Is it too late to jump on the crypto craze?

Is it too late to jump on the crypto craze?

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please stop making these threads they make me wanna kill myself

this is AIDS

yep too late you'll have to live with the regret of having missed out the greatest wealth revolution in history

its always too late


nah this was the day soviet union stooped functioning and people that have forsen it had stoked up on vodca and cigars and became bilioners overnight getting all the factory workers to work for them

This in itself is sign that the crypto currency market is bullshit but at least block chain is worth something.

too late for 99.9% of alts.. but bitcoin will go to 125k in a couple of years

kek, the opposite. its almost too late to have life changing profit from bitcoin.

altcoins are where its at but are more risky.

yep, its over

no theres still money to make!
visiting right here and reflecting might help you out

>buy my bags

Haha wtf I literally just watched this on youtube by myself

get all in btc with all your savings on the 15th of nov.

Vertcoin is your only chance now. Get in before it becomes one of ghe Big 3

lucky dude. good for him.

>+2600% is not enough for life changing profits

He didn't make any money, he got lucky on a lottery ticket.

He doesn't have any skills. There is absolutely no pride or ability in his money. If he did have true ability, he could make a million every year. But he won't. Because he's not a shrewd businessman, he is the result of a random arrangement of atoms that just so happen to work out for him.

Just for argument sake let's say he doesn't squander his money like the 95% of lottery winners do after only FIVE YEARS. I know he's already wasted a good chunk of his wealth, but let's just say he changes his ways and he doesn't squander all his cash:

Sure you have all the money you ever want. But you can't do anything with it. You can't take the money and use it to start an influential business, he doesn't have any skills for that. Having a bunch of money and no skills will only grant you the most meaningless things in life, you can buy yourself a cruise around the world but you would find much more satisfaction in swimming a mile in your fastest time yet. You can buy a trip to a foreign country, but going down the street to a convention and talking to people with the same hobby and skills as you makes you feel so much better. If you aren't building yourself your brain is just turning to mush.

He hasn't done anything impressive. He has no skills. He uses his money to compensate for the fact that he is lacking in literally all areas of life. Girls can see this insecurity instantly, and will assume he has a very tiny dick.

He can only wealth signal, at least Mark Zuckerberg can skills signal or intelligence signal.

This guy has nothing but a boring, empty life ahead of him with his gold digger wife who is more like a live-in sex maid then an actually human you can have a real conversation with and reveal your deepest thoughts. All day is just spending money. No self improvement, no practicing a skill, no hunger to go out there and build a huge business.

It's really not, unless you're talking about $2 million or more in starting capital.

If you start with, say, $100,000, you'll only get $2,600,000 out of it. Barely enough for a decent house.

>Becoming a multimillionaire with a 2 year salary is not a life changing profit

I hate this kid too but holy shit get a life dude


>$2,600,000 out of it. Barely enough for a decent house.

Read the fucking comments on the video, Veeky Forums.
>Bitcoin is in a bubble

This is bait, right?
No one is actually this stupid...right?

I get kidney stones sometimes.

I would rather get kidney stones every single day of my life than be this "bitcoin millionaire" kid.

The burning hunger to work on my business and generate money based off of my ever increasing skills is worth way, way more to me than some bitcoins.

If you just gave me the money I would have nothing to live for.

Let's just wait a few years and see what else comes out of the mind of this brilliant investor /s

BTC $10k by 2025 is a conservative estimate


biz btfo

does mark suckerberg have reversed knee joints?

How the fuck can you look at a 700% gain this year and say that? By 2025 a Bitcoin is either gonna be worth hundreds of thousands or be completely dead.
Anyone saying it will "only" barely double its price in a 8 year span is clearly retarded. That's literally the second most unlikely scenario right after "Bitcoin isn't gonna change ita price at all in 8 years time"

Either complete crash or complete moon. There is no invetween. Alone the halving in 2020 will either break Bitcoin or make its price explode

yep....a lot of people think btc price is going to magically stay up, even when people stop buying...lmao. it needs a CONSTANT inflow of money to even maintain the price. reverse the flow for a little bit too long, and boom, it fucking crashes.

Think 50k by 2022

Kek, fuck you you retard

I just want to chill in a comfy house, work on my hobbies, and get away from people

That's precisely the point. Either people stop buying Bitcoin for some reason, then it crashes. Or people will continue buying it, then it'l continue to rise. There's no inbetween.

>I would rather have severe pain everyday than get a lot of money for no effort

holy shit those might be the most sour grapes I've ever seen

If you want even more sour grapes, check out the reddit AMA this kid did a few months back

>I would rather have a meaningless life with no skills than a meaningful life where I work on my passion
>and kidney stones to remind you not to give a fuck about the small things

Don't worry kiddo, whether it's a NDE, or maybe a quarter-life crisis, or maybe a philosophy book, someday you'll be able to sort out the things that actually matter and the things that don't matter in the slightest.

Not sure why you're acting so superior to me when your only motivation is the fact that you feel poor.







>He doesn't have any skills
he says in the video he day trades

Honestly I'm starting to think I should go short on the alts. Seems like easy money...

i agree that he's a retard (just look at his twitter feed) but you're way too salty, get a grip

this is the average biz user, folks. he likely lives in his mom's basement with less than 500$ per month