What do you think you owe your parents?

What do you think you owe your parents?

I don't owe them anything. I told them tonight by the time I'm 30 I will take every single penny they've earned from them for treating me how they did for 20 years.

I will not help them at all and the moment I'm finished college they are dead to me, I will never speak or have anything to do with my family the day I graduate, I'll never ever speak to them after that day.

tell story faggot

Sucks that you had such a bad family experience.

Love my mother to death and would do anything to bring my dad back.

>posts blog
>no actual content

t. Dad

have you paid rent and bought your own food since birth? no?

oh, but they "bullied" you so they actually didnt do anything for you

kys faggot. your family dont love you because your a pathetic disappointment


You sound like a massively ungrateful waste of life


Stop being a whiny faggot and do something with your life

I used to have your attitude, it got me nowhere. Get adjusted, you malcontent

My parents are broke as shit so I'm probably gonna have to support them starting in a few years and I'm fine with that so long as I have decent job cause they sacrificed a lot for me to get where I am today

I'll never understand the American attitude of throwing your parents in a home and forgetting about them, it's barbaric

I owe my parents everything, they raised me, brought me up to know right v. wrong and helped me when I was at my lowest. I don't know what the fuck happened to you faggot, but family is everything to me and you can kys

Wtf? Paying rent and food since birth? No baby ever asked to be born. Moron.

Im obviously not saying babies should pay rent. Im saying you should acknowledge what your family has done for you

>No baby ever asked to be born

kek literally the line spouted by pathetic suburban emo teens

My dad left when i was 12 forged a signature in a joint account and left us in shit.
Mother beat the shit out of me on the regular. Took it her frustrations on a kid even before the divorce.
Every day I hope she dies.
Dad turned up on Christmas day this year and I ignored him. What a piece of shit

>mother beat the shit out of me on the regular

literally couldnt defend yourself from a woman kek. and even if you dont want to speak to your family, what the fuck compels you to make edgy faggot posts about it on a FITNESS forum

kys please

Actually my mom told me that when I spouted your bullshit. But she's a great parent and person, so you prolly wouldnt understand.


wtf I'm pro choice now

you told your mum about a post someone made on the internet? anyway, I love my mum too user

>nice people cant have stupid opinions

too many normies in this thread

your debt is not with your parents, it's with your children

You are thankful to your parents, not endebted.

>Love my mother to death and would do anything to bring my dad back.
Same. Exactly the fucking same.

One day you will realize what a gigantic fucking faggot you are.

Or maybe not, dont give af.

I love my parents. I'm giving all my assets to my parents/brother so that once my wife tries to divorce I can move back home with Mama and Papa

I think a lot of Americans, or at least ones whose parents scarified(poor people, esp Mexicans) a lot don't understand it either