Does smoking help to lose weight?

Does smoking help to lose weight?

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Yeah it suppresses your appetite

The chemo will.

helps to gain cancer

The negative aspects of smoking, outweigh the positive aspects of smoking; by so many orders of magnitude.

I'm insulted that you even entertain the idea.

Be healthy, and not a disgusting dumbfuck.

Well yes. Skeletons weigh much more than living human bodies with muscle tissue and organs.

eating less helps more

Ya you'll lose fat cause you're appetite will be suppressed and you'll replace snacking and a lot of meals with smoking.

You'll lose muscle cause your circulation will be all fucky and it will be harder to get good reps.

So yes.

if you want to use drugs to help lose weight start taking adderall or ritalin or some other amphetamine based drug. smoking is awful , i smoked for 15 years , quit 6 or 7 months ago, lungs are still fucked even tho they are way way way better than they were a year ago. but cardio kills me , 7 blocks and i start to get out of breath. smoking is not fucking worth it. if you want nicotine for an appetite suppressant then start to vape, cigarettes are shit

>Lose weight
>Look cool

win win brah

Yes it reduces insulin output. Also suppresses estrogen receptors and increases DHT sensitivity, giving you higher test, but possibly making you lose hair. Nicotine is also a legit nootropic.
If you're young and engage in regular physical activity you can reap the benefits of smoking with little to no consequence.

It surpresses appetite, so if you have literally 0 self control it will help for a bit.

But you could just stop being a little bitch and live with some hunger, it is not fucking normal to stuff your face the second you feel a little bit hungry.

Sure. It'll fuck your shit up, though. Not worth at all and no serious person would tell you otherwise.

If you dont have enough self control to stop stuffing your face, enjoy your nicotine addiction
>Multiple administrations of two nicotine doses (moderate [15 micrograms/kg body wt] and low [7.5 micrograms/kg body wt]) and a placebo (0 micrograms) were presented to 18 male smokers via nasal-spray solution on three separate occasions while RMR was assessed by computerized open-circuit indirect calorimetry. Plasma nicotine levels confirmed the reliability of dosing. RMR increases of 6% above base line after both moderate and low doses were significantly greater than the 3% increase after the placebo.
>These short-term observations demonstrate that cigarette smoking increases 24-hour energy expenditure by approximately 10 percent, and that this effect may be mediated in part by the sympathetic nervous system.

You can expect a rebound effect once you quit, so calculate calories accordingly.

I don't really think so.

But it obliterates estrogen and possibly stimulates HGH production though.

vape nicotine instead

$30/mo instead of $400/mo

Nicotine does, smoking just makes you smell like an ashtray, lose life expectancy and have massive issues with cardio because it fucks up your lungs, if you want to try nicotine just try Snus, it's the cheapest and least toxic way to go about it.


yes, nicotine suppresses hunger.
also, cancer is very good for loosing weight ;)

Well yeah of course

IT al prevents ulcerative colitis you know