How do you force yourself to wake up early in the morning? As in around 5am or so?

How do you force yourself to wake up early in the morning? As in around 5am or so?

Even if I have good intentions and go to bed earlier, I always end up saying "fuck it" and sleeping through the alarm.

Other urls found in this thread:

do IF and eat only in the morning

you will shoot out of bed like a hungry spooky skeletal

>write down some "motivational" speech like "Wake up faggot, only pussies sleep past 5am! Come on, you have workout to do. Do you wanna be a sikk kunt or a sad cunt?"
>record it
>set it as your alarm
there you go, it's that easy.

There are websites and probably apps where you can enter the time you want to wake up and it will tell you the ideal time to go to sleep. It actually works. Your sleep cycle will align with the time you want to wake up and your alarm will go off wen you're in the lightest stage of sleep.

Drink some water before bed so you have to piss when your alarm rings
Also grow a backbone

here's a good one

This thread came at a perfect time
>Wanted to wake up at 6:30 to run
>Slept through alarms until about 8

I didn't even snooze

Its called discipline user.
Also if you do it long enough it becomes a routine and you wake up even without alarm.

>Set Merzbow as alarm so sleeping through it is impossible
>Put your phone out of reach so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

Failure is acceptable as long as you learn from it

You better be up bright and early tomorrow, user

By having self-discipline. Think of it as a momentum. Once you do it, you'll be more motivated to continue doing it.

If you have time to adjust your sleeping schedule then start by waking up fifteen minutes earlier everyday.

If not then just discipline or if you are truly irredeemable like me then just fuckton of caffeine.

Only thing that helps is managing to go to sleep earlier.
I managed to do that by only 2 thigns:
>1. getting 0 sleep one night, staying awake whole day and then falling asleep early next night
>2. Taking a hot shower, drinking tea and Meditating using Headspace. It calms me down fuckton and generally it works

I have one of those lamps that get brighter over time and it really helps waking up comfortably. I can highly recommend it.
Another alarm that goes off once the light hits the peak and a third alarm that goes off 5 min later outside your bed.

t. guy who got up at 1pm today and slept in his clothes with the lights on on his couch

More sleep means less time alive.

>set alarm
>get up
>splash cold water in the face
>make coffee
>browse Veeky Forums while stretching before gym

Why do you have the option to sleep in? Don't you have responsibilities?

Self discipline is the only way, there isn't a secret.

A small tool that helps if you have android is called alarmy. Set it so that you have to solve math problems to turn the alarm off. Helps a bit to quickly cut through your morning grogginess.

binge drinking led to me wakin up in the morning
the withdrawals kicked in and i couldn't sleep.
id go to bed at maybe 5 in the morning, wake up at say 1
next day i would stay up as long as possible, go to sleep and probably wake up at 5 pm.

repeat until withdrawals go away and eventually you're waking up at 2 am and treat it like you would be waking up at 5 am, but with 3 extra hours to dick around

I have to wake up at 5 something to pray, so i do that AND then hit the gym, you need a routine and consistency, then it becomes easy.

Men have no willpower.

I set my alarm across the room so I have to get out of bed to turn it off

by the time i've turned it off i've already gotten out of bed and had to become alert enough to go across the room, so I'm much less likely to just go back to sleep at that point

Hey op. Went to bed at 5 last night, didnt actually start dosing off till 6, got up at 9.

Proest tip: have a reason to get up

Stop staying in bed in the mornings.

You can't fix sleeping pattern with easy quick fixes. It takes at least a week to properly fix a sleeping patter, maybe 2 weeks if you have a few setbacks. Its why jet lag is still a thing.

Get up early EVERY day, even weekends.

5am is easy for me. It's 7-8am that are by far the hardest time of day to wake up ironically.

That said I never get up that early for anything but important reasons which will shift me out of bed anyway.

A good high octane alarm clock to get you laughing out of bed is a major plus too.

I cycle between the better tracks of the Mad Max Fury Road soundtrack and Doom music.

I have a toddler who either hits me with a toy, jumps on my stomach or dropkicks my nuts at roughly the same time every damn day. Not recommended to get kids just for that reason, but it does work well to get you up, kek

It helps to also set up 5 or more rat traps throughout the room on the way to turn off the alarm. Another inexpensive "lifehack" is to have a moat with a rope to swing across to the other side of your room. You can have either boiling water or ice water in the moat.
Those are just a few things that helped me wake up early

underrated, fucking neets

Can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet, on a fitness board of all places.


Remember that first three weeks of training, when your body was fighting the change, trying to give you any excuse so that you'd skip a workout?

It will suck for a little while, then you will get used to it, then you will fucking love it. Just stick to it.


I'm glad I'm a light ass sleeper. I'm able to wake up to my alarm through my earplugs and go to the gym at 6 am when the curl monkeys are still in bed. Takes me forever to fall asleep, though, and I usually have to take melatonin if I want to fall asleep before 11 pm.
OP, I recommend going to sleep earlier, putting something loud and spooky as your alarm, putting your alarm source out of arm's reach so you have to get out of bed to get it, and having a cup of black coffee prepared the night before. and being less of a fag

I have our song by TayTay as my alarm. If I don't get up, I feel like I'm letting her down and that's the worst feeling in the world.

First settle into your current natural sleeping rhythm. Stick to it.

Then start adjusting your sleep/wake-up time by an hour and get yourself to stick to that. If you can't, try 30 minutes. Always give yourself time to adjust and keep at it until you can wake up earlier.

Also, if you have dosh, get one of those bright light alarms ( or use the sun if possible ).

It might be though, that if you have no pressing reason to get up at 5, you won't. Also, being a Night Owl is a thing. Early rising is just going to be a lot harder to some people, maybe not impossible but definitely harder.

>TFW IF + Keto
>Never hungry even a day and a half after eating 1400 calories

Magnetic water. No sugar, msg/"spices"/"natural flavors" containing foods or spice mixes, no caffeine at all.

September 23rd is rapture day.

Yeah I guess cringing myself into waking up would work

My lectures at Uni start at 10am at the earliest, but I like getting up at 7am to jog eat breakfast and relax a bit before I have to get ready.

Ive been sleeping until 9am despite my alarms because my body adapts too fucking well, I even have math questions on my alarm but I will wake up with them all solved and the phone next to me in my bed with no memory of me doing so, despite me leaving it on the other side of my room.

Can confirm this is legit, let's me go to the gym in the mornings before work.

It only lasts for about a week though, then my schedule goes back to "normal"

the fear of 1st sarge senpai yelling me a new earhole

Once you have so much stress in your life that you know you NEED to do something or you will suffer, getting up is no problem. I get up at 4 AM every morning with no real issue. When something basically is life or death, there won't be an issue. Treat everything like life and death and you will be successful.

That sounds like an overall drop in quality of life.

This is how I spent literally 98% of my free time (3.42 hours compared to 5 minutes) dedicated to the gym and the remainder learning new skills.

Once you can't shut out incredible pain except through focus, it becomes easy to dedicate yourself to a cause.

As soon as I cheered up, I reduced the amount of time I spent lifting and eating.

Sir yes sir!

Lack of responsibility and aims is why you fail to wake at an early hour.

i had a stint trying this as well, i'm sure it'll help your autism too.

Did you ever think perhaps he took the black pill?

smelling salts
