Hey fit, I'm planning to go vegan for health reasons and I'm probably going to limit all the grain/rice/whatever intake...

Hey fit, I'm planning to go vegan for health reasons and I'm probably going to limit all the grain/rice/whatever intake, anyone has any experience of lifting with basically zero protein intake? How fucked am I?

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You know muscles are made of protein, right?

you can get protein from vegan sources, it doesn't only come from animals

don't ask me for specifics tho because i like to murder cows and eat them

>go vegan for health reasons

Top kek

>vegan for health reasons

Speaking as a former vegan, that seems retarded. You'll have no source of dietary creatine, no B12, and much lower iron intake.

>lifting with basically zero protein intake

Jesus Christ, this is retarded.

When you're lifting, muscle tissue is broken down.

In order for the muscle tissue to rebuild itself and grow stronger, you need to supply it with enough protein. Preferably more than enough protein.

You better be trolling.

>basically zero protein intake

Is this a kind of slow and masochistic suicide?


I went vegan 8 months ago and I'm stronger than ever and look better than ever.
Honestly you just have to eat and eat because getting enough calories and protein being plant based is just so much volume.

Try to focus on eating lentils, beans, nuts, bean pasta etc and you'll be fine. Don't forget to add fat, it's really easy to forget to have fat in your diet when you're plant based.
If you're having trouble getting enough protein then get a vegan protein powder.

>not eating meat, dairy and eggs that promotes heart disease, cancer etc is not good for health

Also don't forget your B12. Get one that has iron too and you'll be straight.


>heart disease

Nope. The rest, though? Dairy and meat is bad for you.


> A 2013 systematic review and meta-analysis found no association between egg consumption and cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular disease mortality (and then a negative note about diabetics)


>acidic protein and methionine doesn't cause cancer
top kek mate

>dietary cholesterol and saturated fats doesn't cause heart disease
top kek mate

>links wikipedia as his source
top kek mate

Honestly I'm not trying to get into a debate with you since you don't seem to be that educated on the topic, so I'll just leave it at that.

I have some issues with your comment.

The first issue is that you're pointing out two different substances that you claim to cause cancer, without citing any sources.

The second issue is that even though these substances could cause cancer, their cancer-causing effects may not be significant enough to motivate completely cutting eggs (for example) out of your diet.

The third issue is that you seem to be trying to negate my comment by claiming that dietary cholesterol and saturated fats doesn't cause heart disease, when I just linked to a systematic review (made by doctors et al) of all the available reliable evidence at the time. There is at least one more meta-study available with approximately the same conclusions. I haven't claimed that any of the substances you mentioned doesn't cause heart disease, I have just claimed that normal egg consumption isn't connected to cardiovascular disease, which is exactly what the overall evidence suggests.

My fourth issue with your post is that you complain about me linking Wikipedia as my source. I could just as well be linking you individual studies in PubMed, or whatever, but that would be completely unnecessary since all of the major studies on the topic are listed in the Wikipedia article. For yet another link to an overview, I could provide you with this: examine.com/nutrition/are-eggs-healthy/ - which reaches the same conclusion as the other sources I've provided.

My fifth issue with your post is that you're trying to shut the discussion down by writing "you don't seem to be that educated on the topic, so I'll just leave it at that". It is probably not something you would have written if you actually knew what you were talking about. You could have just provided me with substantial scientific evidence for your point, and then left it at that.

So, in conclusion:
- Normal consumption of eggs isn't bad for your cardio health.
- Eggs -> Cancer? Feel free to link studies.
- Muh ad hom

I don't think humans can survive without protein, but whatever rocks your boat.

I just lift and don't eat that much, I don't see much difference from when i had a proper muscle building diet but i guess only because my lifts stalled for a long time.

My friend is eating nothing but salads and some bananas with apples for a year now and he says that he feels great but he keeps losing weight and he is basically a skeletor and i kinda want to avoid that if possible.

Feel free to deprive your body of essential nutrients for a longer period of time. Don't forget to make a thread about it when you're done experimenting, if you still can.

>lifting with basically zero protein intake
You're the reason plant-based gets shit on, don't even know what legumes are

Educate yourself, even Googe University would do

Just 2ยข, cutting out animal products and grains doesn't exclude protein from your diet so you'll be fine as long as you eat your beans and tofu and pb. If you cut out legumes and nuts too though and eat only vegetables and fruit, you WILL become deficient with consequences that stretch beyond not building muscle.

>getting this triggered

>I'm probably going to limit all the grain/rice/whatever intake,

Eat whole grains.

>anyone has any experience of lifting with basically zero protein intake?

Eat beans too. Naturally you should hit at least 100g without thinking about it.

Eating vegan isn't that different from any other diet, don't overthink it.

>> A 2013 systematic review and meta-analysis found no association between egg consumption and cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular disease mortality (and then a negative note about diabetics)

Not that this is really good evidence against eggs having a harmful effect. This review looked at consumption of up to 1 egg a day, mostly in populations where the rest of peoples' diets are much. They found higher heart disease risk when looking at diabetics, who are at higher risk of heart disease to begin with, making it easier to see the effect of egg. Another review on non-diabetics found an increased risk. It's shown right after what you quoted.

>but did find egg consumption more than once daily increased cardiovascular disease risk 1.69-fold in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to type 2 diabetics who ate less than 1 egg per week.[47] Another 2013 meta-analysis found that eating 4 eggs per week increased the risk of cardiovascular disease by 6%.[46]

>mostly in populations where the rest of peoples' diets are much*

*higher in saturated fat and cholesterol already

>zero protein intake
you will lose all your gains and then you will die

your friend might seem OK but he is dying of starvation very, very slowly

not an argument.
Eggs still do not cause cardiovascular disease.

If you put this much effort into countering every instance when someone unfairly tries to dismiss you, you're going to win at life so hard. Congratulations on this well constructed post. You inspired me today.


I'm not the guy you've been argueing with bruh, even though you are wrong.