Non-ethnic Roman families

How powerful or wealthy were non-ethnically roman families during the Roman Republic and later on during the Empire, but that were citizens of Rome? I know, for instance, that the Senate eventually expanded to make spots for Gauls, but how influential or rich or liked were these Gauls and similar people?

some noble romans were upset at them when they first were allowed in the senate

Emperor Septimius Severus was half Berber. His father was a North African local and an equestrian.

What exactly is an ethnic roman?

Generally someone whose ancestors spoke latin, but romans were kind of mutts of all regions of italy,

Latins founded Rome,They later assimilated their italian neighbors, like Etruscans, Samnites, Sabines etc. So the entire Italy is Roman in a sense.

Cicero was ethnic Etruscan.

Ethnicity of the Roman Emperors:

-Augustus - Roman Italian (born at Velitrae, southeast of Rome)
-Tiberius - Roman Italian
-Gaius "Caligula" - Roman Italian (born at Antium)
-Claudius - Roman Italian (born at Lugdunum in Gaul)
-Nero - Roman Italian (born at Antium)
-Galba - Roman Italian
-Otho - Etruscan
-Vitellius - unknown, presumably Italian
-Vespasian - Sabine
-Titus - Sabine
-Domitian - Sabine
-Nerva - Italian or Cisalpine Gaulish (born at Narnia)
-Trajan - Spanish. with some distant Italian ancestry.
-Hadrian - Spanish, with some distant Italian ancestry.
-Antoninus Pius - Gaulish (born in Latium)
-Marcus Aurelius - Gaulish and Spanish
-Commodus - Gaulish and Spanish (born in Rome)
-Pertinax - unknown (family of slave origins)
-Julianus - unknown, probably Roman Italian
-Albinus - Italian
-Pescennius Niger - Roman Italian
-Septimius Severus - Carthaginian and Celtic
-Caracalla - Carthaginian, Celtic, and Syrian
-Macrinus - Italian (family had settled in Punic Africa)
-Elagabalus - Syrian
-Severus Alexander - Syrian
-Maximinus Thrax - probably Dacian (supposedly Thracian and Sarmatian)
-The Gordiani - unknown (probably mixed Italian, African, and Asian)
-Philip the Arab - Mesopotamian or Syrian Arab
-Decius - Illyrian or Pannonian (born at Budalia near Sirmium)
-Trebonianus Gallus - Perusian Etruscan
-Aemilian - Mauretanian
-Valerian - unknown
-Gallienus - unknown
-Claudius Gothicus - Illyrian
-Aurelian - Moesian
-Tacitus and Florian - unknown, possibly Italian or Danubian
-Probus - Illyrian or Pannonian (born at Sirmium)
-Carus - probably Gaulish and Greek (born at Narbo)
-Carinus and Numerian - probably Gaulish and Greek
-Diocletian - Dalmatian Illyrian
-Maximian - probably Illyrian or Pannonian
-Carausius - Menapian Gaul
-Constantius Chlorus - Moesian or Dacian
-Galerius - Dacian
-Severus II - Danubian
-Maxentius - Danubian and Syrian
-Constantine I and his sons - Moesian

What exactly does that mean though. If your berber father spoke latin as his first language would that make you a roman?

If Etruscans and southern italian greeks count as roman there is no reason gauls from northern italy shouldnt either

I don't know about the Republic, but during the Empire they were supremely powerful as many empress were not of Roman origin.

I can't remember which but one whole dynasty came from illirya I think.

I doubt the gauls or gallic families would have had much influence.

More likely, Spanish, Noth African, Greek, illyrian, Jewish. (Jews had special exemptions from imperial rituals due to religion) lol (((jews))) (who knows?)

Generally the Mediterranean would have been a greater source of wealth as influence had ad history of trade under the phonecians and Carthage so I'm sure merchant families could easily transport their wealth to Rome and gain political clout.

Romans didn't conquer Northern Italy until very later, right? Like during Caesar's time?

People like Etruscans completely lost their identity and became 'Romans', their language became extinct.

Romans probably had some Etruscan blood since the beginning, since their territory is right next to Etruscans, and they were heavily influenced by them and was said to have had Etruscan kings as well.

>-Macrinus - Italian (family had settled in Punic Africa)

Wrong. He was black

>Macrinus was born in Caesarea Mauretaniae (modern Cherchell, Algeria) in the Roman province of Mauretania to an equestrian family of Berber origins.[1][2]

>Romans didn't conquer Northern Italy until very later, right? Like during Caesar's time?
Nah it was around the time of second punic war. They also conquered lots of illyrians on the east coast of italy much earlier

Its true the etruscans lost their culture, but so did the gauls and greeks and illyrians and numerous other cultures

Berbers are not black... punic Africa was white, or brownish skinned at the time.

Modern Italians are decended from the Berbers...

Would you consider modern Italians "black" (pre migrant crises italians that is)

After Social War, all Italians were considered Romans.

>Modern Italians are decended from the Berbers...

Someone who was born in the Latin Peninsula during the early Roman conquests, or preferably around the Latium, and who was a Roman citizen.

I thought Trajan was still recognized as being of Roman origins though, because of his ancestors? Wasn't the early deal with him more that he was a provincial as opposed to a distant Roman?

Don’t all Romans technically have Sabine blood? Following their legends and histories.

Well, the woman doesn't really matter all that much. I'd guess those dudes were the descendants of sabine men.

remember this though?

As I said, the women don't matter. The kids were the property of the father.

But what about the Gauls, when they got conquered, and after that when they became citizens, how were they perceived, did they hold any power?

>Macrinus - Italian (family had settled in Punic Africa)
Got a source for that? I read somewere that he was at least part numidian but tye text didn't gave source either.

Look up Berbers. They're relatively white.

Yes, they do. Rape of the Sabines.

Only Italics(Southern Italians) were Berbers. Northern "Italians" are Gauls, Ligurians, and Etruscans.

What is this autism map

Los emperadores corruptados...

Berber Y-DNA in Italy.jpg

>How powerful or wealthy were non-ethnically roman families during the Roman Republic and later on during the Empire
Powerful, not so much until they spent a couple generations as roman citizens. Rich? Extremely. Wealth and provincial influence was basically how they managed to grab their citizenship.
Also depends on what you define as ethnically roman. Do other italics count? Because if they don't, then a good amount of late republic political figures, including the likes of Pompey and Agrippa would not count as ethnic romans, since the first was of picenian ancestry and the second messapian.

Nigga what?

Wilt ain't got shit on me.

The distribution of E1b1b in Italy matches Italic presence.

It's mostly E-V13 from the Balkans, ie proto-Albanians settled the Italian peninsula probably around the time of the Roman Empire and married the local womenz.

>Latins founded Rome

Well, it might have been the Etruscans after all.

Greeks also brought it via colonization of Southern Italy.