Stuff that take an incredible ammount of will power

>not overeating when drunk

hello mate

Taking a shower

Why do I have to waste time

literally this

>not taking a freezing cold shower after gym

>not stealing yo girl

>having to force yourself to get into a warm place that calms you down and reinvigorates you while keeping you temporarily safe and isolated from all your troubles


I look forward to showering every morning and every night. Very relaxing, smell great, will continue.

not calling you a faggot

Getting out of bed in the morning to face another cold, meaningless day filled with routines and boredom on this void earth.

>not getting more drunk when youre already too drunk

Getting out of the shower is pure hell

Are you talking about the shower or your boyfriends bed ?

All of that movement and time away from Veeky Forums though

No, yours.

>not drinking beer on a warm sunny day
fucking hell


im not your mate pal

>doesn't browse Veeky Forums and fap in the amazing warm shower on water resistant phone
Dude you are missing out big time.


My showers always last between 20-30 minutes. I WILL NOT get out until I'm ready. Can't.

Not overeating after smoking some buds

are these things even possible?

>eating out of boredom
>eating when sad
>eating when stressed
>eating when angry

Fellow fatties know these feels

Meant to say not eating.

I think not. :(

>not overeating when high

>not drinking a beer everyday

never once have i managed to do this
very rarely have i managed to do this

i'm not your pal guy

Getting up when there's no need to and nobody forcing you.
When I have to go to uni I can get up without an alarm, but on days off I can't get up with several.

fucking this


I drink wine, I'm sophisticated like that.

Getting out of bed to go to the gym

nope you are just a faggot

That dry skin tho

I'm my experience it's a lot easier to not overeat if you just don't eat at all.

I usually have my usual meal (proper dinner/lunch) before smoking and then have absolutely nothing after cause stopping is harder than not starting.

Just pig out every month or so if you earn it and you'll be fine.

oh my sweet summer child, one day you will grow up and stop caring about what society thinks of you

and the worst part about this is that it not very detrimental so its hard to motivate myself into correcting it.

I'd almost rather miss something that fucks my life so I can snap out of it .

>he doesn't showerbrowse

fuck man, those flips look like some kind of monkey desperately escaping from a tiger

impressive as fuck

Holy fuck this. I start facing unbelievable problems even after 1-2 drinks.

Might be my finnish genes tho.

Im 35 yo though

oh my sweet summer manchild

>nerdy xD pop culture reference
>"Not caring what others think about you is a part being an adult"
>"I drink wine I'm sophisticated"

We have the same

Ei oikeesti, hommaa selkäranka ja lopeta se viinalla läträäminen. Aikuinen mies joka ei hallitse juomistaan on säälittävin asia maailmassa.


>meaningless day filled with routines and boredom on this void earth.
that shit is cozy dude, wake up go to work go gym go home hang cupboard doors do homework play pokemon and eat dinner go to sleep
almost everyday

it would be 200% cozy wild man style
>wake up
>go sit in a hut for 3 hours
>shoot deer
>hang deer
>cut fire wood
>do cardio
>take nap
>eat lunch
>pick weeds in field
>play in garage
>eat dinner
>bed time

>eating when happy
>finding a celebration or stressor in every day to use as an excuse to overeat


not fapping when feelings the need to cuz of /nofap

nofap is fucking stupid

??/ how so

>tons of benefits from fapping
>none from not fapping

i wonder

To be fair it absolutely helps degenerates spending hours a day doing it.

Moderation is good who fucking knew.

what fuckin benefits could i get from fapping what are you talking about

it cures prostate cancer

>google benefits of fapping
>get actual benefits with scientific evidence
>google benefits of nofap
>get a bunch of placebo bullshit

oh thanks alot guys
10/10 actually thought fapping was ruining gains

Ura fag

it helps against prostate cancer and I've also noticed a use it or lose it phenomenom, ie. when I stop for a week, my sex drive decreases and don't get as strong erections. I sometimes have to make myself jerk off once after a drought just so I can start doing it regularly again

these may seem minute, but I definitely agree the nofap benefits are a bunch of bullshit. I agree porn is bad for you for a myriad of reasons, but is objectively WORSE for you physically, and at best neutral for you mentally (I personally just get more desperate, but I understand some people might feel more "driven")

>Stuff that take an incredible amount of will power
Nothing. The only thing incredible is your own self.


But dude that insignificant test spike once every 7 days! How will you even make gains without it??

No fap is bullshit
No porn is the way

Not overeating when high is infinitely more difficult for me.

>not drinking every day

I know it is bad, but I still do this.

Mistah steal yow gurllll

reading a book

i just dont like it at all

this, I can't tell you how many post-gym showers I skipped just because I don't want to waste my time

>tfw overate last time I got drunk
>tfw I just stopped getting drunk
Non-alcoholic master race.

Also, britbong detected.

Fighting this now.

>not eating during fasting period

>not hitting dude weed lmao when its free
i like the high but keep thinking if blazing it is gonna ruin my lung gains and affect stamina which is why i havent done that shit in months now. Is vaping it better

>drinking alcohol
If you drink alcohol you're never gonna make it desu, there is literally no scenario when drinking is more advantageous than being sober.

Talking to people before I have my morning coffee

Not being a fucking Asshole when my blood sugar is low

I'm polish and started drinking when I was 12
For me it's not possible to not get wasted when I start drinking.
Strugling now to be sober so for me it would be
>not letting over 9000 of your friends pressure you enough to drink when you go out with them
inb4 change friends
everybody drinks here

had to quit smoking on cut because it's just not possible to not eat a ton of fast food and sweats while high

>getting enough sleep instead of wasting all night on Veeky Forums

*Except if you enjoy it


Except every single adult will look at you like the sperg you are for turning down a light beer at a social event. And if your diet can't handle an extra 300 calories every few days then you probably aren't doing your cardio.

Pic related is me

For me it's not drinking a beer after work.

>come home from work at 5:00 pm
>start browsing Veeky Forums
>see anime tits and girls that arouse me
>decide to fap
>start searching for porn
>open a dozen of videos
>end up fapping to one
>clean myself
>keep browsing Veeky Forums and looking at hot gurls
>decide to fap again since my gf isn't home today
>do the whole process again
>maybe even longer, if I'm fapping to some doujin and want to get into the story
>realize it's now 11 pm
>all I did today was masturbate
>feel like shit
>play some overwatch and go to sleep

Nofap saved my life.

>not texting my cocaine delivery service after 3-4 beers Friday after work.


>having to force yourself to get into a warm place

Not having cold showers.

For shame user.

i got 500ml icecream, chips and beers coz of this thread

Fucken this. I can stay sober for weeks, but once I start drinking I keep on drinking the "just one more" beer.

>oh my sweet summer child, one day you will grow up and stop caring about what society thinks of you

i hope this is post-iron meem trash, faggot

Getting up before 12

>not eating sweats
it's like you don't even want to make it

>not getting drunk

WTF i train at this gym

You guys need to master food displacement
I.e. learn to cook Veeky Forums versions of junk food

>not calling another high test escort

I don't even want to know how much I've spent in total.

Had it happen this morning, but I really needed to rest longer, any light was messing with my eye sight

How is it cozy knowing that you're doing the same shit every day for literally no real reason until you die?

He's not your guy friend