Any Depersonalisation sufferers manage to get cured??

Any Depersonalisation sufferers manage to get cured??

I don't mean like a week long occurrence, i mean people who have had it for years too.

Its more of a mental than physical fitness topic, so to keep it Veeky Forums how does your mental state effect how often/well you do in the gym?

how does that even work
you make decisions but then think you are watching you making decisions?
fucking stupid if you ask me just lift

Stop doing drugs

i dont lol, nice contribution though

Don't listen to this guy
Start doing drugs

This dudes right I did lsd one time and immediately got all my shit together once you truly look into the abyss and return you're not afraid of anything ever again

I've had depersonalization episodes since I was a kid, due to OCD and anxiety disorder. I just deal with it, not really a big deal.

AFAIK, the only way to "cure" it is to fix the underlying problem.

Hey user. I've been suffering from depression for approx 12 years now. I've had my ups and downs thoughts of suicide almost every other day. November 23rd 2016 my mom died due to cancer I figured when the funeral and bereavement period for my father ended I would commit suicide, I had an exit bag ready. Weeks went by some deep introspection and now I feel better! Am I "cured"? No! But I'm starting to feel better and realize I need to take joy in parts of life I've been over looking no day is the same I have up's I have downs but I'm learning to understand my up's put weigh my downs

My point exactly. LSD or shrooms is the way to go

The morning after my first trip I was in such a good mood I had a mint chocolate chip ice cream waffle cone for breakfast

Psych /fitizen here. The most effective tools to deal with depersonalization episodes are

CBT training

and practicing mindfullness.
Seriously try out mindfullness meditations. Sounds like bullshit, but clinically effective.

The depersonalisation after taking LSD is horrible lol.

also be smart and test the LSD before taking it

Ex dp/Dr here, got it from doing too much acid + weed.
I comes back from time to time, but I'm pretty cured right now. It used to be extremely bad, but it got suddenly better.

For some reason, not masturbating for long periods of time always worked to get back in reality back when Dp was an everyday issue.

Anyway, right now I'm at work, but if you feel like I want to talk about it I could give you my Skype for later. I know it feels like shit and sometimes you just feel totally alone with no help, but you are gonna make it.

I had it for like 2 years before I realized I only thought/imagined I had it, and then it went away. It felt very real though.

It came from a bad acid trip. It felt like I was constantly approaching ego death and I was getting "sucked out" from this reality. If I didn't focus on anything this feeling was always present and always came back. You start doubting your sanity. Are you going to have a psychosis? Are you becoming scizo? All these thoughts 24/7 and it never went away.

I don't know how I snapped out of it, but one day I just stopped and told myself everything was just due to the trauma and memory of the bad trip. There were never any unfixable problems/damage done to my brain.

Maybe it'll come back some day, I don't know. I feel fine now though.

I have a much more important question:

Does Veeky Forums attract people with mental illnesses or the potential thereof or does it produce mental illness?!

For me it's a double edged sword:
I was happy, never down, no anxiety etc when I discovered Veeky Forums, but I was a neet, lazy fuck with no friends ir people in his life to cate about, ih I also was an alcoholic fatty.

Now after dozen years im damn fit, got two jobs and recently a promotion in both of them.
I have friends I would hate to lose, I lost my virginity, moved out and generally stopped being behind the screen for 24/7, yet I'm fucked in the head.
Im constantly down, running around with a resting bitch face etc.

'sup, op.

Have had near-constant depersonalization and derealization for the last 1-2 years, after multiple prior periods that just got longer and longer. Started after my depression, which I got out of, but was left with some symptoms like these.

No. I doubt it can be cured, and I believe I will spend the rest of my life not feeling like a human being but like some kind of machinery. It doesn't go away when I lift, have sex, masturbate, eat good food, get hurt, it's always there no matter what. I go to sleep feeling like a machine with little intrinsic autonomy and I wake up the same machine.

I will die like this.

It's the one thing that keeps me sane. I feel like shit going in but once I get out I feel great.
Refuse to take drugs as I'm not getting jewed by big pharma.

>12 years
Christ this is my future. I'm reading my future self in an anonymous Macedonian flower picking forums.

Yea I had really bad fog/dpd/drd.

I spent years in therapy, working on emotions and trauma. Become pretty normal fag. Haven't drank in like 4 years.

I practice meditation for 20 min a day.

The fog is much less now. Some days are worse than others but overall I barely notice it any more.

Fuck man, I never thought that depersonalisation could become that bad. I get it very rarely (once or twice a year) and it usually lasts about an hour. The feeling is absolutely horrifying to me, I hope I never experience prolonged episodes. Fortes to all who suffer from it.

i dont get what is depersonalisation can anyone explain? cus i googled it but i didnt really understand

You don't feel like a person. Or, you feel like something that is not a person. Most commonly people claim to feel robotic, on "auto pilot", looking at themselves from the outside acting autonomously or being very detached from their actions and will.


i'm this guy it's very hard to explain if you've never experienced it, like most mental disorders.

you get an overwhelming feeling that you are not you. that you are "trapped" in a temporary human body. imagine looking in the mirror and seeing someone else. imagine questioning the very nature of reality itself, every waking moment.

you just get out of touch with reality, nothing seems real anymore

>nothing seems real anymore
That's derealization, not depersonalization.

> imagine questioning the very nature of reality itself, every waking moment.

forgot to add. this is not like a philosopher questioning his own nature in a pondering manner, but more like you get an overwhelming feeling of anxiety and a million other negative strong feelings that this reality is not real

i guess i had both them because i experienced symptoms of both

You should be some kind of doctor. Really helpful

i think i kinda had it but not really i did have those thoughts but i didnt 100% believe them


Did you fight the trip? You were supposed to let it do its thing. Would have definitely been terrifying but you likely would have came back with the reward.

it sounds like a disorder just for smart and 2deep4you people

ye i've done it multiple times, like 6 or 7 without problems, but that one time i thought i was literally dying for some reason, and fighting it caused some imaginary trauma or whatever


Hey Bro, can you give me out a good description of what this is? The Wiki sounds like it could be everything and anything.

It sounds like you are no longer a part of the world, just viewing it through the lens of some flesh robot you got put in. Imagine no longer feeling "you" are existing and interacting with the universe, but that you're just watching it. Kind of like being in a permanent non lucid dream.

I'm . Others here attribute it to bad trips from drug use that caused them to question their own identity or something, I can't relate. I can only tell you what I feel. The most common descriptions in the clinical literature are these , which is how I feel all day, every day - I feel robotic, artificial, completely detached from genuine human behavior. I act cold and calculated and fake genuine behavior like laughing or getting angry etc., I don't really feel these things so I have to act them out artificially. Often I catch myself talking to someone on auto pilot, or eating lunch mechanically, or watching TV without really watching, and it's like observing myself from the outside in, like it's something else making decisions for me and living my life.

That's just me.

Thanks for taking the time to write that out.

>- I feel robotic, artificial, completely detached from genuine human behavior. I

I have a family member who has aspergers, and he would word for word nearly describe himself this way. Have you ever considered getting tested on the spectrum?

But to confirm, it isn't that you are going through life on "autopilot" as in "powerlessness" - which for me gives me anger issues, its an "autopilot" as in you don't feel anything? Not anger or happiness about your situation?

Sorry, I've honestly never heard of this before.

No, user, I do not have asperegers nor autism, I'm not mentally challenged. I used to be fine but following major depressive disorder I was left with flat affect that made the symptoms harder to ignore. I wasn't always like this.

Again, this is me - I mean "autopilot" as in "the little conscious person inside me that should be making these decisions has left for a smoke break and left the house roomba to do it for him for a while". As in, I don't feel connected to the decisions I make, the things I say, the actions I take, it's like something automatic and indifferent is making them in the background and I'm just watching things unfold, I feel my mouth moving and the words and the fake laughter come out but I don't feel like "I" wanted it to happen, because "I" no longer feels like a thing anymore. It's a scale, some days it's worse than others, some days I feel almost normal some of the time, but some days I wake up in the morning and it's like someone flipped a switch and I'm watching a puppet show with my body and mind being the main stars.

No, I don't feel angry, I feel very very little. I last got angry back in August 2014, as best as I can remember.

When do you guys do it? The only time of complete silence I get is at night, but by them I'm generally too tired to sit upright for 10/20 min.

>No, user, I do not have asperegers nor autism, I'm not mentally challenged. I used to be fine but following major depressive disorder I was left with flat affect that made the symptoms harder to ignore. I wasn't always like this.

Sorry, mate. I really wasn't trying to call you an autist. Just my first cousin literally has to go to classes where they show him how to "act" in society. He is a very well paid (better than me) programmer etc. and other than dealing with people it doesn't bother him. Honestly, wasn't trying to cunt you.

>Again, this is me - I mean "autopilot" as in "the little conscious person inside me that should be making these decisions has left for a smoke break and left the house roomba to do it for him for a while". As in, I don't feel connected to the decisions I make, the things I say, the actions I take, it's like something automatic and indifferent is making them in the background and I'm just watching things unfold, I feel my mouth moving and the words and the fake laughter come out but I don't feel like "I" wanted it to happen, because "I" no longer feels like a thing anymore. It's a scale, some days it's worse than others, some days I feel almost normal some of the time, but some days I wake up in the morning and it's like someone flipped a switch and I'm watching a puppet show with my body and mind being the main stars.

Thanks for explaining this to me, user. I completely misunderstood what it was, and this helps me not be a cunt to people who may have it in the future.

>wasn't trying to cunt you
I know, wasn't offended.

>not be a cunt to people who may have it in the future
How would you know? It's not like it's written on their face, or that they walk around waving a flag saying "I have depersonalization". I've met cold and impersonal people who clearly didn't have it, and a few I suspected of having it who didn't say anything. If anything, the people most quick to point out personal, highly specific mental disorders are usually full of shit and just crave attention and self-validation. I personally hide it from everyone, even my parents. Only 1-2 people in this world that aren't paid professionals know what I'm going through - imagine telling this to your coworkers, or to a girl who's hitting on you, or to someone in a position of power. The mere chance that they would misunderstand and think I'm a psycopath or something is enough to make me swallow my words.

I used to be very lively when I was younger, but it's all gone now, I'm old and lonely.