Be polish

>be polish
>drink heavily since 12 year old
>be depressed and have often rope thoughts
>started going to gym half year ago
>started being actually happy for most time
>stopped drinking
>but every time when going out with friends you have to tell no over 9000 times when they want you to drink with them
>easter comes
>have to sit 3 days and each day listen to some shit about how a man could not drink and why I am doing this
>user c'mon drink with me
>user we don't see each other often we must drink
>user hehe this catholic uni of yours made you soft
>get pissed off on the third day and sperg out saying to fuck off from me and my drinking
>everyone acting like I am some sort of psycho now
fucking drinking culture why the fuck can't they live me alone
who else trying to be sober here?

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Serbian with same problem.
People straight up call me pussy if i don't drink here lol

Dealing with the rejection of powerful Slavic drinking culture is an issue way beyond anything a bunch of American twinks that spend all day fapping to traps and not lifting could help you with

most I drunk was 2 bottles of cider when I was, ugh 17?
I'm over 30 yet my family still tells me to 'have a drink, user'

good thing my whole family switched to that non alcoholic ginger shit, idk what's it called, I still don't drink it

same here brat
how they want to be strong enough to remove kebab when the bottle is kepping them down

I know but we have here a bunch of slavs too
my family drinks vodka and moonshine and they won't even let you stick to beer during these occasions

Its probably the same anywhere where drinking is the normie thing to do, doesn't have to be east-european or anything.

People I often hang out with got used to it and stopped bothering me, but "acquaintances" are all like "cmon dont be a faggot and get piss drunk with us!"

Just having a drink and drinking it slowly reduces that, as people think you plan to get drunk.

Just try not to be too much of an autist about it. You can't change drinking culture by yourself.

>Just try not to be too much of an autist about it. You can't change drinking culture by yourself.
I tried just saying no, being funny about it and whole other shit but when you hear this from like 10 different persons for 3 days it's hard to not get fucking angry.

When I stopped drinking heavily I just learned to be strategic with one night a week where I go out with friends and drink.

Just don't be that guy who goes hardcore "into" things and then relapses "into" things

First time I really drank was I got tricked into driving my manlet friend Harry to a party in the ghetto and we payed like $10 each to get in. I asked 3 girls to dance (all lower class white girls) abd obviously that didn't happen. There was a DJ. Played beer pong but there was no beer in the cups. Harry's friend brought Carona so I had two of those. I heard beer was liquid confidence but I'm a big guy so I didn't get drunk. There was one girl our age who didn't look like shit. She had a boyfriend so she was kissing him while grinding with 3 other guys...

Tried to pick up a Miller Lite and I didn't notice the guy standing next to the beer who pulled a knife on me. I told him I'd pay tho but then he just gave me the beer for free. He was a Mexican so I guess he just wanted to be accepted by the white man. So he was chill I guess.

Then Harry was cuddling with the girl on the other floor. I told him I was leaving and he told me he'd get a ride from his friend who's girlfriend he was fondling.

I drove home and a few people got DUIs according to my friend but I think he made that part up.

>When I stopped drinking heavily I just learned to be strategic with one night a week where I go out with friends and drink.

>drinking """"only"""" one time a week
yeah great advice thanks
also I have a bunch of friends and drinking with one group won't make other groups give me a break
>Just don't be that guy who goes hardcore "into" things and then relapses "into" things
I feel much much much better when I don't drink so why should I be pressured to fucking do it? Why is making someone do amphetamine in small quantities is considered a bad thing but making someone drink heavily totaly normal?

Some people are just addicted to it. If they are your friends they'll have to learn to adapt to your lifestyle.

this post doesn't make any sense, man

I work in a client facing role and am expected to go out with different groups every week so I completely understand. I ended up having to become so strategic in terms of rotating which group I'd drink with that week and then make sure I did something sober with the other groups in the same week.

One of the best parts is that as you all get older, they'll start aging worse and looking like complete shit while you only get better. I can guarantee it'll happen. This will make it way easier to pick and choose when you want to hang out or drink as they slowly look to you

Tell them you're doing it for your fitness goals. Tell them it's important to you. If they're bros, they will get it. If not, fuck them.

I order ginger beers, it's sugary shit but it'll just make you fat, not weak ( and gay)

Was gonna say somethng nice and helpful but I'm a kebab, so fuck you.

They won't get it so fuck them. I'm a different guy here in finland going through the same shit. You're better off alone if the other option is to hang with a bunch of drunkards. I get enough social interaction at my workplace and at the gym.

It's just easier to find new friends who think alike.

>be finnish
>drink heavily since 14
>stop drinking because alcohol gives no good feels to me
>get pressured to drink every weekend and holiday
>start going to gym
>be biggest guy in group
>no pressure anymore
Stay sober and keep lifting
I often smoke weed at parties

Yeah it's laughable how some people think they're tough shit for drinking.Shit lowers your testosterone and if you're drinking something with hops, such as beer it's even worse.

Vodka has zero calories.

this is literally the Finnish youth and the reason i dont have friends...

>Serbian with same problem.
>drinking from 12
If you didn't come out of the womb drinking you are not Serb, fuck off.

Polish here.
Same story. Gym made me quit my heavy drinking. I don't know how to socialize without drinking though.

>Vodka has zero calories.

Op here
I suggest my friends to go to places where there are other things to do besides drinking like snooker, bowling etc

Brazilian here, I got the exactly same situation. God damn.

Yeah eastern was annoying
>b myself in germany, the best country
>cut monday to thursday at -1000Cal like i wanna make it
>then eat at TDEE Friday to Monday because its family and the food is great and im not gonna insult moms cake or lamb dishes
>drink about 10 beers and 5 mixed drinks on saturday at a party
>thats 3500Calories over TDEE woopsie xD
>Drink another 2000Cal over TDEE on Sunday
>Thats my cut for the week out the window, yikes!
>complain about it in Jamaican rum brewing enthusiast chat
Kurwa indeed alcohol has too many god damn calories and i dont enjoy social events without it.
Dieting is much easier as a shut in monk!

Thanks for reading please like and subscribe!

A pint of 80 proof vodka is over 1100 calories. Alcohol is 7 kcal/gram.

katholic uni in lublin?

Belarus here, OP, same shit

I had very severe depression in my teens and though I have gone drinking a couple times it is an absolute no for me now. I'll try weed, LSD or psilocybin mushrooms but drinking heavily guarantees that I feel EXTREMELY depressed for 3 days after I drink.

Last time I got drunk two days later I felt like killing myself, broke something and felt worthless because of the fact I raged and I cut myself like a histrionic teen girl.

I'm never drinking again. It just ruins my mental health. I've never been much of a drinker so whatever.

Slovak here. Drinking from 14. Rejecting alcohol for about half a year now, same as you. Fucking gain goblin friends.
>Gym on friday. Pump is good, feeling sore and comfy tired.
>Phone rings.
>"hey user, it's anon2 here, i hope you are going to the bar tonight, we gonna get sooo fucked up"
>Box on saturday.
>"omg hey user, you turned me down yesterday, I hope you are coming to the bar atleast at saturday"
>"sorry I'm tired and don't feel like partying"
>"wtf is wrong with you. Aaah I see you are living healthy now, huh? Don't be such a pussy! One or two beers won't kill you!"
>One or two beers translates to 12 x vodka, 6 bears, one slice of pizza from shitskins and two kebabs at 4:00 am.
>mfw this is every weekend
They seem to suffer from the fact i don't get shitfaced every weekend anymore. It literally hurts them, they take it personaly and are offended

yeah cool
kozi gród also?

nah mate, jestem z Holandii ale byłem w Lublinie na kurs letni ;) Dziewczyny tam naprawde najlepszy

I had numerous fights and injuries due to be sad drunk piece of shit
>"wtf is wrong with you. Aaah I see you are living healthy now, huh? Don't be such a pussy! One or two beers won't kill you!"
>One or two beers translates to 12 x vodka, 6 bears, one slice of pizza from shitskins and two kebabs at 4:00 am.
for fuck sake if it was for real like 1-2 shots of vodka I could do this but it always drinking heavy plus junk food in the morning


Jouw pools is goed. Vrouwen zijn mooi hier, maar ik ben nog
>tfw no gf
Misschien deze jaar zal beter worden.
Waar leef je in Nederland?

jus want you to know the lads down under are dealing with the same shit like mate if you dont wanna get horsed you're a fucking mongo.

but deep down I know they're just looking out for me.

Drinking is a social thing and it sucks it doesnt mix with health and fitness. literally gettin asked if i want a beer every day by my flat mates. They mean well ofcourse

exacty the same fucking problem , but i just changed my group of friends
yeah they'll get mad and hate for a while
call you gay for not drinking
but who the fuck cares about them fat gyno cunts anyway ??

Fellow Polak here. Wielkanoc was rough for me

We will remove you , insalah

The thing is my friends from hometown who are kinda pathologic have no problem with me being sober because they also all either go to the gym. train martial arts or both, so they try being sober themselves.
The problem is that in the city where I study all my fucking friends drink heavy because hehe the life of a student lmao getting drunk everyday and eating ramen because no money

yeah people with no goals are honestly worthless in my eyes

wauw kijk eens aan. Ik woon in Den Haag. Ik studeer Pools en ga in Krakau wonen als ik klaar ben met mijn studie :) Je spreekt ook goed Nederlands!

Als je het maar niet in je knar haalt om een Nederlandse vriendin te nemen. Verdomme ik voetbal al tegen polen, had ze naast mij wonen en heb hun supermarkt in de buurt (Westland) en het zijn beste lui. Maar van de vrouwen blijf je af.

Vriend, heb je de vrouwen in Polen gezien. Je hoeft echt niet bang te zijn dat die Polen hier aan die halftamme ongeschoren manwijven gaan zitten. En vertrouw maar dat ze er daar niet zo uit zien als die Poolse vrouwen die naar NL komen voor de arbeid, dat is echt het lelijkste wat t land te bieden heeft.


ohhh mate, my ex lives there. mis her ;(

Ik was daar in de zomer, heel mooie stad. Ik studeer nederlandse filologie in Lublin. Dank je wel, maar ik moet meer werk in mijn taal inzetten. Waarom studeer je het pools?
Nederlandse meisjes zijn te hoogh voor me, Ik heb slechts 185 cm.

Do you guys actually like The Witcher that much over there?

moja babcia miala ostry problem z alkoholem do tego stopnia, że po tygodniu w ciągu trafiała do szpitala
teraz nie pije już trzeci rok a i tak na święta najebany wuj podkurwia ją do picia
szkoda gadać

although many fedoras say that TW is shit because it got popular

I'm polish and I love books and like the third game, but for me first and second one was mediocre at best

najebane wujki najgorsze
jeden na moich swietach co byl taki alkoholikiem ze musieli mu wyciac nerke najbardziej mnie podkurwial do picia

Sooo when do you plan to remove yourself?

mijn moeder is Pools en ik wilde altijd al in Krakau wonen. Ik heb de taal alleen nooit goed gesproken en daarom studeer ik nu Pools, zodat ik straks een baan kan vinden in Polen.

Goed voor je, krakau is voor mij de beste poolse stad behalve mijn gebortestad. De smog is wel slecht

ja, hele mooie stad. Waar ben je geboren? ;)


oj jezu, no byłem tam w lipcu, naprawde jeden z najładniejszych miast w Polsce!

ChłOPie, pijesz od 12 roku życia? Gdzies Ty się wychował, górny slunsk here i nienajlepsze okolice ale u nas wszyscy zaczynali minimum 15-16 lat i to od jaboli a za rok dwa wóda dopiero.

Tak czy siak trzymaj to za wszelką cenę i pierdol innych, bo to jest dla twojego dobra jak nic innego. Jak rodzina nie potrafi zrozumieć to się z nimi pokłóć, zawsze jest szansa że szokowo zrozumieją. Jak znajomi nie kumają to ich pierdol ale powiedz dlaczego. Ja się nigdy nie potrafiłem powstrzymać na więcej niż 2 miesiące i pewnie będę żałował w przyszłosci, ale za ciebie trzymam kciuki.

jesus christ, leave the bears alone...

dzięki zapraszam ponownie ;)
wschodnia polska 12 lat wstecz była patologiczna w chuj. Zacząłem własnie od jaboli. Dzięki user trzymam też za ciebie kciuki.

Feels good to not be alcoholic fag that either has to drink ALL the alcohol or nothing.

That's what i tell the women at least.

yeah tfw still have self control even if I drink 4 pints or so
>tfw that means I never break down and alcohol doesn't cure my anxiety like it does for normies
pretty sure this means i'm predisposed towards alcoholism but i don't feel tempted so far and i'm 22

You're a little bitch if you actually make a big deal out of your choice not to drink. Your "friends" are either morons or respect your shitty self too little to care for you.

Either way, man up and/or get actual friends.

>t. a high Serb