/fg/ Fasting General

This thread is to discuss fasting, primarily intermittent fasting. If not handled dangerously, it is a useful tool for weight loss, fat loss, and self discipline.
Known benefits include:
>reduced blood pressure
>reduced cholesterol
>weight loss
>improved secretion of growth hormones
>improved life expectancy
Give tips, advice, and share routines and diets as you wish. This is not recommended if you wish to bulk up and gain weight.

Other urls found in this thread:


Currently going through with a 20:4 routine. Has definitely helped me lose weight more than general dietary restriction. 600 cal deficit, and eating about an hour after working out.


How does this work? You fast and you eat on a deficit?

16:8 master race, 1600-1800 kcal daily, been losing weight and building muscle it's fuckin gr8 m8. I think fasting longer than 18 hours catabolizes muscles tho, there's a limit imo.

I've been going 16/8 for years. Thinking about switching to 20/4. For those running 20/4, do you notice attitude problems if your feeding window is delayed? A long time ago, when I ran 20/4, my feeding window was 6-10pm and if I couldn't get to dinner until 7 or 8pm, I was the bitchiest man on the planet. It didn't happen often, but when it did, I was such a moody arse.

I've been doing 16:8 my whole life without even realising it. Skipping breakfast basically guarantees it

If I'm trying to gain muscle mass but lose bfp is that a good thing to do?

>I think
Our bodies aren't that retarded it starts losing muscle at 18 hours

Not all the time. Most normies drink calories in the morning. Usually cream I'm
Coffee or oj.
Someone post that jap doctor talking about fat burning while fasting.

Essentially. When you're fasting you're eating within a limited time frame. If you feel satiated, you're less likely to eat more during that window, and if you have the discipline you won't eat when the fasting window starts. Essentially eating on a deficit, even more if you work out during fasting.

If you're lifting you should be fine. Just be sure to eat enough that you feel energized to lift.

Thanks. Makes sense. It's basically living on expedition mode.

~62 hours fasting. In a little while I'm gonna have a small pre-workout meal and go do some squats.

Fasting sucks.

No, eating slightly less than your body needs every day sucks.

Is it allright to try keto and fasting at the same time? Also, never did any research on fasting, can anyone give me a rundown of anything I NEED to know?

Help a retard out

been doing psmf for 2 monthes fine, last two weeks I get dizzy if I stand up quickly. It goes away if I drink lots of water, but If I don't have any for 3-4 hour it comes back. also goes away for a day after eating lots of carbs. Is it low blood pressure or something?

I've gone way the fuck overboard on my cut and am doing keto IF.

Works pretty well, just make sure you're nailing your protein int he right windows and keeping your carbs under whatever threshold you've picked.

I've seen loads of weight loss and fat loss but I'm doing a YC stack, EC stack...

Suicide by heart implosion.


Thanks for the help though, here's hoping for progress for both of us.

I´m doing 23 hour fast 1 hour eating window. Basically 1 big meal a day. Always keto.

I´m gone from 86kg to 79kg in 2 months. I probably should eat smaller portions, but I literally binge eat during my one meal a day, but I don´t think its too bad cos I limit myself to keto/low carb foods. Fat loss is working albeit a bit slow.

20 more lbs and I can cycle back into being normal.

Make sure you watch your fiber too. Flax meal in protein shakes, asparagus, brussel sprouts.

Most of your carbs should come from that.

7 kg in 8 weeks isn't slow at all.

Probably not lifting during like most of /fat/ general.

Hemorrhaging muscle in addition to fat. Then work it back up once they feel skinny enough.

I do lift. Could not even do a single pullup when I was 86kg, now I can do 6 and few chinups.

86kg has the fattest I´ve ever been because I was on certain neuroleptic medication that made me balloon up (Zyprexa). Quit the medication and started to lose weight. I´m aiming for 70kg which was my normal weight and when I mainly just did calisthenics. I still feel too heavy for many bodyweight exercises I could do easily about 2 year ago.

What's the damage of breaking my fast usually once a week?

Generally every Friday/Saturday I go out drinking, so I'm consuming the carbs and sugars and shit that are in beer and occasionally after drinking all night I'll hit like a 4am burger shop or something

> Hurr get discipline

I found fasting literally effortless, I just enjoy drinking with my bros and occasionally drunk me thinks "Fuck it" and grabs a burger

How much of the benefits am I losing my fasting 16:8 6 days a week?

Im starting out at 14:10 because Im a week willed faggot, but will increase the fast hours slowly. Can anyone give me tips on staying away from hunger?

Doing one meal pr day. For me, it's an easy way to live while losing weight. 13kg so far, 6 weeks into IF. (8 weeks of weight loss total).
I also did a 48 hour fast last week. Felt great, and Im considering if I should do it again next week.

Fasting is bigger meme than keto was last 2 years, haha, you guys aren't gonna make it.

>Can anyone give me tips on staying away from hunger?

Can only speak for myself, but the method is mostly psychological. The intense hunger only lasts for 2-3 minutes at a time, sometimes even less. It might go away for an hour then come back, it might go away for a shorter time then come back, but the real intense feelings do not last long at all. Even though you tell yourself "I've been hungry for the last 2 hours", but in reality you've just had a few intense moments that came and went.

So basically brace yourself for short intense periods, and when they are quickly over, all that is left is the milder ones (which are easy as fuck to deal with).

Another thing for me is NEVER eat in the morning. If you don't eat after waking up, it is much easier not to eat for the rest of the day. If I have a big breakfast then I can sure as fuck expect to feel like shit not eating for the rest of the day.

Everything gets easier with experience if you don't give in, your brain tries to get you to eat, and if it fails repeatedly, after a few weeks of practicing IF, it just stops playing tricks on you as much, you are no longer in the conditioned response.

Another thing is every once in a while our stomachs do a movement which moves material through our digestive system, and sometimes releases chemicals that can make you feel hungry, maybe even something close to pain. Just don't make a big deal out it, it is more intense when you are in a fasted state. Just let it happen, the bad feeling does not last long, it only lasts long if you make a big deal out of it.

Did a 6 day fast last week, feel fucking great now. Hard to describe it

How do you prepare for a 1 day fast? Lift then eat tons of food before the fast?

I want to try that sweet HGH boost

This is a good advice. Ill try this, thanks brah. Also how do you schedule your lifts?

This isn't healthy at all so it's only useful if you want weight loss, but the last few days I've been taking 20G+ of inositol, 800MG of caffeine and 30 cigarettes per day and I have no appetite at all, and no desire to eat until I'm close to passing out.

Gives you severe diarrhea, agitation and short term memory deficits but it works.

Might try this too. do I have to smoke 30 cigs or will less do?

not him, but I smoke 15-20 a day. Im not a fatty, pretty lean/muscular actually, but IF is still amazing on it. Smoke as many as you feel like, dont take up chainsmoking as a means to suppress hunger but rather have a cig instead of a snack. Thats how I do it

that being said, if you are not already smoking and thinking of starting it to just lose weight, you are an utter retard. Do not do this.

Im thinkin of Eca stack, 40g inositol and extra caffeine mega dose and close to 2 packs a day marlboro 100s, meth on weekends

Can anyone link me to a fasting guide?
I've been overweight since middle school and I want to make a change in my life and gain some real discipline.

Do keto for like 2 days before srs. Eating high fat and high protein will keep you satiated and blunt hunger pangs during your fast since you'll switch from getting energy from dietary fats to burning your own body fat. This works for me.

Ok I know youre joking with the meth but just some general advice. Do not obsess over IF like it is some miraculous wonder diet.
Dont eat breakfast, have your lunch later or skip it if you can go without it. Just follow your daily routine and see how far you come. Increase the fasting window step by step, your body will get used to it very quickly.
If you are out with friends and have a beer, dont deprive yourself of it just because you cant fit it into your eating window. Just try to follow it whenever you can but dont go full retard with 48h fasts, salt broths, eca stack and keto just because you want to lose weight fast.
This will make you miserable and unhappy. This week I managed to fast for 19-20 hours, could have gone without food for the entire day but decided not too since I have a good weight. The last two three days I ate sweets, drank coke and alcohol and didnt really fast for longer than 16 hours maybe.

It works for me, I feel great but im not giving up on small pleasures because of some marginal improvement. With everything, consistency is key. Its trite and worn out and clichéd, but that does not make it any less true. Dont torture yourself and set up autistic guidelines that are impossible to follow just to get the absolute maximum benefits out of fasting.

24 hour daily fast. I'll have one meal a day, upto 1500 calories of mostly carbs and protein.

I drink water all day to stave off hunger.

this is what mediocre people actually tells themselves at night

Im doing 5/3/1 routine and today I started a 24-hour-fast. I'll be doing it only Monday.
I usually train at 8pm and have dinner at 9.30pm. Today my fast ends at 9pm.
My questions are:
1 Can I keep my gains with a 5/3/1 on a cut + 1day fast?
2 Can I perform well in a heavy program without eating until after I finish like today's example?
3 How much should I eat after the workout. My calorie goal is 2200 kcal, but I dont know if I should reach that number or eat less.
4 Can u tell some of your experiences? Problems? Loss of gains? Etc.. (preferably if you are a powerlifter).
Anyway thanks for your help. We all gonna make it.
If you can post some studies or legit testimonies.

I have run 3 48 hour fasts in the last month or so and it is god-tier. Don't let this gains goblin tell you to give in to your short-term reward system. Seeing my adonis belt and abs show after 3 easy 48 hour periods is amazing and that will make you truly happy.

5/3/1 works well with fat loss, I think, because of the submaximal weights.

somedays i just don't feel like eating so i go without food for the whole day and eat the next day or so, because i got so used to fasting. This happens like 3-4 times in 2 weeks.
Also IF gives the perfect opportunity for dirty bulking, while remaining quite lean.

>48 hour fast
Ok, what

>You're not going to make it

2 days

I've never held myself to a set schedule, except that it's 3 days a week with at least one day of rest in between. I am scared to let protein synthesis get underway though, without having protein in my body. So if I work out in a fasted state on any given day, I do it close to my meal time, never less than an hour. I don't know if I am overly paranoid about gains goblins in this regard or not.

I also sometimes do 'Eat, stop, eat' (which is two 24 hour fasts per week, and shooting for maintenance or near maintenance on regular days) In this case I like to eat almost immediately after a workout because I haven't eat in such a long time I'm afraid of the goblins.

How is
Right about 18:6 and
Wrong? I read them both and they seem like they agree on 18:6?

What am I missing? Yes I am retarded.

fasting like this difficult with an office job

>i just now eat carrots and celery all day

>fasting like this difficult with an office job

I can't really imagine that being true.

Currently on the second day of a week-long fast, feeling pretty good.

How long is too long?

well 382 days isn't too long. (google it.)

Yeah, I looked that guy up after hearing that Dr. Fong dude mention his record. He was extremely overweight, and given various vitamin supplements and stuff by the doctor(s) overseeing his fast.

I just have a bit of chub that I'm trying to get rid of, and I wanna make sure I don't hurt myself or anything.

i think a week is a good limit for non-supervised fasts. take lots of salt, use epsom salts in your baths, and drink lots of water. and if you feel really shitty, just end the fast.

Is a week long enough that I need to worry about taking a multivitamin or something? I've just been drinking water so far.

no, don't bother with multivitamins. the two things i mentioned are necessary though, otherwise you'll feel like shit within a day or two.

Complete fasting scrub, what routine should I follow to ease into it? One day of 24 hour fasting a week?

hell yes, also worry about electrolytes and your heart, and a lot of other things. This is why a lot of people just do 24 hours max, or regular IF many times, instead of seven days, because they never have to worry about shit like that.

the random spikes of stress with work
>having a cutie who is always bringing in brownies and stuff

Yeah, that works, one or two days week for 24 hours is the "Eat stop eat" method, you'll lose 1-5 pounds a week according to how fat you are and how you eat on regular days. You have to do resistance training to preserve muscle.

The leangains method is choosing a window during the day where you can eat, and not eating at any other time. You need to figure out your TDEE and eat at a deficit.

You can read "Eat stop Eat" or leangains if you want, but it's really not necessary, the whole programs are literally what I just typed.

You have to do resistance training though, or say goodbye to muscle.

Are you supposed to be eating at a deficit on regular days?

Been doing 20:4 fasts for about 6 months. Mostly doing it for healthy and to not blow up like a balloon while bulking. Going to be cutting soon, what do you guys think of this plan?
3 days total fast 4 days no fast but doing keto. Do you think is sustainable/healthy?

You can, but you don't have to, because you get a nice deficit from not eating for two days of the week.

If your TDEE is 2400, then you are already at 4800 deficit for the week.

But if you can chop off some calories on regular days, why not. I personally stay around maintenance for sanity, often I don't count at all but I try not to fool myself into gorging, of course you need to wiegh yourself and there is a pretty shitty feeling not losing weight after a week even though you went through the trouble of not eating for 24 hours, so there is a pretty strong motivation not to overdo it on regular days.

Guys, please respond

i've been water fasting for officially 3 days now, and i feel, good? i meanm stomach doesn't hurt for food, i should say

however, an hour ago, i got sorta odd chest pains (nothing that felt too insanely dangerous to go to a hospital or something but it was weird to say the least)

i have plans to go about 25-30 days on this water fast (no food, only water obviously)

my question is, this isn't gonna kill me right? its only the 3rd day and my heart acted up.. im 5'11, 215-220, plenty of fat on me

should i go less time then 28-30 days? will i be ok? any report saying this could legit kill you?

please tell me you've been taking salt


im still new to this, i didn't know i was suppose to?

it's been mentioned many times in these threads.

anyway, take some now.

(im gonna sound absolutely retarded i know)

but what exactly does salt do?

if you're not eating anything, drinking water isn't enough to keep you hydrated. salt will make you retain water.

also i'm pretty sure it does something to do with your heart, which would explain your chest pains.

thank you :D

should i put little bit of salt in each water bottle i drink? or just add in a big portion in the beginning of the day and drink it?

i just do this 4-5 times a day

>put salt into hand
>put salt under tongue
>put water into mouth
>swallow everything, trying not to let the salt touch your tongue

also, use good quality salt.

alright. thank you user, usually i just get called a faggot here, but for once, someone actually treated me nice :'D ty

good luck with your fast, faggot.

Doesn't matter, just start getting salt, and he's right, do it right now. If anything like this happens again just stop the fast.

>my question is, this isn't gonna kill me right?

there is a non zero chance that it kills you. This isn't going to solve your weight problem anyway. Only long term lifestyle changes will. Why not learn Intermittant Fasting instead? It is totally safe and will serve you for the rest of your life.

If you survive and lose 40 pounds, you still haven't learned to live a healthy lifestyle and you will be fat again. Fasting for 25-30 days makes no sense, especially since you dont even know about the heart and electrolyte thing, you havent done your research. I would just stop now and enjoy your wieght loss.You just did 3 days you could do 24 hours twice a week or a 20:4 and lose weight steady and healthy.

Bro, also, you think you are going to have the same amount of muscle after 25 days of no food? You think you can get good workouts in? ha not even close, you will be weaker than you ever have been since you were a toddler.

Will having a zero cal energy drink break my fast?

Pls halp.. absolute retard here, working on becoming fit, no idea what half the terms mean and am confuse.

I'm currently training for a half Ironman in September and although all the insane amounts of cardio have helped me in losing a lot of weight and fat, is like to lose these small semi love handles and bit of fat over my stomach.

How do I into fasting for the first time ever and what types of food should I eat and when? I usually work from 5am-1:30 or 3:30 pm, and train at the gym between 7-10pm

no, only real calories can. The common wisdom (without any real science behind it) is that it takes as much as 50 calories, so you can take vitamins that have like 5 calories and not worry about it.
This is from the IF hormonal perspective, I don't know anything about these exended weak long /25 day gains goblin health risk fasts though.

my old strategy was

i would eat one day, and skip the next

don't get me wrong, this was doing me pretty gud. i felt full, and i was still losing weight pretty fast, its just eh..im moving in the next few months, and i will be visiting some old friends i haven't seen in a year

last time they seen me, i had just finished losing a shit ton of weight (this time the healthy way) and they are sorta expecting em to still look as healthy (or more) as i once did

so basically im in panic mode because i would love to go back there and still look great, but i know the traditional method (or just "the healthy and smart way" probably won't do it for me) so thats why im sorta trying to rush muh weight lost. honestly, as long as i could quickly lose least 30lb i will quit the fast and just start eating salads until i have a firm grip on myself

Instead of doing a daily calorie goal it's absolutely possible to do a weekly goal (e.g. 5/2 diet). So if you know you are going to go plus on friday and saturday subtract that from the other days in the week.

Bro that is not fasting that is full on anorectic eating disorder.

Calorie restriction isn't "healthy". It's unnatural and it messes up your hormones.

>next few months

well that is good news, take a few days off, eat maintanence. Next week fast for 2 days 24 hours, and eat a little below maintenance on the other days.

In a few months you could easily do 36 pounds (3 pounds a week 12 weeks) , if you are fatter you will lose even more. Plus you just fasted for 3 days, so you know you can do two days a week.
There is zero risk to your heart and if you workout out some you won't lose all your muscles.

>i would eat one day, and skip the next
thats better but it's easier to maintain over the long term the regular IF strategy of getting a daily window or only 2 days a week.

Most human beings cant sustain one day fasting, one day eating, for a long time,and if you can't sustain something, you end up a fat ass again, just like what happened to you. If you don't find something sustainable you literally aren't going to make it.

No, because you don't technically take in calories. A zero calorie soda wouldn't break the fast but keep in mind that the contents of the soda may mess with your body chemistry during the fast. Drink plain water, black coffee, or tea ideally.
>what types of food should I eat and when?
Really you can eat anything so long as you hit your nutritional and caloric goal. Personally I just go for a standard cutting diet, high protein low carbs, so foods like chicken/fish, broccoli, spinach, eggs, brown rice, oats

>Someone post that jap doctor talking about fat burning while fasting.




Why has this stupid bullshit fasting meme caught on since two weeks or so? Where do you dumb shits read about it? Does it have anything to do with that fraud "doctor" jason fung who wants to make a cash grab telling people not to eat to get bigger? Are you all fat fucks unable of rational thought or so desperate to lose weight that you'll do anything that promises magical things too good to be true?

In all seriousness, you do understand that fasting isn't gonna make you lose any fat or gain any muscle? I mean deep inside you do see that there's a reason why no athlete or professional body builder does fasting? This is just the latest dumbass fad diet scam, please don't fall for it. Eat at 500kcal deficit 1g protein/lbs lean body mass like we all do instead. There's no magical shortcuts.

That's what I was curious about, do artificial sweeteners still cause an insulin spike?

>fasting isn't gonna make you lose any fat

reconsider your life

>This is just the latest dumbass fad diet scam
>ancestors have been fasting for hundreds, if not thousands of years but yeah they're totally obese

Why would you eat to get bigger if your goal is to lose fat? You seem confused sweetie.

Fuck off u "red pilled" idiot. There is a lot more to weight loss and health instead of calories in and calories out. And it doesnt mean you need to break laws of thermodynamics.

theres a lot of controversy about that, probably not, at least directly. I don't mess with them, at least not regularly. Seems every year there is a new story about how they are not bad/ are bad, then another study about how that one study was wrong, and so on.

What I don't like about them is the psychological aspect. I am not eating for a period, the last thing I want is something that tastes almost like calories. I feel much better just with water/coffee/tea until I can eat for real again (then I will have some without even thinking about it if I feel like it)

>>ancestors have been fasting for hundreds, if not thousands of years but yeah they're totally obese
>people used to to this a long time ago so it proves it's good
You know what else people used to do thousands of years ago? Kill themselves.

I don't know what bullshit claims are made by this fraud chink and his orbiters.

>There is a lot more to weight loss and health instead of calories in and calories out.
Anyone who has ever said something like this has been either a con man trying to make money, one of his shills, a dumb gullible idiot falling for it, or a fat person trying to defend being fat.
>And it doesnt mean you need to break laws of thermodynamics.
But that's exactly what it does. Energy in, energy out. It's been proved over and over by real doctors and bodybuilders - that is, not by the latest fad diet pushing american scam artist - that a few hundred kcal deficit and enough protein while doing resistance training is the proper way to lose fat and keep muscle. Why would you do it any other way?

nah you're wrong

eating at a deficit can help you lose weight. IF helps some people eat at a deficit easier. IF is not a new meme, it's been around for years already.


you can go through the years and find some athletes and bodybuilders pictures, along with all the other pictures of regular people who got swole and lean. This is just a small bit of the people doing it, it's been part of the fit scene for a long time, and a lot of people have been successful with it.

You are the one who is behind the times, you are like an old man trying to tell the young "punks" that they are doing it wrong, but your dried up knowledge base no longer supports the reality.

I have been doin a form of this. I work overnight and come home at 530 am. I eat my meals between 10pm and 4am. I find it easy to stay below my TDEE this way. I wake up around 1pm drink black coffee then hit the gym and feel fine. Of course I'm trying to loose 20 lbs. I'm muscular enough and I'm not worried about losing a bunch of muscle suddenly. Overnight work is not healthy in general and this method keeps me on track