Natural muscle gain potential is so small that it's not even worth training/eating 100% properly

Natural muscle gain potential is so small that it's not even worth training/eating 100% properly.

Why would I care about gaining an extra 2 or 3 pounds of muscle for a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge amount of extra effort? It's a huge waste of time/energy/effort to actually train and eat properly as a natural.

It's actually retarded how serious some of you people take lifting when you're a fucking natty and can barely gain much muscle to begin with. You honestly think perfecting your routine and diet is some how going to give you "magic" tier gains, over someone who just does a bro-split and eats whatever? Nope, sorry, not going to happen. Anybody who believes that fell for the half-natty meme.

>t. DYEL

T. Someone who has never been sub 12% natty and retained significant mass

I'm actually someone that has been lifting for over 5 years.

I spent my first 3 years super autistically tracking every macronutrient/calorie, and I also did the science-tier based routines, high frequency, specific training blocks throughout the year, autistic tier levels of periodisation. I did all of that shit.

After years of doing that I eventually lost interest as it stopped being fun, and just got too serious for me. I had to make the decision to either quit lifting/eating like a autist, or relax on all of that, switch to a typical bro-split, and eat whatever I want.

Funnily enough I didn't lose any size or strength, and the muscle I gained over the 3 years of autistically tracking everything didn't fall off.

This entire experience made me realise I had just spent 3 years doing completely pointless restriction, austim and pointlessly running extremely hard routines for zero extra benefits. I literally put 0% effort into diet now, and 0% effort into routine and I literally look exactly the same as I did when I was putting in all that extra effort.

Post a picture of your body


a picture of your body

Post pics or fuck off

Im 5'11, im pretty big naturally. I don't look like a freak but everyone still calls me 'buff'. Women seem to like it and if i got any bigger i would look ridiculous. I would only take roids if i were 6'3 or over.

OP is right

t. oldfag Veeky Forumsizen

autistic food prepping like a deluded jason genova is only worth it if you're roiding too

What program did you do before the split? What do you think about full body?

pics or fuck off

You don't need autistic food prepping.
3.5 years of push/pull hypertrophy bs and chicken nuggets diet with drinking every other weekend. Post your 5 year progress.

I have my two year progress of lifting/eating less, still drink, still eat cake, still do whatever just at a defecit

Routine/diet autists BTFO



I was defending you OP :(

so much truth to this, eaten a 50%+ fast food diet for the last 3 years and made solid gains, even when dieting down i just accounted for calories and still got away with eating KFC and mcdonalds like 3-4 times a week.

here's me at my leanest around 86kgs @186cm

Decent body sorry about your jaw

thankyou for your condolences friend

I don't have body dysmorphia so I'm fine with my natty gains and functioning heart.

>the overall efficiency of an automotive gas engine is about 20 percent
>oh, just x percent is efficient, so why should a faggot invest energy/time into buying a car, why not use your fucking legs instead
I feel retarded for even replying to this bait

More like you learned what to do and learned to do it without realizing it you retarded mong

>t. 0.5/1/1.5/2

You're not wrong. My point still stands though

approximately right? cool

no worries man, just meme-ing

I'm natty too


You didnt care even about protein intake?