Hi guys. My first ever personal loan just came through and i'm ready to make some money. Where do i buy some LINK?

Hi guys. My first ever personal loan just came through and i'm ready to make some money. Where do i buy some LINK?


guys where do i start? i just got my bitcoins, it was easier than i thought

Binance but don't do it.
You're much better of buying Vert or Groestl or Feather or literally anything else. Modum is cheap now. Available on Etherdelta

send 1 bitcoin to this official link address and you will receive your links


Head to Binance. Do your own due diligence. Be sure that Link is really what you want. People will shit on you no matter what coin you buy into, just be careful.

i only have 0.75 bitcoins

Hey, friendly 4channer here. Go all into LINK

Don't listen to these fags. LINK is at a great buy-in price right now and it WILL explode. Get it on binance.

you can send 0.75 and you will get the equivalent in link

Don't send him your money, it's a scam.

>i'm ready to make some money. Where do i buy some LINK?

Dont listen to this guy, it's legit

You would be better off buying Bitbean desu.

Listen to both of these guys. It's a legit scam.

link is very ambitious and... has a lot of ambition and... did I mention how ambitious it is?


>m-muh conferences
>b-big news guys
Meanwhile in reality
>price gets more and more JUST every day

I understand if you're not a fan of LINK but why buy a coin that's just gained 20% to reach ATH? Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful isn't just some meme. If trading was as easy as just jumping on the bandwagon of the last pump we'd all be rich. Typical Veeky Forums: buy high sell low


Price is staying the same for the last 3 days, do you live under a rock? We reached the bottom buy now or get fucked in your wage cuck life

link is going back to 3100 sats so I'd wait to get in during that price if you're really planning on diving into link