Veeky Forums philosophy thread

Why do you lift, Veeky Forums?

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Because Sisyphus leads a meaningful life

contrary to popular belief, Sisyphus is not happy.

Why would he be happy??

Neither am i

I wrote my thesis on why 'albear camoo' as my professor called him, was an angsty and angry little french cuck that projected his unrealized insecurities and hostilities on the universe and repackaged nietzsche and buddhist philosophy in a most vile and ultimately silly way.

fucking frogs.

>Why do you lift, Veeky Forums?

cause I hate lying on dating sites

happy life != meaningful life

copy pasting this response from another thread
>Postponing my suicide through temporary boosts in my confidence.

That is how his name is pronounced, stupid burgerfat.

How the fuck do I achieve Greek god physique?

For the Reich

Job performance, stress relief.

Kys and re-roll
Choose one

That's rather brilliant.

I lift for myself and no one else.

I was asking for legitimate advice all I really do is pullups but considering my weight probably isn't a big deal can even do a few +20 lbs on weight vest. Can't bench much from what I remember

those digits

Because it makes me feel like I'm in control of something in my life.

Many things are out of my control, but if I work hard, eat correctly, and become constant, I know that an aesthetic body will come.

Remember this important lesson:
>Goal of every man is Eudaimonia
>Every good has an end
>The end of every good is Eudaimonia
>people forget Eudaimonia
>people lift for themselves,for girls etc they forget the end of all goals
>Lifting wieghts must be your goal to bring you eudaimonia

Mostly for myself but slots as well desu.

To be healthier and stronger, to be happier with myself and my image, to build the confidence and capability to do physical stuff that I've always wanted to really get into, to be a motivation for my unhealthy family, I love them and want them to care of themselves better, and finally, for my own future family.

If I want to represent humanity, I need to represent what we really look like.

Also it makes the depression better and helps me get the poon

How is the end of an good Eudaimonia?

i lift to improve my tricking
i trick to feel alive

Go to the gym, at least 3 times a week, for 6 months. Follow a structured program for beginners like SL or do muscle groups, whatever.
By then you'll know much more, look bette, and be on your way towardsa good physique. greek god status can be achieved within 2/3 years of natty training.

It's a distraction from my crippling depression

>using the word good as ancient greek "agatho"

every good has an end but not the final end. Thus there are goods than have ends meanning there ends further than these goods. Every good the man is trying to achieve is to achieve the final good. The end of all ends is the final goal which is eudaimonia .
I dont know if you get me

Many many steriods and lots of food.

same here but how do you deal with the fact that you will probably never achieve the perfect physique you set in your own mind for a long period of time ?

depresses me sometimes even though i love lifting

As a way to transcend the physical and psychological plane of existence

Yeah I understood you, I was interpreting "good" as emotion instead of objective/task. Thanks

I was just being a dick, in all seriousness you need to eat, a fuck ton of food while moving a lot of weight, you don't have enough mass to worry about cutting, calculate your calories for the day and add at least 500 to it, make sure you are getting a ton of protien. Stick to compound lifts, if you don't know how to do them pay for a few sessions with a couch, bad form will get you fucked up, squats, deadlift, bench, overhead press, follow up with accesory lifts, personally I think overtraining is mostly a meme, only give yourself enough rest to avoid actual injuries, you can lift sore. When you think you are enough eat more, and lift till you can hardly lift your own arms, this is the biggest thing I see in people with no progress, they go lift everyday but never really push themselves, I've been lifting 10 years, it's not uncommon for me to make myself puke on any given day just from lifting. Any specific questions I can help you with?

So what? Nobody's perfect anyway, doesn't mean I can't try though. I set my goal based on my own circumstances, for example, I work and have other obligations, so I can't dedicate too much time to body building to reach the top-tier pro level-like physique. Be realistic with your goals, and you'll push further each time you reach one if you're up to it.

Think about it like this:
You're at the base of Mount Everest and you WANT to climb it, but when you look and see how far away the peak is, you might get discouraged, but, if you think "alright, today I'll climb 200 metres", and you get there, and you look at the peak and see that it's closer now, so you go for another 200 metres, and another, and another, etc., until you've reached the top.

Sure, I know it's cheesy, but slow and steady is a functional approach to achieving goals, and not an old meme.


Not everyones a programmer

No not really I think you hit all the points I used to work out with my friend and he helped me out with form I will most likely pay or try to find someone to help me get going again. What do you recommend I eat lots of carbs or protein? Ive always had trouble with the eating part gonna go read the sticky cause I forgot what it says.

Compound lifts and a shit load of food. Weighted dips and pullups/chinups will make your torso bigger, regardless of what anyone says

While putting on weight I always carb up, I have a hard time cutting and always do a lower carb cut, not keto low just no fruit, bread etc when cutting. Carbs are important while putting on muscle though

I don't want to be 50 and be bitching about my heart

Sounds rather Nietzschean to me.
Good is the universal goal in the pursuit of Eudaimonia / in the absence of god, man overcome's today's suffering and performs good deeds only to serve the formation of a tomorrow that can accommodate the ubermensch.

Only reason to lift

my nigga

shallow answer: i want cute girls to squeeze my biceps and blush

actual answer: overcoming hardship and suffering make me feel good about myself

> lifting for women

Char trip-quints of truth

Because I don't want my body to fall apart in my 40's ~ 50's like my mom and dad's are

>Slave cuck religion
>Making it

Pick one beta

but then you started lifting, right faggot

4 sloots

Not the first guy, but keep a food journal if you have trouble eating enough. If you don't write it down, you'll probably end up tricking yourself into thinking that you ate more than you actually did.
Go for the high calorie foods even if it seems unhealthy. Ice cream, bacon cheeseburgers, fast food, pizza. I like to fill a cup with oreos and pour milk over them and eat them like cereal- it gets me a super easy 500+ calorie snack even though it doesn't have much protein it goes down easily.

the != means "does not equal" and is a read action

Helps my hypochondria.

Read the sticky
You got a long way to go buddy..

I have been working out or playing sports in some way or another since I was 13 m8

You fucking dumbass. How don't you choke on your spit at night?

Because I don't want to feel as bad for playing video games all day in my free time after work.

how old are you

French writers are all shit tier rip off artists.

All you niggers using eudaimonia like it's a proper noun. Eudaimonia just means "the state of human flourishing". You've achieved this when you are the best possible you, the you who contributes to society, the you who has a legacy to pass to the future.

>Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano

Aristotle does provide an argument as to why there is a final good however.

For be you assured that there is no contest of any sort, nor any transaction, in which you will be the worse off for being well prepared in body; and in fact there is nothing which men do for which the body is not a help. In every demand, therefore, which can be laid upon the body it is much better that it should be in the best condition; since, even where you might imagine the claims upon the body to be slightest—in the act of reasoning—who does not know the terrible stumbles which are made through being out of health? It suffices to say that forgetfulness, and despondency, and moroseness, and madness take occasion often of ill-health to visit the intellectual faculties so severely as to expel all knowledge from the brain. But he who is in good bodily plight has large security. He runs no risk of incurring any such catastrophe through ill-health at any rate; he has the expectation rather that a good habit must procure consequences the opposite to those of an evil habit; and surely to this end there is nothing a man in his senses would not undergo.

French here, that's how it's pronounced

holy fuck those nipples

Reading his dialogues right now, truly a inspiration.

How do I achieve Socrates mode?

Fuck little boys
Take credit for the wisdom of his students, little known philosphers and what little he could understand from the egyptian mysteries.
Get ancient photoshop.

fuck your dubs dude

>Fuck little boys
alright faggot, you're getting gassed.

the pursuit of Eudaimonia=the persuit of the state of human flourishing. What's your beef mate?

>be confident in myself
>lead by example
>live longer
>fugg women
>make the best out of my body while i'm still young
>i like lifting

your life is literally the last thing you will lose in your life. whatever goals you have, living a long and healthy life HAS to be one of them.

Because l hate humans and l'll do anything to be superior to them

Im normal stop bully

Not him, I've been lifting for 3 months and have been steadily progressing with a modified SS, noticed good gains in all areas.
I ate a fuckton during that time but I got comments from others that I have been getting fatter, most noticably in my face and core area. Is cutting down on the calories to a deficit this early a bad idea? If the downside is it would slow down my gains a bit, but I get to look more lean then I'd take it.

Kill yourself

>Victor Hugo
>Jules Verne

Fucking burgers.

To protect their smiles!

>and to be the strongest guy at my gym, while listening to loud af anime openings and hentai techno with my broken-ass earbuds so everyone around me can hear. However, they can't do a thing.



I can't wait to I make it. Then we'll be frequenting the gym in Asuka t-shirts.


I've spent 10 years trying to read the rebel but he's such an unbearable cuck christfag piece of shit. Fucking Owlbear Cummu

Zyzz told me to

You forgot
>>Columbo your way around arguments hoping your opponent fucks up.

what a dick

>mixing superior sohryu genes with mutt shikinami genes

you deserve the rope desu

On the lower terrestrial plane, I lift because I want to bang chicks and feel self confident.

On the solar, spiritual plane, I lift because excellence and self improvement are markers of self mastery. These things are spiritual in essence and riding the tiger is only possible through self mastery.

Thanks Evola.

Nigger see

You wear an Asuka one and I'll wear a Rei one and we'll be the best of gym bros!!

Does anybody have the fitlit comic?

To beat normal-fags at their superficial, fake game while stills being user. Got tired of having opinions thrown aside because I'm not popular enough. Not even shit like "Kill all niggers", but shit like "Hey, we should plan this in advance so we can have more fun. What? We're gonna do this at the last second again?" Or "I've been cleaning the apartment for 2 months straight by myself. I slacked for 1 week and now you're suddenly saying I don't pull my own weight? Fucker, you can't even keep your room clean for a week."

Yes it's shallow. Yes I know it will probably backfire. But in all honesty, I have nothing to lose. If I make it, then crown me king of normie shit. If not, I already plan to kill myself by 25. Currently 22. 3 years left and we'll see what happens

It's better to lift than not to lift, in all aspects.

Also, doing something that society seems to have decided is "impossible" (lifting 3x a week), gives me a sense of smug self-satisfaction.