Second sip of the day. Feels great while studying

Second sip of the day. Feels great while studying.

blues are filthy :)

>2 sips in one day
enjoy your tolerance and kidney stones

Got my first purp sip ever!! :)

at least tell me you're getting paid for shilling energy drinks every day so it doesn't look so sad

Only one availabe in my country

its just memeing lad

how many sips does an average Veeky Forumsizen consume daily?

>usually 2
>trying to cut back to 1
>yellow RehabTM sips


S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

Nice boy is yellow but what you're really looking for is this guy

my man.

Finland? Why did you fall for this meme, man? Just drink ED greenlight, it's cheaper and tastes better (objectively)

Where can I find blue? been meaning to try it.

>ED greenlight
What is this?

>What is this?
Pic related, my daily sip

Where could I even buy this? Can barely find it online

Shit, son. I finally found purple sips for the first time yesterday, but I've never seen these fucking piss sips!

Fuck you guys now I have to listen to Lorde-greenlight

Only sold in Finland and maybe Sweden. So no, you cant probably


in reality, i drink almost all of the energy drinks available here. Just trying these out for the memes. Tastes like shit compared to our own products tbqh.


Absolutely Zero is the absolute worst sip. It makes me sad that you can't try original sips.

That shits sold all over the UK too
Don't be telling lies on the internet faggot