
This is starting to be an issue for me and I'm scared it's going to turn into an eating disorder.

I've been cutting for so long, I'm always hungry. My body looks amazing, and I just have about 3 lbs left to lose.

But I can't stop bingeing. I have a bit of cake or whatever and it turns into an all out binge which feels like I can't control. I've binged like 5 times this past week and no doubt gained weight. This makes me so mad at myself, because it takes just a day or two to gain 1 lb, and more than week to lose it. I hate getting to a good point then fucking it up. I have such a massive appetite I'm worried I'll never be able to maintain a lean body.

Is it better to fast for a few days after a big binge and try to get to "base" calories, or just pretend it never happened?

Thanks. Really made me laugh. Stop avoiding food. Learn how to include those things in your daily meals. Good luck

>t. doesnt understand the problem

fuck off or learn to give real advice

OP, what you need to do is cold turkey, iron fist, no junk food allowed at all. I have the same problem. When there's only healthy food in my house i can stick to my diet no problem, but when family/friends bring sweets or junk into the cupboards, i'll let myself have "just one" and then it turns into a whole binge just like what you're experiencing.

Yeah, this is the problem. I still live with the parents and they keep buying junk food. Amidst Easter and my dad's birthday it all went to shit.

I'm doing cold turkey tomorrow. Still debating whether to fast for a day.

you can fast if you want to/are able, but otherwise if you just stick back to your diet it will correct itself in time.

my family was never big into health/fitness while i was growing up so we usually always have some crappy food somewhere in the fridge or something. For a while i debated getting my own mini fridge so i wouldnt even be around the junk that they bought.

Had the same problem - for me, it was 2 things:
1. My job was stressful as shit. I drank and ate to relieve stress. Leaving that job made a significant difference - I haven't broken my diet since (2 months).
2. I would try to go weeks on end without eating something I like. You need to reserve a meal every 1-2 weeks where you can eat whatever you want (only 1 meal!). This helps to ensure you don't feel deprived and have something to look forward to.

Decrease your deficit, decrease the proportion of your diet coming from carbs and increase the proportion coming from protein
Less carbs = less ghrelin = less desire to binge
More protein = more CCK = less desire to binge
I gave myself a BED a while back by suicide cutting with "refeed" days which turned into hours straight of uncontrollable binging which I'd then try and starve/exercise off for the next week only to repeat the cycle so I know exactly what you're going through user. It isn't as simple as "hurr just have more self control, I've been doing PSMF with DNP, T3 and MK677 for 10 years straight and have never even felt hungry" ignore those faggots
Taking a break and eating at maintenance (or using just some LISS cardio to put you into a slight deficit if its manageable) for about 2-6 weeks can help a lot
appetite supressants don't fix them problem but they can also be useful for managing it short term

personally, i do the second thing only on a longer timeframe. Im running a 6 week program where the final week is a PR/max week and i stick to my diet for the first 5 and then take a week "off" where im not so strict with it

Hmm thanks user for the advice.
>I gave myself a BED a while back by suicide cutting with "refeed" days which turned into hours straight of uncontrollable binging which I'd then try and starve/exercise off
Yep. I got tired of starving every day on my cut so I began this "fast one day, eat twice the amount the next". Just gave me a BED.

I have so little fat left to lose, but it's so stubborn, that I thought it would be best to diet it off as quick as possible so I would suffer for less time. Now I'm not sure :(

I just left an extremely stressful job, it made me want to kill myself and with the risk of sounding like a special snowflake, I literally feel like I have light PTSD from it lmao.

The problem is I keep thinking "I know my refeed/cheat meal is in a few days, but I'll just have it now instead of then". That turns into a binge, then starving myself, then binging again.

I have always had a large appetite. Even when I'm not physically hungry, I just want to eat. This worries me I'll never feel like a normal person, eating normally.

just work out your maintenance, eat ~250 calories below that and walk ~1 hour a day if you have the time to burn another 250 calories and do this 7 days a week
and don't try and make up for slipping up because that throws the whole thing off, if you need to just add another few days to the end of your cut and carry on as normal rather than starving
that works best for me and I've done 2 successful 16 week cuts like that since my terrible suicide cut
desu though I'm considering "supplement" assistance with future cuts but I don't think that's anything anyone should consider until they know how to complete a cut properly without them

You're probably right man.

I'll probably look into Yohimbine next time I cut. Right now I can't due to strict parents. Cutting is a bitch.


How much weight gain is possible if you overeat by 10k kcal? You don't gain all that do you?

>I can't stop bingeing
But you can binge on low calorie foods instead of cake. Go make some sugar free jello and eat that next time you want to binge on something sweet.

OP imma keep it real here

As an ex fatty who went through loose skin, anorexia, binging and purging, self harm, etc etc etc, I can give you my honest advice and you know it's gonna be good.

First and foremost: stop stressing so much about it. This is why you fail in everything not just in diet; you're obsessive. When you think about something it's ALL you can think about, to the point where it's almost inhuman. Just reel it in a bit. It's okay to be wised up on what's good for you etc, but at the end of the day if you have a slice of cake what have you lost? What have you gained? Did it taste good? Good enough to warrant the fat you'll gain if you eat more?

The only way to stop binging is to understand why it's happening. Clearly your body isn't used to a rigid diet of lean meat and vegetables. That's fine. It's addicted to sugary or highfat foods. And yes the only way to truly kill an addiction is to tough it out cold turkey.

You know what makes it harder to overcome? When you're surrounded by other addicts. Family, etc. It's none of your business what THEY do to their bodies so you can't just tell them to stop eating sugar and expect them to listen. Hence it will always be around the house. Yes this makes it 100x harder but it isn't impossible if you can't move out. If you CAN move out, do so right away. In a way that doesn't destroy your relation with your family because that shit can't be repaired.

Post is getting too long so I'll summarize with this: Your body composition is not the only thing that determines you in the eyes of others. A fat guy who is comfortable in himself, happy, has lots of interesting things to talk about, and lives an interesting life is 1000x more attractive than a fit guy with no personality or hobbies or life. You can better yourself without torturing your body, man. Yes eat healthily. Yes go to the gym. But do other things aswell for fucks sake. Things that aren't a means to an end

Ding ding ding

Eat 2 cantelopes, a tub of sugar free jello, and a sweet potato, then tell me you're still craving. It's all carbs but still only around 500-600 kCal

This combined with drinking inhuman quantities of Diet Dr Pepper has been the most helpful thing for me when I feel my willpower slipping

Do a refeed day once in a while, you can read up about that online. The main purpose of it is exactly what you want - to stop binge eating.

Try to avoid snacking. Whenever you do eat, make sure it's all clean foods.

If you do decide to snack, meal prep salads or carrots. If you eat healthy stuff you won't be tempted to binge on cookies and ice cream.

If you were never really overweight, it is super unlikely that you have BED.

Up your calories a bit and don't be too restrictive. Binging for normals is just reactive eating from deprivation. You don't "need" to lose 3 lbs. Be concerned about other side of eating disorder spectrum.

Probably would gain a lot in water, but body unlikely to absorb every calorie.

Also, NEVER try to purge a binge through exercise or starvation. You don't need to fuck up your hormones more, just go about your next day like normal.

>just go about your next day like normal.
But thinking of my sabotaged cut and 1lb gain I really don't want to just ignore it.

But if you starve it off, you're gonna binge again. The idea is to stop the cycle.

God damnit. I fit the bill. Every damn think listed on the wiki.

>Eating large amounts of food
>Eating even when full
>Eating rapidly during binge episodes
>Frequent dieting without weight loss
>Frequently eating alone
>Hoarding food
>Hiding empty food containers

>Lack of control once one begins to eat
>Disgust or self-hatred about eating behaviors


We're gonna make it brah. From tomorrow lets go cold turkey on this shit.

OP you've been cutting too hard and for too long. This is the inevitable outcome. It has nothing to do with willpower, it's basic chemistry and hormones. Stop cutting right now, go on a clean bulk.