24th birthday tomorrow

>24th birthday tomorrow
Is it too late for me to get aesthetic as fuck?

It's so hard to make time to eat, bulk, gym daily. I'm doing a fucking PhD in aerospace engineering I don't have time to wait until I'm 29 to free up

yes woirking out doesnt work after 18

iirc there were mr olympias or mr universes who were above 50yo

also dont worry 24yo is great

I'm 23, 130 lb at 5"9. Basically skele-tier. I'm doing a degree in CS too. For me it's pretty possible to just spend 1 hour in the gym four times a week, definitely possible.

It's always going to be too late if you're even questioning it.

>is it too late to x

if you're still alive the answer is no

give yourself some permission

I go to the gym, im not out of shape - it's the level of dedication to diet/cooking + working out + the amount you need to cook that makes it hard for me to fit into my schedule. I take a fuck ton of adderall so it's even harder to gain weight when I want to

I'm 39 and hit 1/2/3/4 after 7 months of hard at it.
>never too late

great job bro

I'm doing my medical residency and still manage to do it and take care of my bitching pregnant wife. Just do it faggot.

where you studying senpai, i'm currently doing my master's.

fuck yea bro, proud of you

pic related
>aerospace engineering

Almost like they go hand in hand my man.

As far as I'm concerned I didn't manage to do it until after I finished my dissertation. I could manage healthy cooking and enough cardio to not get fat, but not lifting on top of that, or only occasionally, not at the sustained dedication level that is necessary for gains.

Now all PhD students are different and I strongly hope you can find a way to rearrange your lab life and personal life to work out as much as you want and still meet your academic requirements.

It's never too late but sure, the younger the easier, and looking good shirtless is also more important when you're young.

Good luck for your PhD!

You can still do it man. I'm 24 with a full time + part time job, while going for a 2 year degree. It sucks, but is possible.

>ITT: normie retards pursuing a bachelor's/associates saying that if they have time to lift, a PhD candidate should have time to lift too

PhD pursuit is soul crushing. I just got an MS in CS and my average night's sleep for my final semester was like 3-4 hours tops. I knew a few PhDs that basically slept 1-2 hours in the CS building and then got right back to it the next morning. I didn't lift at all and it sucked.

OP, I'd recommend doing absolute bare minimum to not get fat. You can try to manage 2 sessions of the basics per week.


Pull up


OHP or Incline bench


Just get in and and get out. You can finish both days in 45 min and get back to your dissertation. The biggest issue you will face is sleep deprivation. You will not make gains. Just think of every session as a cut -- you're just trying to maintain what you have. Eat at maintenance.

You will not get shredded during this time. Professional life is a big adjusted as well. Took me two years to settle into a serious gym routine again after getting a job as a software engineer. And now that I'm serious once again, I basically don't have time for anything else. And I don't even have kids (just a dog and a house to maintain). I can see why having kids makes people fat now.

It's tough. I'm looking to create more income streams for myself because I don't think I can do this for 40 more years. I value health and fitness over money. I'd kill for more flexibility.

just about to finish undergrad in mech and aero

gl to you man

how was masters? any protips?


Those guys don't have full time jobs.

Bachelor's takes very little effort and most PhD candidates did their BS with their eyes clothes. PhD is a different monster.

Jesus Christ, we're going backwards. Nobody cares about your manual labor and retard mode associates.

I'm sure you have 3 days a week you can free up an hour to train
even if you can't do it perfectly it's better than not doing anything at all

Don't be a faggot, you can improve every day for the rest of your life, you just want to keep progressing forward and shit.

>eyes clothes

my fucking sides

Why bother asking this question? You clearly know how much time you can set aside much better than any of us would.

me @ 27 versus me @ 30. no, it's not even close to too late.

And your excuses are bullshit about not having time. Ever since i've lifted I've maintained a full time career 40 hrs a week + full time load of courses at college + lifted 6x days a week + dieted and cooked 365/year + family/social obligations/relationships + shitposted on Veeky Forums. Get organized and get your priorities/goals mapped out. If you want it, you can do it.

Thank man, you're a good guy