why are you not buying this at the literal floor?

probably one of the best projects in crypto.

Because a friend of mine is a bagholder and I laugh at him everyday. I even bought a BAT t shirt which I wear to school to make him mad.

This will moon BIG TIME at some point. Until then it's a heavy bag.

It's just the same as Litecoin. Very long time at $1-3 and then it moons to $30+.

30$ + is just impossible. you're deluded as fuck if you really think it would even come close to that lmao

He didn't literally say it could get to $30. The $30 was just an example. It could get to $2-3

i dont believe in $30 but i also dont believe in the current price. It is currently very very undervalued.

come on goy, i bought in just now so im not a bag holder but look at the price. I mean just look at it. It is bound to pump soon, this is literally the bottom.

bagholder here

I still love this coin and anime witch

floor would be below 1k sats

Because nobody will switch browser for Brave, ever. Only delusional Mozilla ppl can believe they will

I am a delusional Mozilla guy and I won't switch to anything else.

I don't care about projects I just care in the earnings, will this coin give me a 20% over the next 2 weeks?


not over the next 2 weeks, its more long term which is why im not investing for a while

Holding BAT is so boring. Just buy in when they tweet something and sell when in profit. Repeat.

he was making a comparison brainlet, saying litecoin was $1-3 and went to $30+ (so 10-30x) in the case of BAT it would be like $0.15 to $1.50-$4.5 or some shit

its +500% since ICO you retard

I have Brave on my iPhone 7 and it will not load Veeky Forums. I just tried it again to confirm. I would testify under oath in a court of law that it’s the biggest piece of shit browser I’ve ever used

Normies are chromemarines. Good fucking luck trying to convert them

nice trips boi

i have brave on my android phone, works pretty good. desktop is a piece of shit though

Have you ever heard of ADX, literaly the Bat killer ?