What is the closest thing to steroids that aren't steroids?

What is the closest thing to steroids that aren't steroids?

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i actually didnt mean to type literally that but now it's sort of xDDDDDD


Steroids are either hormones, or substances that adjust the levels of specific hormones in your body. There is nothing like them except them.


Creatine, shit is cray
(Insert creatine copypasta)


but, don't do it man. you are awesome the way you are.

That guys salute isint even close to correct

Pro-hormones and peptides.

Pro-hormones, pre-hormones and AIs.

I understand that you mean traditional anabolic steroids, because "steroid" is quite a broad class of substances.


he salutes god u mong not ur shitty military

no for gay jesus

Pretty /new/ here, is this a meme? I know there's that one study on rugby players but is that it?

creatine is one of the handful of sups that will actually provide results. nothing like a steroid though.

Results include balding and cancer :)



Cholesterol. bayesianbodybuilding.com/cholesterol-anabolic/

> implying I don't want to be one of those sexy bald guys who will die young





Creatine vs Prohormones vs Testosterone supplements

Which one is easier to obtain and not get ripped off?

ON creatine is pretty cheap.
20 USD for like a hundred servings.

A drive to succeed in life

naw totally legit bro its the miracle drug youll get jacked trust me why would I lie to you? ROFL XDDDDDDDDD

Will Creatine shrink your dick like normal 'roids? I'd like to start using some form of powder, likely a swap to using Creatine and protein powder to aid in gains, but I have a really nice package and it's untested and I really don't want to lose it.


>if the label is too generic it looks cheap with ingredients that don't work
>if the label looks too gimmicky it looks like its trying to trick you with bullshit claims

What does the perfect supplement label look like?

Dont expect much at all
Creatine literally only makes you retain water, super overrated

>Will Creatine shrink your dick like normal 'roids?
I'd like to know where you heard that.
Neither shrink your dick.
Only old age does that.

Really just from family and friends that work out and refuse to use foods just for that reason, I presume it's a wives tale and not much more judging by your reaction.
I take it it's safe then.

**foods=roids, on phone

Posted it before I could!
Dat der cell tech

Like a shopping cart full of eggs, chicken breast, salmon, low-fat cottage cheese, fiber bars, broccoli, carrots, etc.

It has anime tiddies on it.

Mom-science is always something to be wary of.
What they probably meant to tell you is that your balls WILL shrink with roids, but like Mr. Piano says, that's a good thing.
Your dick-to-ball ratio will make your dick look bigger i relation.
Get Creatine Monohydrate though, that's the one that has been tested.

Old age makes your dick bigger. But also more difficult to get up.

You are right about neither creatine nor steriods shrinking dick.

Anecdotal evidence suggests HGH might grow your dick which is kinda nice.


Wh-Where can I get my hands on some hgh?

Bribe a corrupt doctor (read: "pay a "consultation" fee) for a script would probably be the safest. At least you know it is pharma quality unlike the sketchy Chinese raw sources.

yes but like most rpgs if you get the cheap stuff you get a shitty buff...in this case creatine makes you go bald fast


Get some LGD 4033, YK-11 and maybe something else you might find with some research.

Avoid phytoestrogens, take a multivitamin, eat lots of eggs and thats it.

Also you might wanna do a short pct after the sarm cycle, but if used at a moderate dosage, you should never be completely supressed and should bounce back even without a full pct, but it is dosage dependent.

sarms, which are even better than steroids depending on who you ask.

Testosterone is steroids you fucking dweeb


A good ingredient list displayed loudly and proudly.

Nah. They are worse than steroids fains wise, but they do not supress you as much. That is for the usual sarms. There is newer shit that apparently gets you greater gains but there is not a single study done on humans. YK-11 comes to mind.

Why do civilian assholes feel the need to salute when they don't know how to do it?


Should be banned desu

>american rules are the same as the rest of the world

dumb as fuck

Anybody got a good place to buy mk677?

What is the drawback of sarms? Would anything bad happen if I got off them cold turkey?

All of them are different, best to research whichever ones you're interested in.

ht tps:/ /nootr opicsource.com/p roduct-categ ory/soluti ons/sarm-solutions/
htt ps://nootr opicsource.com/product-category/solu tions/other-solutions/

S-23 also is an contraceptive...experimental contraceptive. It will get you buff tho

Thanks senpai

A girl doing some kind of ass exercise next to you

tainted supplements

other things that are illegal too, like prohormones (ie metabolized by body and turned into steroids)

A well-planned out and meticulously carried-through workout, careful diet, proper sleep and an iron will to pull through.



>testosterone is steroids

and some guy sitting on his ass injecting still gets more gains

high test threads

T H I C C white girls

video game cheat codes

It is.

Now tell me, friend: where is that guy from?

pick one


Asteroids are pretty close bruv

Are you literally retarded?

Squats and oats

25 mg of zinc a day increases test and Sperm counts


my bodybuilder friend recommended me SARMS. He's a natty bodybuilder and considered SARMS natty even though he's never done it.

He said it's like steroids but less strong less effective but much less side effects.

Bull testicles & semen.

No meme, i would guess sarms, im getting my first supply of s4 next month, pretty hyped

Whole milk and lots of sleep.

Myostatin blockers.

Just because your body produces testosterone naturally doesn't mean that it is not a steroid.


SARM can still have weird ass effects. The ideal SARM you'd take and you'd just get anabolic properties with no impact on sex stuff like bodyhair and sperm i.e. your testicles wouldn't shut down. Any SARM stack still requires you to take test tho.

tl;dr le cookies are not le ready

The maken ki ova 2 literally made my peepee explode

why would you need to take test with SARMS?

From what I read they work on their own.