Be at the bar

>be at the bar
>this guy rolls up and slaps your gf's ass
What do you do Veeky Forums?


Aww poor dude, I couldn't hit a guy with a sense of humor like that.

Applaud his initiative.

*Aktion T4 him*

fucking dead weight

Have my girl give him an hj

Place her on a nearby stair.

Push his chair over

Nothing, I ain't messing with someone who's been on such a long bulk

>Sense of humor
>Engineering degree at a good school
>Broad smile
>Out and doing things in public
>Hockey fan (the most patrician sport)

This guy is a more complete human being than 90% of this shithole

Commend his superb imagination.

If he can imagine the exact same thing as I do, then he could possibly be my friendoh!

Would need to have words around boundaries with my imaginary girlfriend though.

This guy makes me want Tinder, but for friends

Rip his lazy ass off that chair and throw him from a roof so his fat body splatters on the ground then I go and piss on the remains

>good school
>starts with "U" but isn't upenn

>pull him out his chair
>get in chair
>set to ride off cliff
> jump out at last second
> walk away from explosion without looking back
>slap my gf's ass

>University of Michigan

>state schools
lmao fuck off ponduk state u alumni

ivy league or bust faggot

lmfao git gud nigga

>my gf


Make him brain dead

>that bio
lmao that's pretty good

why u making fun of this kid OP?


How does this relate to fitness?

But UCLA is better than UPenn

The fact that this guy is comfortable enough to joke about his situation, and confident enough to create a tinder makes him more of a man than 90% of you autists lurking on Veeky Forums.

Complete his disability

Brain deader*

>Ivy league schools
>good for math/science/engineering
Pick one unless it's cornell

Go up stairs

>good school
>38% Acceptance rate

He doesn't go to a top 20 school

Rugby is the most patrician sport. Hockey is #2.

You know he cant get hard right if thats a spinal injury?

Poor dude, he can slap her ass all he wants.

Basically WHEELBOY is eating your girlfriend's pussy while you're at the gym

Probably say "what the fuck did you just do?", then walk away without doing anything else. He has a hard enough life as it is.

I want to be his friend. Seems like a genuinely nice dude. Help him slim down (purely dieting), then get him to get fucking jacked waist up, we'll have Joe Swanson on our hands.

Pic related, it's doable. Nick has a good personality and mindset, just needs the body.

Honestly I find it hard to find that an issue

He cant get aroused, he cant pop a boner, to him it would be like shoving a wet sponge in his mouth with no benefit.