Any other calf exercises that don't require equipment?

Any other calf exercises that don't require equipment?


single leg calf raises to failure every day.
increase number of sets until they grow.

same idea but on steps
do sets with toes inwards
and few slightly outwards
(up to you if you bend knees)

I do calf raises but I am still a calflet

Running on sand.


anyone here have good calfs and willing to show ?



You need something under your feet so you can stretch your calves it's the only way they will properly grow if you don't have the genetics. Also hill sprints.

Only born 1 month ago



Autismo here

calf raises for a natty are a waste of time

Ive noticed that everyone who walks heelstriking has no calfs. Everyone who strikes midfoot or ball of foot has developed calfs

Solution: go running and try to strike the ground midfoot or ball of foot and try to implement this to your general walking

Bulk up to 340 pounds and walk around slowly for 20 years then lose weight.

Also I do really slow full range calf extensions on the leg press.

Running uphill in sand

everyone naturally walks with heelstrike.

Did this with weights and fucked up my calves very bad. Had to stop training for a few months, I couldn't even run 1km.

Probably I was stupid and trainer too much

uh, yeah, ofcourse you should build it up slowly.
not start doing 50 sets on day 4.

Most people sure, but not everyone

its also why most people have shitty calves

Ever notice how girls who wear high heels a lot have really big calves?

When my mom is out of the house I wear her highest heels around, luckily she's just one size smaller so it's a bit of a squeeze but it works just fine.

I really recommend it but watch u dont get caught

Its because the angle of the foot forces the calves to contract all the time comes back down to what I said here

Fast walk on the treadmill with the incline turned up high. This shit burns my calves like a mofo.

are you walking around with no shoes? I run with a midfoot strike but walking in shoes with that looks autistic

One set, 100 reps. Tempo should be 6 seconds for reps. Do this everyday.

as long as you dont exaggerate it nobody will care get over it

Also they wont be noticing the midfoot strike after I get big calfs

I gained almost an inch on my calfs since implementing midfoot strike few months ago(consistency is a bitch though)

how would you do this with flat feet?

>that don't require equipment

>single leg calf raises to failure every day.
>increase number of sets until they grow.

No idea

You should probally fix your flat feet and get the natural curve back(yes thats possible)

I have super flat feet but I can do them without any problems. How is your ankle mobility?

Do people really do calf raises without stepping on something ? I thought that what the default

You're supposed to heel strike, that's why you have heels. Idiot

>he doesnt know that humans used to walk on forefoot and started heelstriking pretty late to conserve energy
And thats not why we have heels

Citation needed

How stupid are you? You have an arch. You're supposed to use it to absorb impact. Midfoot strike is natural. Heel strikes are from giant running shoes because humans run on concrete now.

Ive said it countless times in calve thread.

On off days hike.

Hmm so no citation then? Into the bin you go

What if you live in the city?

Running up in sand in high-heels

>makes claim that we're supposed to heelstrike
>instead of backing his own claim says no show me proof that it isnt true
thats not how it works bud

yeah midfoot is natural for running, but try walking in shoes with it, you'll look like a sperg

>being this insecure

No you posted before me, disputing the way that the entire human population walks, you utter retard.

Don't reply to me again unless you've got a source

I said heelstriking provides no calf gains, which is true

>bbbbut no source
>bbbut everyone walks like that
then stay a dumb calflet sheep I dont care

>which is true