What kind of cycle do you think Jeff Seid and other similar fitness models are on?

What kind of cycle do you think Jeff Seid and other similar fitness models are on?

test, anavar, tren

I would hope it's nothing more than Test E and clen when cutting. They aren't super big.

none? they wouldn't have roiders as models. that'd be unethical

Low dose of not just really good genetics. I'm 4 years lifting and if I got shredded I'd look like him at 185 with a pump. 6'2. Genetics is everything. People at my gym all think I'm on roids. Even the guys that are obviously on roids think I'm on it. Just saying don't set your expectations so low for yourself.


Post pic
110% sure you are deluded as fuck

birth control



I bet he doesnt have abs and is builtfat


lmao post a pick fucker

>still believing the fake natty conspiracy theory

STOP being a punk baby back two timing bitch, and comparing yourself with others. Jeff is fucking Natty, but it doesnt go to say he has like some god-like genetics. Stay in your lane and work with in your means. if you want it sweat for it, whether you cycle or not. I dont think people really kill the gym or eat 100% clean and make these posts, its the fucking casuals that make excuses for theyre inferior work ethic and mediocre genetics.

is he off cycle in this pic, he looks shredded but not nearly as large as his other pictures are

tren, clen

Nothing too serious. Probably just a moderate test dose like 500mg/week or something.

If Jeff was roiding, his delts would pop out more. His traps aren't huge either.

Not when cycling anavar and stanozolol

>pump -> on cycle
>no pump -> off cycle

You should even try