burnside (in fact, seemingly gets more shit) seems unfair. He fought better in the east than anyone until Meade and Lee was only able to defeat him at the Seven Days through a zerg rush.

I mean if he fought in the manner of that Roman general (I forget his name) who instead of directly facing Hannibal would maneuver around him and pick off stragglers bit by bit I'd understand. But he didn't, he just avoided fighting.

Fabius, it's why it's called the Fabian Strategy.


This, essentially. All the previous Union Generals didn't want to be labeled a butcher. Only Grant and Sherman realized that was the cost of saving the Union.

Abe Lincoln asks George McLellan to attack the Army of Northern Virginia.

"But they have 80,000 men! I can't defeat an army 140,000 strong. I'm not going to send my men into a battle when they're outnumbered by 300,000 enemy soldiers."

Discretion is the better part of valour. Lee and his subordinates were genuinely talented and rushing to fight them normally proved disastrous. Antietam was one of, if not, the most important battles of the war and if they lost it (or another battle fought somewhere else) it could have resulted in the Confederacy becoming internationally recognized. Instead, it gave Lincoln the chance to declare the emancipation proclamation, which greatly decreased the Confederacy's popularity abroad. Lincoln was undoubtedly an amazing politician, but his belief that Lee's army could easily be destroyed was naive.

Sherman's a meme, people just like him because he pisses off Southerners.

But why does his name piss of Southerners? He was probably one of the most lenient Union generals along with Grant. I blame Early for setting the stones for the modern Union and Dixie larpers.

Burning down Atlanta. I think Shermanposters vastly overestimate how much it bothers them.

I get more bothered by how badly Dixiefags and Shermanposters misunderstand men like Lee and Sherman.

Could have been the greatest general of the war if his job had been grand strategy, training and logistics. Halleck got that job. As mentioned, didn't like to get his hands bloody.

Lincoln went to McClellan's house to talk about war plans. McClellan ignored him, left him sitting in the parlor, and went to bed !

he was the Napoleon the Union needed but didn't deserve, and he knew it.

>not realizing he was playing 4D chess in order to ensure the prolonging of the war until the eventual extermination of slavery which otherwise would've been delayed

I'm reminded of an anecdote concerning ol' Little Mac. He was apparently really annoyed that Lincoln kept second-guessing and micromanaging him, and even requested McClellan to keep him more informed in the future. So Mac decided to be a snarky bastard and sent Lincoln a shitpost telegram simply saying:

>"Have just captured six cows; what shall we do with them?"

To his surprise, Lincoln actually quickly responded with another telegram.

>"Milk them, George."

Never try to out shipost a professional shitposter.

he ran against Lincoln for president and promised to end the war by recognizing the south as an independent nation

Why would you hand over the army to an insufferable cock gargler not once, but twice?
The virgin Major General vs the chad General of the Army
Low energy
I take back everything ive said about him

all part of the plan, he was such a laughing stock that he couldn't possibly win and prevented the Democrats from fielding a viable candidate.

>Does even more nothing

Literally one of the best presidents because.
>also hid under his desk, called his aides in, and then ad a giggl when they couldn't find him

The reason he couldn't win was because the war took a strong turn for the Union in the run-up to the election.

Imagine McClellan trying to negotiate peace with the South as Atlanta was burning and Grant was closing in on Richmond.

>Does even more nothing
he mastered the tactic of using stern silence to make others say more than they planned.
although does that work on anyone besides teenagers and catholics? people today feel no shame therefore no guilt. i've gone and confused myself again.

*burns the South to the Ground when no one believed he could*

Shermanposter, do actually believe in the completely wrong view that Sherman was some kind of Southerner hating monster? Or do you just use it to piss off autistic Dixiefags?

Not him but as a Sherman shitposter I know that he was pretty damn lenient. Hell the entire North was, only Radical Republicans wanted actual punishment toward the South.

I would say Sherman was one of the most lenient Union generals. While I do hate Shermanposters and Dixiefags because most Civil War discussion kind of gets ruined the second they step into a thread I can at least appreciate how some Southern larpers built this image of that monster Sherman and instead of hurting his popularity it just increased it and Southerners 100 years later are still getting shitposted into oblivion because of it.