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Sup Veeky Forums woke up around 6 this morning with vertigo. Can only lay down in my left side of my body. If I lay on my back or stomach I feel like the room is spinning. I've had to eat my meals laying down in bed today and feel terrible for it. Can we start some FPH because I hate how I feel and hate fatties for being this lady everyday.

Other urls found in this thread:




What was that supposed to convey to begin with?




So nothing. The photographer is just a hack and thought it looked cool.

Isn't that most "art" in the 21st century?

I hate this century so much.

Me too

>4000 cals as maintenance
Wee lads

Why does she need to maintain

These threads aways just turn into talking about that one show about fat people, which gets boring after a while. Anyone got any good fat people stories?

>Blake Little

Just saw this on fb, fattie got triggered
>A calorie for a woman is more than for a guy



Anybody know what Based Jillian is up to these days?

Plugging HARDCORE dieting and exercise stuff.
She's also splitting her time between her girlfriend and the black guy that helps her "train".

So what exactly is going on in this picture? Like, medically, what's causing the color changes and blisters n shit?

we get the full dollar and they get the full calorie


>our girl!!!

I've head this same problem the last months. If my head is parallell to the ground, no matter if lying down or turning my head backwards as i sat or stood, the world would start spinning. Disappeared and then later reappeared after two weeks. You'll learn to live with it.


Had the same problem last year. Try crushing/pressing ginger, and drinking it in some hot water (kinda like a rigged up ginger tea). This got ride of it for months for me. Ginger helps ALOT with vertigo. I have to knock back a few of these home made ginger teas every 6 or 7 months.

Went to the doc about it several times and the consensus is that I have REALLY shitty sinus cavities that fill with fluid easily. That, and I need to wear my glasses more often.



where can I watch it?

JoJo has proven that guys have no problem with thick-lipped fuckable men

Ate a whole can of pringels this evening, couldn't puke because i took meds beforehand. God i hate myself so much. My friends say a BMI of 28 is acceptable and i look like a BMI 22, but i think i'm disgusting, even with my muscles.
Thanks for keeping us fatties strong!



I mean I'm kind of a fag so I don't represent every guy, but yeah, twinks are great.


holy fuck, how the fuck do you just decide to go out like that?

Welcome to the wonderful world of white trash.

Yeah I had the issue once when I was 17, woke up and the entire room was spinning and it lasted all day. Haven't had that in about 12 years but it always scared the shit out of me that it would happen again and it finally did. Not as bad this time, probably because i took Dramamine as soon as I realized what was happening, but I've been in bed all day. I feel disgusted with myself just watching tv and eating every few hours. Was wanting to walk my doggos and hit the gym today.

Im pretty sure that the amount of excess nutrients and elevated glucose in the blood causes bacteria and other fungus to thrive on the extra fuel the body doesnt use.

I remember that people of walmart website. It was a goldmine for shit like this. However, is this actually really common in America? Here in the Netherlands I almost never see shit like this.


>using ctrl+f instead of the catalog or search function.

There already is a FPH retard but the user name it wrong like a retard.


You better stop this I'm warning you. Making fun of people is like black people, you are being racist. Fatness is a genetic issue you can't control, not a "thermodynamic" one like the bully bullshit Chads here spout to justify their bullying.

This is ZUN. He drink 8 cans of lager 7 days a week and eats a large amount. Also admits not doing exercise. But he is as thin as a fiddle. If your "calorie in calorie out" pseudo-physics is right, it should not be possible for him to be so thin. But he is.

And this is physics, you can't say the exception doesn't prove the rule because physics is homogenouse. Metabolism and genetics are destiny, so you better stop the hating. Some of us are fat just like some a re black, doesn't give you the right to be racist toward fat people.

Depends where you live. Stuff like that pic are almost exclusively from the southern states, which are filled with the poor and uneducated.

>the goblin king

God fucking dammit some dumb ass bitch took Labrynth and tried to make it into a shitty romance when it was already a great romance. This shits on David Bowie's memory.

Old roommate story

>be me early 20s living with two other roommates
>buy an 18 pack of oatmeal cream pies for everyone
>me and one roommate eat maybe two or three the all together the first day
>other fat roommate discovers them later that day
>go to grab one the next afternoon and there and three left
>fat roommate ate like 12 in one night
>take the rest to my room and leave the box on the table
>fat roommate wakes up and later and goes to eat one
>he discovers that the box is empty and gets mad that they are all gone


Massive amounts of weeping edema due to the fat just killing venous return

Is it itchy? It looks itchy.

Gotta maintain that mad bulk.

that just looks like pregnant white trash.

It can itch, burn, and ache unfortunately due to decreased venous return along with most people who are that big they experience diabetic neuropathy and can't feel a hell of a lot, which poses more risks than solves.

i want to take a cheese shredder and clean that off...

>they experience diabetic neuropathy and can't feel a hell of a lot

Just physically or is diabetic neuropathy good solution to chronic depression?

OC from a former Paramedic, worked in LA and OC, CA.

>On duty, shift is nearly over
>Been in the captain's seat for a couple hours, napping and shitposting on /r9k/, the usual
>Receive call from dispatch to go to residence several miles away of bariatric (turbofat) PT for transportation to hospital
>Dispatch advises that PT was complaining of chest pain and difficulty breathing
>Look at map, realize there are two other units closer to the location, call dispatch to verify
>Dispatch acknowledges, tells us to go anyway (THIS WAS A RED FLAG)
>Review visit logs for this residence in past three months
>Four visits for BLS and transportation, two for ALS (THIS WAS ANOTHER RED FLAG)
>Arrive on scene, partner and I stretch out and prepare for the worst
>Do some squats in preparation for what is to come
>knock on door
>no response
>knock louder
>no response
>pound on door with maglite (we all carried them to fend off homeless people and crackheads that are endemic to LA and OC)
>Indeterminate gender bellows from inside residence to enter
>We attempt to enter, door is wedged shut with dozens of garbage bags
>Kick door open, partner and I slowly push it far enough forward so I can crawl over the garbage bags
>crawl over hundreds of pounds of rotting garbage to enter residence, intense stench of cat piss and fecal matter assaults me
>Demand partner give me ventilator mask
>Take mask, put it on, begin dragging garbage away from door and heaving it into adjacent room
>Partner is inside moments later, gags, then puts on own ventilator
>Call out for PT by name on call log, and begin walking through house
>More indecipherable bellowing leads us to a bedroom

cont. in next section

im triggered my moms legs used to look like that and i had to clean and lotion them

im still waiting faggot

oh mommy oh yes
please let me clean your legs
uguu its so sexy
im so hard mommy
please let me cum on your sexy legs mommy

Waiting eagerly.


cont. from above

>Partner and I enter bedroom, immediately spot PT
>Morbidly obese (300+ lbs. just looking at her)
>Verbally confirm ID, receive unintelligible bellow in response
>PT is sitting upright on blue beanbag, same color as dress, middle of beanbag has huge brown stain
>Realize with mounting horror she is the beanbag
>Revise weight estimate to 425-450 lbs.
>Partner has saucer-sized eyes above mask, has never seen something like this before
>Assess airway, give her O2 and notify dispatch we are talking to PT, request bariatric unit
>PT has 30" biceps ('mirin), cannot take blood pressure normally, forced to take forearm approach
>BP is 175/115, nearly lethal levels, shit pants and give nitroglycerine tablets to PT
>On-duty doc has been woken up at dispatch, now on the line with us
>Heart rate is 115 a minute, ask PT if this is frequent
>"Only when I smoke up some glass"
>Sudden realization the cat piss smell is not cat piss, but meth
>PT, who is morbidly obese and on blood pressure and arrhythmia medication, frequently smokes meth
>Backup has arrived, along with bariatric unit
>Praise Jesus

Pass It off to them. We got her loaded into the unit, but it took another 30 minutes. She also had a dead rat inside one of her fat rolls, and her advanced diabetes means she eventually had to get her left foot amputated.

I have to go walk my dog, just thinking about her gives me shivers.

Kek just physically it can cause blindness, kidney failure, peripheral vascular disease, and a whole bunch of other shit


it was exactly like that

this isn't the mom fantasy I like

Jillian makes me want to transition to a woman so I could be with her

Watching the new Steven episode. Look at this scene. Really emphasizes what a sad lonely fucked up NEET he is. He drew pictures of girls and in his drug (or pizza) fueled rage he ripped them up. That shits still on the wall after he "cleaned up" cuz a fucking psychiatrist was coming.

I bet he's posting on /r9k/ right now.

Steven is a psychology case-study wet dream.

Histrionic Personality
Super Morbid obesity
Drug addict

Anyone got a link to part 2?

i wanna take a knife and scrape that shit off


Tbh seeing obese women like this try to be sexy makes me gag. No one wants to look at your disgusting flabby body, except fat enthusiasts

I presume she's raising shitlord children with her cute wife and having lots of lesbian sex. She's living my dream.

>this is your brain on fat


what show?

>Denmark- is fatphobic, lego is hard for fat children to with

>They have hormonal issues because they're fat
>They can't lose weight because of the hormonal issues.


this gif is ruined once you realize he fell off on purpose to call a wahmbulance so he could get more pillz

>Waiting tables today
>Notice chubby fat guy sitting in my section across from a total hamplanet.
>Greet him first and get his order.
>Turn to Jabba and notice some of the worst teeth I've seen in years.
>Like a piano but more spaced out
>Thin greasy hair and bright pink makeup
>They both order two full meals
>Fast forward to them tasting their fries
>They both put sugar on their fucking fries. God damn.
>MFW Babyface keeps giving me a mixture of puppy dog eyes and a hungry smile
>Feel uncomfortable and avoid that table
He ended up tipping me $10 and asking for my number.

Terrible story and I'm shit at greentext but you wanted OC. There you go. Now to go watch Alien.

>8 cans of lager
So around 1400 cal.
>eats a large amount
Define large amount, and if what?
He could still hit his tdee pretty easily.
1/10 made me reply

He's Fat

depends on the state. in states with more blacks, the low-income whites start acting like africans

posting this gem from the last thread

And its all on TV for the world to see...

Anyone know if they're doing a follow up? I mean. He's off the show now right? He's fucked? He's going to die fat?

I can't possibly see him getting any better. And if he doesn't I assume he'll die in the next couple years from his fat.

This man needs to die.

His entire life at this point is downplaying his crippling disease and justifying his useless existence.

eternally relevant

Anyone else let down that Steven wasn't arrested for hitting up all those doctors for pain meds? I wanted to see his fatass crying while being handcuffed and carried away in an ambulance

did he died

He should be golf carted out onto a field and shot



And then her male model boyfriend, who just LOVES her curves, rides up on a stallion and whisks her and her daughter into the sunset while everyone clapped and Trump was immediately sentenced to lifetime imprisonment

Did she actually make that to describe herself
>Never Sexy
>Sometimes a slut
>Always a Victim

It fits most extreminist tumblr feminists like a glove

His brother did an /ama/ and from what I know there's no part 3, he's still a manipulative ass, and he got kicked most likely but is very much alive. Wish there was some closure to see how low he fell in the end before he got kicked though.


>Implying trump isn't just another lumpy sack of human garbage like the rest of the fatties

That man obviously has elephantiasis, he is fat aswell, but if I had elephantiasis I wouldn't be running on a treadmill either.

>at last i understand

>this is the master race