Why doesn't Veeky Forums recommend recomping for beginners...

Why doesn't Veeky Forums recommend recomping for beginners? Strength gains are easy to make without getting fat and if you accidently overeat/undereat one day you can easily reverse it the next day.

Bulking/cutting should be reserved for people who lift more than a year

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Any links to routines I should follow if I want to do this?

Pic isn't a great example; that's not a recomp, that's roids. Look at his delts

Well fess it up op. Give some guides or links then

What's recomping?

>fess up
d-do I know you?

Recomping is a pretty good way to spin your wheels.

All beginners should run a slow cut until they are between 12 and 15% bodyfat while lifting heavy.

They will make strength gains which will come in handy providing adequate stimulation for the bulking period

Because that's not fucking recomping you nerd, that's building muscle from a skinny base. Recomping is trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, which is mostly a waste of time because beginners can't commit hard enough to actually do that, and they won't see great results.

Give a fatty a routine that will allow him to lose weight, and allow him to see results, and he'll be a fitness nut for the rest of his changed life.


ffs, eat at fucking maintenance, gain no weight, lose no weight. Turn your fat lard ass into muscle.

not cutting, or bulking, simply eating maintenance for a long period of time.

just floating in a space of general "hey. maybe i'll make some gains today. maybe not. but atleast i'm not getting fatter"

Is that all? That sounds fucking stupid FUCK YOU OP REEEEEEEEEEEE

if you already have a decent amount of muscle and just some fat over it, it isnt stupid. But for a beginner it is retarded.

what is best for skinnyfat 20lbs overweight? just getting into lifting but motivation will not be problem


Why don't you get laid instead, user?

answer these trips now

its been answered like 5 times in this thread, and common fucking sense or a google search should yield you pretty good results as well

I'm skinnyfat, do I recomp by just eating maintenance and lifting?

recomping is not eating at maintenance. recomping is eating at a deficit while keeping protein very high and training very intensely. it's effective if you're untrained or >20% bodyfat.

>eating at a deficit
Isn't that fucking cutting then

you're building muscle and losing bodyfat, so it's recomping. calorie-wise, yes it's cutting.

fun fact, you can recomp on a bulk too with steroids.

If anything, beginners would be able to stick to recomping since they don't have the will power to consistently eat less/more in a cut/bulk. Noob gains will show A LOT for the average skinny fat person

any tips for skinnyfat guy recomping?

should i still do protein powder on rest days? not sure if it's worth the extra calories

Stop shilling your shitty fucking book, no one wants to buy it when I can guarantee that every single piece of advice in it can be found for free on the internet.

Also, not fitness related faggot.

Beginners should stick to slow perma bulking for at least two years, no you won't get fat retard. 'recomp' is just a way of doing things way slower

but im 20lbs overweight

>should i still do protein powder on rest days?
buddy, time to start counting calories. you need 0.8g/lb of protein every single day, especially on rest days.

fuck i know but that seems more than i could ever get through food alone. i guess i need the protein shakes then

Lurking faggot reporting in, what kind of roids would I need to take to look like OPs pic?

WHAT IS EATING MAINTENANCE HOW DO YOU NOT GAIN OR LOSE WEIGHT IF YOU'RE EXERCISING? Do you just eat more than usual and the exercising just balances it out?

If I'm 25% body fat should I recomp or just cut? I have some muscle.

if you're bulking you could easily get most of that through food. The issue is if you're cutting.

So, there's this thing called "TDEE" or Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It's a rough estimate of how many calories you burn in a day. You can use a calculator like tdeecalculator.net to help determine this. (important to note that it's not set-in-stone and the exercise inputs are uneducated guesses at-best).

To bulk or cut you need to eat at calories above or below that number, giving you either a deficit (which causes your body to burn fat reserves, thus weight loss) or a surplus (which the body can use for muscle/mass generation).

Maintenance is eating more-or-less the same amount you burn, therefore no surplus or deficit. This way you neither gain fat nor gain muscle, though this can be beneficial for recomposition, which is basically a very slow process of the body converting fat to muscle. I wouldn't recommend it unless you are okay with your current body and don't mind a long transformation.

cut for the love of christ and never rise above 20% ever again