What do you think about American eugenics?

What do you think about American eugenics?

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Now, the powers that be are actually practicing *dysgenics*. It is strategically advantageous to a) have an over-populated society, so that the commoners must fight among themselves for resources and are more easily manipulated, and b) convince the better performing populations to miscegenate and produce offspring with a lower average IQ.

Think about it, the European revolution was due to a low population and an active eugenics program. The violent were executed and the downwardly-mobile upper-classes genetically replaced the commoners, over time. Also, the depopulation brought about by the plague and other things was extremely liberating for the average person. There were other places to go and other people to associate with, if need be; those spots were not necessarily full already.

By "an active eugenics program," I essentially just mean society as a whole. A functioning justice system executed the violent and a hierarchical society decided who could afford partners, offspring, ect.

ITT: pseudohistory

>American eugenics
There was never such a thing.

Sterilizing a few prisoners in mental institutions hardly counts as eugenics.

Eugenics is positive by definition

Claiming its immoral or amoral is brainlet behavior

>What are tens of millions of Black Abortions

that's standard reproductive health as it exists today, that's not a program of eugenics, it's a service that the public seems to want

It just so happens that it totally limited the growth of America's underclass

>stop publicly funding abortions in the inner city
>watch places like Atlanta, Chicago, ect literally become Africa-tier

Thank God they are getting abortions at that rate.

voluntary use is not anything but voluntary

>Implying there can't be voluntary eugenics

not really, since the idea of eugenics is a planned pruning away of detrimental members of society, and random voluntary usage of abortion would not fit into that

t. guy who isn't getting euthanized

It's all fun and games until the definition of 'unwanted' or 'unsuited' changes and you're up shit's creek without a paddle.


Eugenics can be done via sterilization, conception control, ect. Offer every black person in the US $20k lump sum to get sterilized and watch violent crime drop by 50%.

If I am the one with unwanted traits, I will decide to never reproduce.

Making it available for free or low cost is encouraging it. Its a eugenic policy and its voluntary for the people getting it done.

More eugenic policies that I would also support:
>Offer drug addicts cash in exchange for being sterilized
>Offer criminals reduced sentences for being sterilized
>Reform the tax structure and benefits programs so that its affordable for middle class people to have children
All you need to be is non-violent and not a degenerate and even then its voluntary


Speaking of which, was there ever an explicit eugenics program in the US?

Eugenics is an undeniable good. We’ve seen what happens with no control, or worse, with disgenics.

>not a program of eugenics
No, it’s a program of disgenics because it makes the birth rate of intelligent, considerate people plummet.

>make something available to people on purpose
>this isn’t planned

Ha, stupid humans think they are better than other humans. Super mutants better. Super mutant are the future.

A humane balance can be struck. The current arrangement is already bad.

I'm pretty sure black girls don't abort their babies out of a sense of duty to the gene pool.

Eugenics is a cancer. No one has the right to deny anyone else their right to breed with a willing partner.
Even if their child is likely to be worthless. We don't punish crimes before they're committed.

as a matter of public policy it isn't anything but reactive, as public pressure caused its legalization

eugenics are retarded when the real power lies in our future ability to screen potential offspring and develop our children in a laboratory where we will be certain they will be getting the +10 IQ advantage along with other traits

it inspired hitler

no one has any rights

Everyone has rights.

i say this literally every time threads like this come up, but why does eugenics imply sterilization or euthanasia? and i mean that literally, obviously i know because of Nazis, holocaust, etc. ,etc. but is there some underlying reason why we can't have a system of eugenics like this:
couple A: both only a few IQ points away from clinical retardation, history of hereditary diseases, etc.
couple B: astrophysicists, excellent health, no criminal history, etc, etc.
>couple A: shiiieeet, free money dog
>couple B: Oh deary me, we'd best not incur a financial penalty!
>*pops out 5 high IQ kids*

seriously would anybody really object to that kind of system? poor people get money, rich people don't get any more money, but they do *lose* money if they don't fullfill their biological debt to society.
that's literally fucking eugenics but instead of just biting the bullet we're rationalizing it as science and hoping the advances come before the voodoo apes overwhelm the system. Eugenics won't necessarily close the IQ gap between races either, at least if you believe that sort of thing is hereditary, which you have to if you hope for germinal choice technology to make any difference in IQ outcomes for couples

They should though. Humanity should be improved/given an upward trajectory. The current one is down.

You are a retard.
The current trajectory, even now, is not down.
Besides that, why do you speak for "humanity?" Why do you speak for some group that some people, perhaps, don't want to be a part of? Why do you have the right to tread upon people's sovereign rights for your own petty ideals?
If you want to offer niggers a thousand bucks to cut their balls off, be my guest. I'd love that. But holding them down against their will is immoral, unethical, and illegal, and I won't stand for it.

legal rights
A state can do what they want, it doesn't matter if you think people have a natural right to breed with a willing partner.

>biological debt to society
No such thing. People are not born with debts nor responsibilities. The social contract is a load of bunk. People only have debts they themselves incur.
If if you want to try to encourage the smart to breed, I'd be more than happy. But don't you dare imply they need to.

>The current one is down.
>he current trajectory, even now, is not down.

prove it

Everyone has natural rights, God-given rights.
You're the one who says that it's down, you have to prove that first. It's only been up for all of history, why is it now down?
The stupid are still more likely to die young. The worthless are still more likely to get shot while robbing a convenience store.
Modern medicine has made people with poor genetics more likely to breed, and so has leveled the "trajectory," a bit, but not completely. People with naturally bad eyesight are still slightly more likely to fall down the stairs, at least.
And many smart people still breed, and they breed with their own kind. Who cares how many dumb Africans there are? They won't affect me nor my descendants.

Should be a privately funded voluntary organization. would probably get a ton of negative media attention at first, but give it a few decades and the world might come around.

>You're the one who says that it's down, you have to prove that first. It's only been up for all of history, why is it now down?
I'm telling both of u to prove it. I'm not confident to pick a side. Some people say that the short term positives of the welfare state will be outweighed by long term negatives. They claim that previously smart people would have more children while now they have almost none.
for example this guy: scholar.google.com/citations?user=mmoY0-kAAAAJ&hl=en
I don't know if he's right or wrong.

>Everyone has natural rights, God-given rights.
That's what you believe but it don't matter what you believe. The Chinese were going against your claimed natural rights with the one child policy but they still did it. Abortion can be claimed to be eugenic and also claimed to be against natural rights.

The welfare state is cancer. But that doesn't mean we should forcefully sterilize people.
Rights that are not respected remain rights.


>Who cares how many dumb Africans there are? They won't affect me nor my descendants.
They already are tho

That's an issue of immigration. We need to not import them. Not to sterilize them.
Not an argument.

I don't think most modern people arguing for eugenics want to run these programs forcibly. For example, like said, a monetary incentive would likely be the most effective -- and ethical.

Good post

>Implying anyone on Veeky Forums procreates anyway

You are a fucking shitstain on humanity. Go to a damn alt right fest or something.

What is “planned parenthood”?


Eugenics is pandora fiddling with the box, wondering what’s inside, not realizing that of all the evils she’s about to unleash, hope is the most insidious of them all.

Breeding a beefier cow is one thing, breeding a better person is a whole different ball game. We can barely decide on what constitutes “better”, and what works well in one age might not work so well in the next, so what do we do with obsolete humans? Exterminate them? It’s easy to clamor for the state to deprive people of their civil liberties until it’s your civil liberties the state is coming to deprive you of.

One need only look at the state of dog pedigrees to realize the dangers of eugenics: a small minority of high pedigreed dogs who are totally useless except for the specific task that they were optimized for, in many cases not even able to breed without human assistance, while the rest of the breed are inbred, low quality dogs with a host of health problems and genetic disorders. Meanwhile, perfectly healthy mutts languish in a shelter even though if shit hit the fan and humans went away, those would be the dogs that survive on their own.

In practice we could consider things like abortion and homosexuality as voluntary or “soft” eugenics programs because you’re encouraging a segment of the population to either stop breeding entirely or severely curtail it. The world already has too many mouths to feed. However, forced eugenics like what the Nazis practiced invariably end up as human rights shitshows when you let moralizing busy bodies decide who does and does not get to marry

Veeky Forums is a virtual containment cell that virgins and NEETs voluntarily inter themselves in for the net benefit of society at large.