Did Rome deserve to fall?

Did Rome deserve to fall?

Yes, and I'm not even trying to be edgy.

Stagnation is never good user.

Any nation that ever fell deserved it.

Fallen american empire when?

Pretty soon probably.

Does humanity deserve to fall?

A very large part of it, yes

Deserve's got nothing to do with it.

Yeah, but that's not the question user. OP is asking for a value judgement.

If we go extinct you can be assured we deserved it.
If we don't then no.

Never. There will never be another powern on the American continent strong enough to challenge the US.

>misunderstanding the nature of history this badly

The US is culturally homgenous and all Americans identify with the same state. Never in history has a nation like that been this dominant.

But that's not true. If anything it's the lease homogeneous state that has ever existed.

Ask anyone from the US what's his nationality and they'll all give the same answer. Colonial and traditional empires did not benefit from this.

>said every empire in history

Except they won't. If you ask a black person his nationality, they will proudly say "north african" or "haitian" ask a white person and they'll say "german" or "irish" ask an asian and they'll say "chinese" or "slavic" etc barely anyone will say they are american unless they are in another country

USA depends on capitalism, capitalism depends on dollar, dollar depends on oil.
When oil runs out, you see the pattern...
No jobs lead to civil unrest.
Then, all hell breaks loose. White vs black as usual with latinos in crossfire.
No nation will ever attack US, US will eat itself in their own greed.

An empire hurt by an outside source will always bounce back. An empire only truly falls when it tears itself apart

2020 going to be great
2030 going to be okay
2040 going to go to shit real quick
2050 get even worse
2060s second american civil war this time it breaks up or becomes shitty and totalitarian

Whats your logic behind this?

I think it might happen sooner:
2020 going to shit real quick
2030 everything falls apart and we go back to a more primitive time