Historical household architecture

Did Europeans ever have something like tatami rooms where the people sit and sleep directly on the floor?

Anyhow, post comfy historical designs.

They don’t sleep DIRECTLY on the floor. No, that’d be barbaric. They sleep on those unsparing mattresses or hemp weaved matting during summer time.

I know that the Chinese used to sleep on porcelain “pillows” because it was stayed relatively cool. Not comfy at all.

Pic related, some smug fuck on his summer bed.

You know what I mean, senpai. This sort of design that is closer to the ground. Stuff ranging from the Japanese style of household to small coffee tables with pillows/short ottomans instead of chairs.

Gives a very homey feel.

Wall carpets are another comfy design that sadly has went out of fashion in Eastern Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain.

No, we invented chairs

Chairs are literally everywhere, and you don’t sleep on chairs.

European structures are usually more stone and concrete right?
Stone being colder would warrant a raised bed to surround yourself is soft stuff to insulate

Not like there weren't plenty of wooden houses in the past. Plus you could cover the floor in animal skins (particularly sheep) for extra warmth.

People either lived in brick houses or wooden ones.

Yeah many cultures across the world use some kind of solid headrest like in pic. They were also found in the beds of Egyptian pharaohs. I once saw what looked like a Vietnamese historical doc where they showed the use of ceramic headrests. Maybe it has it's roots in the needs for people with trepanation or skull binding.


Yes, regular German peasant in 11th century had a house made out of stone and concrete

I’d imagine not in Germany, but for example in southern France where wood good enough for building is sparse, peasants did live in ground level stone houses. I’d imagine it was a similar situation in a lot southern Europe. And in the rest of France, it was common for habitation to have stone walls on the ground floor, with sometimes a stone floor, with wood for anything higher than that. Most of the time the floor was matted earth, though. Also common to have animals sleep in the house, excellent source of heat.

Chinese have actual bed and chair
>sleeping and sitting on floor
Thats a jap thing


Didn't several European monarchs live in what were basically giant tents?

The fuck are you talking about?

they were originally mongol tradition that was kept to make house warm during winter







Man I wish appartment-stuffed bridges like this one still existed. One used to exist in London but it was a fire hazard to the max and killed most of its inhabitants everytime it did catch fire.

The Chinese started sitting on floors n shiet like the Nips. Furniture did exist but only for outdoors like parks and in encampments. Though thrones did exist.

It only changed in the 500s and 600s when raised chairs and tables started becoming used wholesale. Possibly emerging from fads brought by Iranic refugees running away from Muslims.

Tatami was originally a mattress. However, someone came up with the idea of spreading the mattress over the floor. It is a simple story.