What is actually wrong philosophically with discrimination...

What is actually wrong philosophically with discrimination? Is discrimination not just a common sense way to identify a problem and solve it?

If you had a batch of apples, you would single out and remove the ones that are rotten. You wouldn't go, "well, this rotten apple is a problem, but I can't speak for the other rotten apples. It wouldn't be fair to just remove the rotten apples, I'll pick them blindly so I'm removing apples equally"

Likewise if your body had a tumor, the doctor would remove the tumor. He wouldn't go, "well, all body tissue is created equal, we can't discriminate against the tumor, I'd better remove some of your spleen and some of your liver along with the tumor so I'm not discriminating"

Really the whole "discrimination is bad" meme just seems like a thought-terminating trick to me.

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Obviously when people talk about discrimination being bad, they're talking about arbitrary discrimination.

"I'm going to beat up a black person because I hate all niggers!" etc.

They're not referring to the analytical definition of it.

If you had a batch of apples, you would single out and remove the ones that are rotten
But usually people are talking about if you had a batch of apples and some were rotten so gassed all the apples.

It goes against muh enlightenment values of universal equality.

Well why did those values come about during the enlightenment because that was supposed to be all about a return to the classics, but no religion or holy book says all men are literally equal be it biologically or morally or even spiritually, and the ancient greeks didn't think that either

Read Christopher Hitchens' essay "Eschew The Taboo".

It's a pretty good analysis of the word discriminate, and how the meaning of the word has been mangled, but also racism in general.


Following that analogy, you'd have to change it a little bit to be more like
>some apples are rotten but can actually heal themselves given time and resources because humans can change
>some guys decide they don't want any apples to use the same bathroom as oranges
>there are actually lots of oranges who are rotten but in a different way plus the lawmakers are oranges with some rotten spots on them as well so who cares
>some apples are not even rotten just buttmad that they can't use the same bathrooms as everybody else but oranges interpret that as a terrible kind of rotteness that can spread quickly
>oranges lynch apples
>get's to a point where regardless of apples being rotten or not they are assumed to be inferior due to being red
>tomatoes are treated as second class citizens due to being red
>some foreign pomegranate wants to enter your country illegally but some oranges are mad because they are red therefore inferior and other oranges think the NEED to come to the country because poor red fruits are having a bad time and all ignore the fact they immigrate illegally
>some scientist says the first oranges in britain had red skin TAKE THAT ALT RIGHT

More appropriate analogy would be cutting down the tree which continuously creates rotten apples.

To completely refine this analogy, it would be like cutting down a tree which produces rotten apples a majority of the time.

How do you define cutting down the tree and what specifically is a rotten apple? Is a rotten apple, violent behavior? That wouldn't statistically be most of the apples. It's pretty easy to discriminate even within these groups already. Would cutting down the tree just be acknowledging the difference within said group or just throwing them all out? I mean we're talking about trees, you can just make sure the only non-stereotypical ones reproduce on the farm and cut the rest down

>How do you define cutting down the tree and what specifically is a rotten apple
muh deconstructionist semantics at which point there's no point in talking in the english language because you can just deconstruct every word until it means nothing

the fact that you cant grasp 1. cutting down a tree and 2. rotten apples is just baffling
>that wouldnt statistically be most of the apples
you are brainwashed you cant even accept a fucking APPLES analogy without immediately going to the "but what about the exception to the rule" argument


What group prodcues a majority of rotton apples?

The majority are the exception to the rule?

If you can't grasp an analogy about an apple tree and rotten apples, then I seriously have to question your intelligence

The analogy is understood, I was just asking what you anons considered to be bad behavior. I may have worded badly, but that's what I meant

after it happens there's no way to prove that it was what solved the problem.

Nobody is against discrimination they have different ideas about what should be discriminated against.


This. The military won't except you if you're too out of shape. A restaurant will not hire you as a waiter if you can't speak the language of the area. You won't get called in to design a suspension bridge if you don't have a degree in engineering/architecture.


So are you proposing mass genocide then?

This. Pragmatic discrimination is fine, sensationalist or arbitrary discrimination isn’t. You’re not gonna put a fat fuck on your sports team, but saying “I don’t want you on my team because you’re a nigger/kike!” Is the type of discrimination that is sensationalist and isn’t acceptable.

The point is that claiming a type of discrimination is arbitrary is to define it as illegitimate from the get-go. This is not a sensible criterion. What you have to do is argue why racial discrimination when hiring players for a team is unjustified not simply claim it is arbitrary.

Also, what do you mean by sensationalist?

All trees create rotten apples