Making good money, feel on top of the world

>making good money, feel on top of the world
>despite great luck, McDonalds still doesn't deliver to my house


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Eat some fruit fatty

>implying fruit isn't loaded with sugar that turns to fat eventually

>sugar turns into fat
axaxax, american education

>getting education from socialist paradise
>misinformed, but such is life in socialism

You win this round capitalist pig

sugar does not convert to fat, this is a great myth and why 80% of americans are eventually type 2 diabetic and fat. fat makes you diabetic and fat. in fact, even prosessed white sugar makes your fasting glucose levels to NORMALIZE not raise

order chinese, lots of rice. not pizza or donalds if you want to eat healthy and tasty

Go ahead and click the link commie

>being this fucking retarded

I bet you think calories in drinks don't count because they are a liquid right?

livestrong is 100% written by amateurs. my information comes from best certified doctors on the planet.

there are several lab test confirming white sugar does not conver to fat, it's super low rate it converts. sugar burns to heat. fat goes directly to your fat storages you can literally pin your fat storage and we can see what what kinds of fats have you been eating mostly

white sugar raises your ldl hdl and trises but not really make you fat.

I only drink tap water

fruit is loaded with a bunch of good things besides sugar. The sugar gives your body energy to use those things.

Mcdonalds has even MORE sugar, and none of those good things. Instead your body brings in bullshit from industrially produced "food" approximations.

You can actually live off of just fruits, if you eat enough (and enough different types). Try that with sugar.

then why do I eat mostly fat yet have 7% bodyfat

Its about insulin and leptin. spikes of sugar raise insulin, which does turn sugar into fat. eating fat causes spikes of leptin, which tell your body that you have ample food supply so you don't need to store fat.

Enjoy the fluoride and lowered IQ pleb

lol wtf are you on about, insulin causes uptake up glucose into liver and muscle cells, and excess is converted to triglycerides for storage.

Yeah shoving your face with shit carbs will result in weight gain, but your better watch your cholesterol --> high BP --> hypertension --> contractility increase --> left ventricular hypertrophic& vascular aging.

Do not take advice from this shmuck. Endocrinology registrar here, you wouldn't believe the idiots that come in with issues thanks to fad diets

you can order McDonald's via ubereats

This used to be the case in my area. I got spoiled on this, and recently they stopped participating at my local chain.

Sugars form adducts to protein altering structure and function.

Thats all you need to know really. I remember that from Biochemistry. Sugars are metabolically dangerous because of their high oxidation potential. They are so dangerous that your body copes by generating insulin to remove it from the bloodstream before it does damage.

Neurochemically sugar isn't much different from highly addictive drugs like heroin or cocaine.

In my country people are very fat and very stupid (America). Sugar is the common link (the hidden links being toxic chemicals). They are the majority. They never do any physical exercise and are completely addicted to sugar. And they see nothing wrong with it. Its terrible abuse on children, especially.

Halloween is coming up. Its a "holiday" where fat old people give normal children massive doses of sugars. Disgusting. But not really different from any given day.

Fruit is just a meme. They're really just shit tier vegetables.

How are tests for vitamin levels done? Calcium, magnesium, vitamin c, d, e.

By the way do you have any idea if it's normal for a skinny manlet to have his heart beat doubled because of his age to weight ratio?

>you wouldn't believe the idiots that come in with issues thanks to fad diets
You seriously going to pretend that the overwhelming majority of patients with diet related issues you see aren't a result of the idiotic official government advice pushed (and taught in Medical schools in your time) over last 50 years rather than 'fad diets'?


In my time? I'm 25 you pleb.

Most people with endo disorders are of a few types:
1) The poor souls who have congenital enzymes deficiences; PKA, Cushings, etc.

2) Pituitary tumours or ACh secreting tumours not related to pituitary.

3) People who did it themselves.

Majority are low socio-economic class people who cant give a damn about diet because they need to put cost-efficient food on the table.

I'm not from burger land, so no, we don't chock our citizens full of pure processed crap, where 1L soft drink is cheaper than 2L water. You guys advertise Rx drugs on TV for fucksake.Most vitamin tests are done via blood. Every man should be taking some zinc (30 mg - 50 depending on how large you are), magenisum (400mgs) and vitamin D.

If you're bone skinny, with tachycardia, high BP you may have an overactive thyroid. Go to yoru GP and ask for yorur thyroid function tests done. Do you have wispy hair and such?

Also a doubled heart rate from the norm (70isj bpm) would put you at a resting 140 bpm, which is really not good at all, you're left ventricular wall would be huge having to deal with that amount of force.

GO to yoru GP and ask for TFTs. Dont bother with vitamin tests. Get some mag, zinc and vit D. Lift 3 x a week and do some cardio. Don't smoke, drink in moderation. Floss your fucking teeth too and voila you're in better nick than 99% of the world.

Unless you have sores all over you dont bother with your vitamin C, its water soluble so you piss out most of it anyway.

For bones, vit. K is crucial, calcium and vit. D are decent too. But if you've have a bone disorder you would absolutely know it by now

Edit: mcg zinc, not mg, that would fuck you up

>the absolute state of medical education in australia
You write like a chink too. Let me guess: second generation immigrant?

Im not from Aus you smelly pajeet. lmao I can asure you I have the purest white boy genes.

I actually earn a proper salary too. Ill send you 0.4 btc right now if you post a sharpie up your pooper with a piece of paper sayng how much of a disgrace to your parents you are.

you want ~2500 USD for nothing? huh? no doubt I'll be seeing your fat ass some time soon

Let me guess, your aunt and uncle?