How do i pass this fucking test bros if im mild colour blind, i can see only 40% of them...

How do i pass this fucking test bros if im mild colour blind, i can see only 40% of them. Can i trick my brain into memorising them by recognising certain patterns? Pls help

If you're colorblind, just tell whoever is running the test

I do this test to get hired as a deck officer in merchant navy. I cant fail it my folks invensted a shitload of me. The burden of failure will make me want to kill myself. My alternative is to bribe the doc..

Why the fuck do you want to be in the navy?
That almost as bad as the air force

Obviously you need to see colours as part of the job, or it wouldn't be on the test

Your own fault for not researching beforehand

it says 23. problem solved user :)

How do i pass this fucking test bros if im half blind, i can see only 40% of them. Can i trick my eyes into memorising them by recognizing certain shades of grey? Pls help.

How do i pass this fucking test bros if im half mexican, i am only 40% american. Can i trick the border patrol agents into memorising them by recognizing certain questions? Pls help

60% of them are grey silly.

also, your life and the lives of others may at one point depend on it

>Almost as bad as the air force

Top kek, at least sailors don't just sit on their asses all day, and Trump is about to pump a shit ton of money into the Navy so I don't know why you're dissing.

i got you bro its 73

> Veeky Forumsizen kills 13 people in totally avoidable accident

You can't man you're fucking colorblind. There are plenty of jobs you can still get while colorblind.

I remember watching a video about this and the last one they showed I saw right away but the narrator said that less than five percent of humans can see it. I thought cool, but then the narrator said those five percent are colour blind. But I'm not...

It says 69 u retard

I thought it was 28

> not even meming

Sorry bro, it's for the best that you're honest. Unless you wear those color glasses all the time you could be putting lives at risk.

How does that look like 28?

The last row is P V E P I, right? It is hard to tell.

Tell me OP, can you see this number?


nice one.

i wonder whos behind this post


>I want to get a job that depends on my eyesight to keep people from potentially dying. How do I fake this so I can do a shitty job?

>The burden of failure will make me want to kill myself
there's your answer
really, you sound like a piece of shit