Anyone else even wonder why they come here on Veeky Forums let alone Veeky Forums in general?

Anyone else even wonder why they come here on Veeky Forums let alone Veeky Forums in general?

Being in my mid 20's now it's only making me realize how negative literally everything is. Even with a great body/genetics/face I almost finding myself doubting what I have at times since every down syndrome induced fuck on here try's to put others down to make up for their own insecurities.

I'll pop in time to time Veeky Forums but for now I'm saying good bye. Just wanted to shed that light on here so hopefully some of you see it too. This site's only bringing me down and it has taken me since 2007 to see that. Was fun though...time to grow up I guess. Sounds lame but positivity is everything.

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>>am 25
Do you actually prefer the torturously neutered discussion of reddit/rest of the internet?
Veeky Forums makes me feel sane. I hope it never dies.

lmao you cant leave

I agree but I hate internet in general and just don't know where to go. I don't play vydia and already am lifting, learning a new idiom etc.

Honestly no, but that's why I never stay on reddit besides taking quick glances at what's hot. But at the same time this place is making me way too negative. I gotta do it for my own good. I've basically cut out other sites too past couple months and this has to be the next step as fun as it is. Fucking sucks.

The laughter is great but there's more negativity then anything. Just isn't good for me anymore.

I can understand wanting to ditch this negatively. It's certainly here. Either accept your newfound emotional callus or limit Veeky Forums I guess. Other boards are nice though like /o /diy /ck /vg. Goodluckbro be happy

> negativity*

we dont need ur emo shit either, goodbye faggot

Appreciate that.

Btw I applied to the Publix that Jason Genova works at yesterday...hopefully that goes through so I have some entertainment.

alright see you tomorrow

>quitting Veeky Forums to become bag boy at 25
Wow you really are turning your life around

that's right it's the only way to make it. You're not gonna miss out anything in this shithole.

Exactly why I love Veeky Forums...

5x arrestee and ex-gang member. Finishing up my bachelors now so I need extra income. Thanks though, I'll entertain you guys for now.

The only thing I wonder is why minorities browse this site. I mean that, I genuinely wonder.

I'm white and from Chicago.

OK i'm done here. Have fun guys.

Good. Go. Get complacent. Give up on your improvement with nobody there to push you to greater standards.
Soon you will realise how much you need us. And slink back into CBT threads.

You will be back, they always come back.

Good luck bro, take care

around 2010 I switched over to spending most of my time on reddit instead of here after 7 years. Sure there's less calling people cucks or whatever "torturously neuterd discussion" means but I'm not missing out on much by seeing that. Waaayyy less shitposting if you get outside of the defaults.

Reddit may seem more hugbox-y than Veeky Forums but that's mostly due to Veeky Forums being so obnoxiously hostile most of the time. Way too negative here.
Really got old as I aged out of puberty/college age. I get enough people yelling about shit in real life, I don't need to escape from that only to spend my time on the internet equivalent.

Holy shit I was just about to make a thread like this. I did shrooms yesterday and realized how shallow i have become and how I dehumanize women in my mind because of this website. I appreciated the laughs but its time to grow up.

This place has a lot of tormented souls. Lot of people who are hurt, depressed, incredibly negative. That is exactly why I stay. I used to be a sad cunt, but I changed my paradigm. I've also been here since 07, I've made great changes and grown in more ways than I can remember. But, I wouldn't leave these guys behind.

I'm here to help shed a little light where its needed the most.

Biggest thing I can do to improve my life right now aside from sticking to scheduled workouts and runs?
I mainly lack drive and that determination to do/go for things

Veeky Forums has certainly gone down the shitter the past few years. All the quality posters have left for other chans. All thats left here is underaged retards who think they are hot shit since they read the sticky, roidmonkeys, and faggots who just want to post THICCCCCCCCCC/food/porn threads

I don't prefer anything in particular, I for one just need to cut out my internet browsing completely. Rather than replace Veeky Forums with something, I hope to save time every day and feel better about myself.

See you back tomorrow.

I come here because Im not a normie. And I feel so alone. Yeah, its a cesspool here. Lots of stupid people. But they are my family.

sometimes you just get that feeling of belonging and you chase it ever since

>Not that user

I have the same problem. I do have good days, Especially in the summer.

Minorities can also be autistic and enjoy autistic humor. The /pol/ mentality isn't really prevalent on Veeky Forums

Meh, I came out of curiosity. Stayed because of habit and the occasional harsh needed truth.

>new idiom

>I gotta do it for my own good. I've basically cut out other sites too past couple months

This is the real redpill. That's how I see Veeky Forums more or less. Veeky Forums is like a tough love experience. It's part of the whole time wasting internet meme, but it's aware of that and part of its purpose is to teach you about that in general so that you remove those things from your life, even if Veeky Forums is on the list.

I honestly think if I never came to Veeky Forums, I would never have started to have the realizations I had about the filth of the internet and the vapidness of most websites in general.

you'll be back. they always come back. ALWAYS

once you're infected with the virus you never truly leave. as for myself i stopped r9k and pol and now almost exclusively browse s4s and fit

still, this place is my real home. i cant ever leave

Not the guy you responded to, but really one of the biggest things is routine. Healthy routine. I know it sounds like a meme, but the reason it's a cliche is that everyone tells you to do it and nobody does it. That's why they keep telling you to develop a routine because if you actually do it, it works wonders for your life.

It has to be a healthy routine though. That's the other part is that so many people have a routine that's bad for them.

Start with regular sleep and wake up time. Eat at a regular time. Dedicate one hour an evening to something enjoyable but productive. I really like Duolingo, and Codecademy is enjoyable and useful. Or anything really. Gamified skillbuilding sites like that are very effective because they use the same psychological models designed to get you addicted to videogames and tv shows, but you actually get something worthwhile out of them.

Once you start to make a solid routine like that, especially with the sleep, it starts to come naturally. I find when I get into a good routine, I naturally become less interested in timewasting and willfully pursue productive things like going to the gym more, get more serious about learning language, coding etc. However whenever I am underslept, all I can do all day at work is think about going home and watching youtube videos or tv shows for hours. It's night and day.

Check out this video by Jordan Peterson, it's short and insightful. Also generally watch other lectures by him; he has really opened my mind on a lot of issues and really gets your mind moving:

Thanks Mate,
Appreciate the input

Anytime buddy-o

There are too many minorities in my waterpark.

Veeky Forums's "negativity" is refreshing
Most communities out there aren't willing to tell you the straight truth as hurtful as it may sound

I don't know, I'm 6'3" though so all those manlet posting doesn't get to me.

just take it as banter dude

you don't actually take people on this Estonian swimming forum seriously... do you?

>just take it as banter dude
>inordinate amounts of threads every day ridiculing everyone under 6'2"

I think Veeky Forums gives me and everyone else a reality check. While Reddit and their lot allows for their users to live in tomorrowland. It's useful to be in such a toxic place and being able to leave whenever you want. It made me psychologically resilient.


I don't speak spanish though.

>Anyone else even wonder why they come here on Veeky Forums let alone Veeky Forums in general?

Nope, it's fun. You just need more in your life.

>Permanent position in large corp with decent pay
>Masters degree in a year
>140 kg bench, 210 kg squat, 240 kg dead at 88 kg bodyweight 26 yrs
>speak 4 languages
>Worked abroad for 2 years

Now I can finally plan long term. Shit's good, bro

>mfw thinking of impregnating future gf with my babbies

nice frog post

maybe you thought because of the immense hate on minorities, mostly by /pol/ and /r9k/

Truth is in order to enjoy this website, you have to move past the insults and most of them just do not give a shit about them being called niggers or whatever.

Veeky Forums is what it always has been, wading through shit for diamonds. A skewed perspective on life itself, but a perspective nonetheless.

You just have to have a good attitude and not make it a fucking 'muh secret club' about the whole thing.

>took ten years to realize a majority of posts on Veeky Forums are negative ironically or unironically

Holy shit. No way anyone that's been browsing Veeky Forums for ten years has no realized this. You might be an actual retard or lying about how long you've been here