So how does Veeky Forums keep track of their calories while cutting?

So how does Veeky Forums keep track of their calories while cutting?

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I use google to see if I ate too much with my only meal during the day. If I still need more calories, which is almost always. I wait an hour and eat a bit more.


What the fuck does that mean?

lol areu fuckn stupid

I have a little notebook that I write everything down on. It's better than keeping it on my phone since it's a constant reminder to keep focused.

my fitness pal app, and I have reminders set up because i'm super forgetful

I don't know how I'd cut without this app

can you not do mental math dumbass?

howd you get the numbers on each day? mine doesn't show that

on a notepad with a pen

It does. Change day view to week view

I meant the numbers

I made a spreadsheet.

I started with 4 things:
1. Starting Weight (263.4 lbs. / 119.5 kgs.)
2. Starting Date (April 2, 2017)
3. Goal Weight (210 lbs. / 95.3 kgs.)
4. End Date (November 2, 2017)

I weight myself in the morning and input that.
Based on my first weight, the sheet uses the Mifflin St Jeor Equation for determining my BMR.

This is then multiplied by a coefficient of 1.2 to account for a sedentary lifestyle.
This gives me "calories to maintain current weight".

So now we have the number of calories needed to sustain my weight.
But I want to lose weight.
So we must now determine how large of a Deficit I need, to make my Goal weight at the End date.

The sheet then finds how many days are between the current date, and the end date.
We call this "days left"

Then the sheet finds how many pounds I am away from my goal weight.
We call this "pounds left"

Then, assuming 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories;
We multiply "pounds left" by 3500, then divide by "days left".
This provides us with the Deficit needed to reach the Goal Weight at the at exactly the End Date.
Deficit = ("pounds left" * 3500) / ("days left")

Finally, the sheet then provides me with my Calorie Limit for the day by subtracting the Deficit from the "calories to maintain current weight"
Calorie Limit = "calories to maintain current weight" - Deficit

The sheet accounts recalculates my Calorie Limit every day.
This accounts for any fluctuations in weight, and ensures I reach my Goal Weight at exactly my End Date; as long I stay at or below my Calorie Limit.

Additionally, I have built the spreadsheet to track my weight loss, as well as my calorie intake ( i'll share and explain with two graphs).

There's also the feature of calculating additional calories from running and weight lifting.
Both use Metabolic Equivalent Tasks for determining how many extra calories.

Just tap on it.

Boi if this isn't pasta

Wow if true I'm impressed my shit is super simple.
I just plug in my weekly. Protein comes from a twice daily shake and anything from food is just gravy.


Here is the graph of weight.
The x-axis represents each day.
The y-axis represents weight in pounds. (1 pound is about 0.45 kg)

There are two lines; one red and one blue.
The red line represents my actual weight.
The blue line represents my ideal weight.

At the end of each day, the sheet finds the average of my first weight (taken in the morning) and my last weight (taken at night).
This gives me my actual weight, which is plotted to the graph and represented by the red line.

The ideal weight is already predetermined.
It represents how much I would weigh that day, if i lost weight at the perfect rate for reaching my Goal Weight at exactly my End Date.
Current Day = Current Date - Start Date

Total Date Difference (in days) = End Date - Start Date
Total Weight Difference = Start Weight - Goal Weight
Weight To Lose Each Day = Total Weight Difference / Total Date Difference

Ideal Weight = Start Weight - (Current Day * Weight To Lose Each Day)

Basically I want the red line to be lower or equal to the blue line, to reach my goal on time.

You have weaponized autism.
> not even meming
> being 100% serious

made a diet plan years ago

i find it much easier to get more or less the same thing daily. you only need to count your calories once then your daily goal is just to eat whats written on the plan.

what app?

Nothing much bro
What' app with you?


Here is the graph that tracks my calorie intake.
The x-axis represents each day.
The y-axis represents calories.

There are two lines; one red and one blue.
The red line represents how many calories I consumed.
The blue line represents my calorie limit.

At the end of each day, the sheet totals all my calorie inputs and provides how many calories i consumed. This is plotted to the graph and is represented by the red line.

The calorie limit calculation was explained in my previous post here
but I'll summarize with:
>Calorie Limit = "calories to maintain current weight" - Deficit

As long as the red line is at or below the blue line, I will reach my Goal Weight at the End Date.

Note - You'll see that the blue line or "Calorie limit" seems to go up and down. That is because of two reasons:
1. The Calorie Limit is recalculated daily to account for daily weight fluctuations.
2. Most importantly, The days that I run or lift weights; increase my Calorie Limit.

Since we are on the subject of exercise calories I may as well explain how to calculate them.
For that we need to find the MET score of the activity.
From this site:
We can find the MET score for the activity ( I found the one for running and weight lifting useful.)

With the MET score we can find the amount of calories burned with the following equation:

Exercise Calories = MET * Bodyweight(kg) * Duration(hours)
Make sure to convert your Bodyweight to kg, and time performing the activity to hours ( so 15 minutes = 0.25 hours, etc)

My sheet has a table of MET scores for running (with a sliding scale that accounts for all the different running paces), as well as weightlifting.
The sheet then adds the Exercise Calories to the Calorie Limit for that day.

Thanks man. Didn't know you could do that.

nyuk nyuk nyuk

my fitness pal

MyFitnessPal App

If I am cutting I mostly have a few go-to meals so it's just copy and paste work.

If I am trying new meals, just measure them once and create a meal out of it in the app so you can re-use them in the future.

One your in week view just tap the screen & they'll pop up

How do you get that much protein in your diet?

Door doot

Do this neat trick: FLIP OVER WHAT YOU'RE EATING and read the nutritional value and keep a mental note Jesus christ

feelin fit buddy?

Wtf is with those carbs its like you want to be fat

>eating prepackaged shit that has nutritional info
Do you even produce?
(...'produce' the noun, not the verb. Fuck. Bad grammar memeing doesn't really work with that phrase, but I don't know how else to express myself anymore. Eat whole foods).

Pfft hahaha GTFO ketofag

I use my fitness pal. and if i can't input it at the moment i'll always write it down so i won't forget what i had.


I don't. I tried it for several weeks and just became food and calorie obsessed instead of just eating less at meal times

I've since lost 3kg and counting in a little less than 2 weeks

Everyone is different I suppose. I find solace in obsessively fitting foods into my macro ratio.

They're right, you're more than 100% autistic

You sound lonely

Forgot pic of Lifting spreadsheet

Impressive. Where did you acquire this degree of self-discipline? Were you just taught since you were a child, or did you have to train yourself?

I just eat two normal sized meals a day and judge my intake by how hungry i feel.

Seems to work well and is very hard to go wrong.

You look like Ben Afflecks autistic and special ed little brother

>autistic knowledge and methodology
>chad face and persona

Dude, start a youtube channel, share your chadtism with the world and make dem ad bux, I'd sub

Thank you!

So much of it is attitude.
A lot of people suffer from a sort of existential defeatism, or depression of some type.
They don't even try.
Just by continued effort, no matter how shitty it is, you beat like 80% of the population.
You have an idea of what you want to accomplish, then you make your way towards it.

Take accountability, and responsibility.

Think your goal is useless and unobtainable? Fuck it.
Self-delude yourself to kick-start a positive feedback loop that results in genuine passion.
Use the Placebo Effect to your advantage. (For the record, the Placebo Effect works EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW IT'S A PLACEBO)
Source directly from Harvard University:

Do it enough times, and you effectively rewire your brain. You form a habit and now it's just "something you do".
From that point on it takes considerably less mental effort to maintain BUT you still need to maintain it.

Google Spreadsheets.

This is terrible advice Lol tho if it works for you personally then all good.

I can grel hungry eating 3000kcal and i can also feel satisfied eating 1800kcal.

And on top of that i have huge variety in Foods instead of same old bodybuilding type of good everyday which makea guesstimating really tough.

Thanks dude.
Made an image just for you, 1000 hours in paint.

That's an awesome idea.
I mean, I already have a channel but Im not looking for ad bux.
That could be another goal for me to set.
Maybe I should work on my channel, never really thought about it.

Here's a video from about 10 months ago.
Down 30 lbs since then (was high 280s), but now I'm really starting to take care of my nutrition (aka actually caring and counting calories) to hit my goal.

I fast 48-72 hours a few times a week and eat whatever I feel like for the rest of the time.

I really like cronometer


Thanks user

What? Why? Have you tried doing this?