What do you fucks do at a party if you don't know anyone but everyone there knows someone

what do you fucks do at a party if you don't know anyone but everyone there knows someone

and what's your favorite of the big four. for me, it's OHP

find the smallest person at the party and ohp him/her
youll instantly gain everyone's respect while looking like a badass

Why would you go to a party if you don't know anyone?


I talk to strangers


once you're drunk you'll know everyone

I don't go to parties where I don't know anyone.

Why would I? Isn't the whole purpose of it to gather around with people you know and get shitfaced?

Deadlifts at the moment.

>if you don't know anyone

You should know at least 1 person. What the fuck are you even doing there?

Find a qt3.14 that looks bored and start a conversation with her. Then she introduces me to her friends and we do shots. Next thing you know I banging one of her friends in the bathroom. Then I leave

>go to someone who seems cool
>"Hey, do you know anyone here?"
Then small talks
Then go take drinks
Get hammered together
Ask for Facebook/phone number before you pass out
If you chose a cute girl you can also ask her on a date/bring her back home

I'm 21 and I've never been to a party
Come to think of it I haven't made a single friend out of high school

Talk with people
Look for the quietest place with people hanging out (usually people smoking)
They are cool 99% of the time.


>best place to meet people at a club is the smoking area where you can actually chat
>tfw don't smoke and find smoking disgusting
what am i supposed to do? I'm not going to ruin my gains by starting to smoke

smoke without inhaling. that way you are safe

Have enough to drink to where I can talk to anybody there, but not enough to make an ass of myself.


how the fuck do you smoke without inhaling? Just put the cigarette up to your moth and do nothing? what about second hand smoke?

How the fuck are you in a such party? wtf lmao

just hold the smoke in your mouth and blow it out, don't take it into your lungs
if you worry about ten minutes of second hand smoke, you worry too much

For me I usually take a drunk or two to help me loosen up then I talk to the first 5/10 girls I can find which is usually good enough to push my confidence up so i can enjoy the night

c-chad? does this really work?


Do you know wbag board you're on?

This can work if your good looking for sure

for me it's Slayer

Why would you fake smoke... ? To get a chance to talk to smoking girls? People who smoke are trash anyway I wouldn't even bother.

I've nearly perfected Swedish accent and not knowing anyone at a party is the perfect opportunity to pretend you're a foreign exchange student for college or something. Any girls there will flock to you like a fucking puppy m8. you just gotta practice with it first and be confident in your ability to pull it off

I don't know what to do, so the few parties and discos I went to, I just keep drinking to avoid looking awkward. OHP is best lift.

Look at your phone all the time. People will think you're constantly in contact with other people and popular so they will chat you up.

Don't fucking do this. Nobody looks at someone on their phone and immediately wants to talk to them. You'll just come off like the autist you are. In fact, don't take any advice any of these retards here give you

>at a party
Define a party. Yesterday evening and night I spend literally ten hours doing nothing but talking with other philosophy majors about atheism and theism, our family background and its affects on us, depression etc. We ate some snacks, they all had a couple of beers, whereas I drank soda. The best night in a very long time, although sitting for so long makes my back hurt.

My favorite lift is the one that's progressing, so I guess bench is the least favorite one at the moment.

You sound like a total loser wannabe intellectual. Kill you are self

Suicide was also one of the things we discussed.

don't forget to flex a 'cep while introducing yourself